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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. 6. N.Jones 5. Sylvia 4. McDonald 3. Grimes 2. Clark 1. Viney
  2. Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter...
  3. ^^Absolutely. Quotes: “I was glad it all happened this week, because I really wanted to show the faith that I have in the club and where we’re heading. I’m definitely not heading anywhere, and I’m sticking to it." “It hasn’t been a good week at all for the Dees, but I’m absolutely pumped to sign for another three years after this year, and I couldn’t be happier.” “I really wanted to show my support towards the club in a week like this. I pushed for it to get done this week, because I thought it’d be a good week to do it. It had been in the pipeline for a couple of weeks.” Well done Jack.
  4. From this: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/teams/essendon-coach-james-hird-is-vulnerable-to-sanction-by-the-afl/story-e6frf9l6-1226618594524 Coaches and club officials are allowed to take prohibited substances under Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority guidelines* but not traffic or administer drugs to players. "Coaches can be captured under the WADA code, the rules are very specific surrounding coaches and their influence over players in the taking of illegal substances on the WADA list," - Vlad.
  5. Oh, that was you! Yes, hence me bringing it up in this thread - obviously the reference was too subtle to portray my actual opinion on the matter but that should at least be out of the way now.
  6. Nice run down thanks. You really are missing your sense of humour though - he could have "your name" tattooed on his left butt cheek for all I care
  7. I sincerely hope we are not considered eligible for another priority pick within my lifetime.
  8. Poll ready - knock yourselves out. (I'm on the fence leaning towards yes)
  9. I guess that's the point. To quote one of my favourite traitors - "Even blind Freddy would have been able to see that". So was there no instruction from the box or was that instruction being ignored?
  10. Why was Jamar allowed to continually attack from the same angle at every bounce, only to get kneed in the chest whilst the ball sailed into the hands of the Bummer's mids? We could have had JC himself in the centre and it would have made FA difference.
  11. http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/26035-non-negotiables/ 2 years on and we still don't appear close to having them!
  12. C'mon, where's your sense of sentimentalism? An aside - where's Ratten these days?
  13. I can see your point but in this case I think I'd need to understand a reason why he doesn't fit the strategy. (although Royal may be one)
  14. I think we should be flexible and intelligent enough to not throw the baby out with bathwater...(or in this case the "idea" of bringing the baby back) No way was Jr anything but a good influence on the MFC culture and in IMO he epitomises many of the traits we are sorely missing (from what we see on field in any case). Perhaps this is an emotional viewpoint, but perhaps that's not a bad thing.
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