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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. Because we didn't have a lot of it and when we did, we were trying to string together the handballs (usually to teammates under pressure) and ultimately turning it over quickly. We were clearly trying to avoid blindly throwing it onto the boot (which is about all I had seen the previous 2 weeks). Howe was the only player over 20 possessions because he was desperate and worked his ass off. If we could clone him we'd have very little to worry about. They may be lacking confidence, but they will need to work a hell of a lot harder if any kind of "game plan" is going to come off for them.
  2. Neeld is trying to address various problems in stages - as I said earlier (EDIT - stated in another thread) he can't fix our horror list of issues simultaneously so it's baby steps. A defensive mindset was the biggest and first to be addressed. Ball movement is on the agenda as stated by Leigh Brown before the game. I believe people who have pigeon holed Neeld as bringing "THE Collingwood gameplan" are drastically over simplifying and underestimating him - and at such an early stage. I was on the members wing and saw Watts contesting marks - not sure of the one you are talking about specifically. I'll try and spot it on replay if I can bring myself to go there...
  3. Not suggesting otherwise WYL, but we aren't always the most objective/realistic!
  4. Or maybe he's been reading Demonland? Good points WYL.
  5. Yep, it's gonna take more time and we are in for some severe growing pains. Next revelation... We should see improvement across the board in the second half of the season.
  6. I was frustrated to I note numerous occasions on the weekend that he was in space in the corridor and calling for the ball, only to be overlooked (probably unnoticed actually) for a ridiculous kick to a contest along the boundary line or a handball into trouble. I accept that our game plan / ball movement is in the middle of a complete overhaul. My point is, as we see this team develop (yes it is going to happen) JW is going to have us on our feet.
  7. He is something for us to be really positive about. Gave his all today.
  8. Do those who question Neeld at this early stage really think that anyone in football could have turned this rabble into a winning side over the pre-season? Would they rather have had Dean Bailey behind the wheel? It may be that we have gone backwards, but perhaps that is completely neccessary in order to move forward. We can't fix everything at once and we are a mere three rounds in. Behind the scenes they are working on a list of problems - and there are plenty of them. We have heard the new coach talking about trying to work on being more defensive for example - that doesn't happen overnight and no amount game day tweaking is going to instate this any quicker. I heard Leigh Brown on Grandstand before the game today. He was talking about our ball movement being the next focus and that they would working on some aspects of that today. Again, this will be no mean feat to implement and those of us able to look past the humiliation of today's defeat should have seen some beginnings of this change starting to happen. They over-corrected at times and overused of the ball but again this should be expected. In addition to the seemingly long list of on-field problems Neeld and his team have inherited, he has had the off field distractions and a major meltdown across the board from our senior players to contend with. Add to this some serious holes in our list and I think common sense should tell all of us what we are seeing is no surprise. We are long suffering but we should be rational given our current set of circumstances. These are not excuses and of course Neeld will ultimately be accountable, but lets pay some respect to the magnitude of the mess he has taken on.
  9. Tricky

    Game Day

    Likewise. Nice day here at the G. Perfect conditions. Go Dees.
  10. This describes the Bummers for me. I'm always happy enough to see Joffa having sulk.
  11. Assume your being facetious...but that would be Cale. Let's hope we see a big one from him tomorrow.
  12. Holy s*^t - is that optimism? It's contagious cowboy! Ok, I'm in - we've got this - Dees by 5.
  13. Looks like they're feeling confident. http://www.theaustra...7-1226324311087 Damn, gonna have to watch TFS
  14. Let's hope Cam has sent a friend request to the CEO's facebook account before signing anything.
  15. ooooh man do we some good news right about now
  16. That's the one I heard - well done to that young man.
  17. Sure the $ had nothing to do with it?
  18. I'd forgive you of anything with that Avatar.
  19. Maurie, RobbieF raised his concerns at the time of the sponsorship announcement - hardly hindsight.
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