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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. Go F*&K yourself, San Diego. B)
  2. It's a lot easier to be patient if you are confident in the direction in which you are heading... I can't say I am at this point.
  3. Yes watching us get flogged sucks.. a lot. I'm yet to be convinced changing coaches (to the caretakers mentioned above) will be of any benefit. How can you be any surer? You use very emotive language but this won't serve to convince anyone you have a rational argument.
  4. If i follow the thread correctly, the plan would be to instate Craig or T.Viney as caretaker... Ideally I think Neeld should remain for the season, but I am unsure how many more 100+ floggings he can survive - the pessimist (or perhaps realist) in me predicts more coming.
  5. I'm not going to criticise either Jones or Sylvia because they have both been having a real crack despite our season from hell, but... I think you need to re-watch yesterday's game because I saw Jones caught HTB numerous times yesterday trying to do too much.
  6. I was watching their pre-match drop punt drill closely before the match and estimated that less than 50% were hitting their man... I've seen junior sides with far better precision.
  7. Just want to clarify where the reliable leaks are actually coming from. Demonland? Please clarify.
  8. Really - have you tallied the posters? You could always start a poll instead of declaring the majority as the view that you agree with... Personally I don't think it's that cut & dry at all.
  9. Certainly not unbelievable. One of the more mainstream speculations (and criticisms) going around to explain our on-field chaos has been that he went "all in" with the gameplan rather than implement a measured transition - or at least one more suited to the current cattle.
  10. The sane minority it would seem. Hard not to be cynical, if we can achieve that then it will be the first time we've seen it this year. Not expecting it.
  11. Nate says: thanks peeps - yeeeeoooowwww
  12. Personally, I wish we still had Beamer, but for me, the difference is NJ is still leaving it all out there, flogging after flogging.
  13. I agree it sure must be character building for Jones, and yet he still gives his all and has somehow managed to continue to develop. I really admire that.
  14. I have no argument with that other than to say that a high profile, club champion like the Ox will have many demands on his time. Like any valuable resource he should be used wisely, and in the capacity that will yield the greatest return for the club and also suit him. It's not for us to demand where he start and if left to demonland posters he would already be manning the phones, running the FD and club president. This should in no way insinuate that the work you all do to canvass lapsed members is anything less than invaluable.
  15. I'm fairly certain the man has less time on his hands than you. But hey, you got another plug in for yourself. Yawn.
  16. You're not alone Deeoldfart.
  17. This is all very rational . The problem is that it looks more like a bunch of blokes trying to bury the coach. Either that or they are trying to work for a coach who has NFI and the entire club is (edit: "going") backwards as a result. It's a horrible mess and something has to give.
  18. Well you know what they say about assumptions being the mother of all f' ups - would explain a lot.
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