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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. Yes, I see you added your middle ground scenario in a later post. The instigator would not have been dealt with - he is co-owner of EW. Of course we don't have another sponsor 'waiting in the wings' (for the predictable moments such as these) however, as others have suggested, maintaining an association such as this would do more harm than good. I think you will find that the other establishments in our predicament will also take this viewpoint. Some of his crap was directed at our own FFS and you would accept an apology. $ or not, that is weak.
  2. So your solution then is 'let it slide cause we need the cash'. Those kind of ethics have a habit of biting you on the ass.
  3. And that is exactly why we must end the association.
  4. All this talk of due diligence - that applies to the company's position, not the personal facebook account of the CEO FFS. You have a right to be [censored] off, but it would be misguided to direct it at the club on this.
  5. I agree EW must go, but give the club a chance.
  6. This belongs in the thread you started earlier today....
  7. You can watch it here http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2012/s3470438.htm
  8. I was reasonably satisfied with his 2011. And he played more than 3 good games. I don't recall seeing anything as poor as his performance on Saturday. You said earlier that he overrates himself, but I think maybe you are overrating him. I don't expect him to consistently turn games like a Judd but I still believe he is important to our group - at least for this season. His best isn't brilliant but it's solid and we need it.
  9. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/2011%20best%20and%20fairest/tabid/18426/default.aspx
  10. Which bit? I think we all agree he is no A Grader. But to say he continues to not perform? I guess we just don't agree on that.
  11. How many chances have we given him? Wasn't that round 1? It was really bad but this kind of talk seems ott.
  12. Pretty sure he aint no rocket scientist and he aint no Chris Judd either. I hear you re: Saturday - unequivocally unacceptable, but I'm not going to say he's crap and isn't important for us. We need to get his best out of him.
  13. Not disagreeing necessarily but wonder what specifically about his attitude you are referring to?
  14. I disagree. It's hard not to read into his attitude etc after such a poor performance on the weekend - it was totally depressing - but let's not get carried away. He is no champion but he has been a proud player, a strong leader and is very important in our developing team. Let's reassess after a few more games at least.
  15. The Southern Stand has been given a nice facelift and they have extended the bar in the Hassett room, along with the addition of some new LCD screens But seriously, this thread was needed Striker.
  16. Absolutely agree. Regardless of the rumors - the stats from Sat show Beamer with ZERO marks and 2 tackles. Staggering.
  17. Tricky


    "Jamar was smashed in the ruck"... as was SM! Should we need to play a KF as ruck over two bona fide ruckmen? Clark was playing up the ground a lot of the time and Watts was moved deep at times. Rivers' strength is the loose / 3rd man reading the play - I wouldn't be isolating that weakness over our mids getting smashed. I don't think any match day tinkering could have overcome the chaos I was witnessing.
  18. Think i got a bit carried away. Can i chane to 16 th??
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