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Everything posted by Chook

  1. It's probably a good thing that McDonald isn't coming back any time soon. There's still too much baggage there. And as for the Roos successor situation, it's not like we're going to hire 4 or 5 homogenous guys and name one of them as the next Godfather. Instead we're picking (along with a few other coaches) a "senior assistant." This is someone whose responsibilities are likely to be very large right from the get-go. By his own admission (SEN interview), Roos said that he does not have the in-depth day-to-day understanding that your average coach does; he has just been out of the game too long. For this reason, he will be hiring a super-assistant to help him and eventually take over from him in 2-3 (or more) years time. I think the move is brilliant, because it says to the very best aspiring senior coaches in the making "come here if you want a guaranteed head position." Where else will you get that offer? The best in the business would be lining up to get a crack at a guaranteed job, with the added bonus of being able to see how the best man-manager in the history of footy goes about building a unified team.
  2. You're looking at it wrong. It's not a blue, red and white jumper; it's blue and red on a white background. White isn't the paint, it's the canvas. . .. ... .... That's what I'm telling myself anyway
  3. That would be a big promotion for Yze. I'm pretty sure he's just a runner at Hawthorn.
  4. And Roosy (oh God I'm doing it now too) gave the obvious response: "Because even though I might not be here in 5 years, in a couple of months time he'll know exactly who will be." Can you make that statement about any other club? I don't think so.
  5. Paul Roos and Mike Sheehan in Melbourne colours. Life is good!
  6. I have to say I picked it after his first NAB Cup game. If I recall, he was into everything that day and if his kicking had gone a little straighter, he would have finished with two or three goals. As a midfielder, that's a very good return.
  7. I think if we're being honest with ourselves, the only players on that list who would not make our team immediately would be Cale Morton and perhaps Ricky Petterd. If those others were the only players we could get, then we'd try to get all of them. But lucky for us there's about seven hundred other players to pick from, all of whom would be free of the baggage of having played for Melbourne before. So, none would be my answer.
  8. I didn't know you were so patient, Bub.
  9. What about supporters who are man enough to admit they don't know yet?
  10. It's bad Karma to point out how "bad" other people are. If you really believe in Karma, then the best thing to do is let things work themselves out and not draw attention to the payback that's coming. If you do, you might just pick up a little bad Karma yourself. The utmost level of irony is to say that Karma is a female dog. Anyone who does that is setting themselves up for a fall.
  11. It doesn't reinforce anything other than the fact that Oliver Wines is currently the better player. Taken in isolation, Melbourne made a mistake. But the fact that Toumpas supporters can't point to any evidence of him being a better player is not an indication of anything yet; the sample size of games is simply too small. Recruiters do not have the job of picking the player who will perform best in their first year; their job is to pick the best long-term prospect. That may turn out to be Oliver Wines, but to say that Wines is "there" implies that the best that could be hoped for from Toumpas would be to match him. Did you ever stop to think that Wines is already at (or near) his best, while Toumpas' version of "there" is likely miles ahead of Wines'? Had we made the reverse decision, what would you have said in five years time when Wines were Moloney Mk II and Toumpas were Scott Pendlebury the Second? "Oops. I guess I was wrong on that one. Maybe next time I won't blow my load so quick." I doubt it, since you be too busy complaining about the next long-term prospect we pick up.
  12. I can see us picking Scully, Trengove and Gysberts ahead of Fyfe (which is not to say that they're better players). Scully and Trengove were universally rated as better prospects, and Gysberts was the archetypal "in three years he'll be good" player (which we all know Melbourne loves). But Tapscott? With him, you knew what you were getting from day one. How the brains trust ever saw anything other than a fringe footballer with him is, as you say, mind boggling.
  13. It would be about as hilarious as your average episode of the Big Bang Theory, which is to say it would be tragic and sad and altogether vomit-inducing.
  14. Clearly Jimmy Toumpas' inability to match Oliver Wines' performance in crunch finals is down to his soft-as-marshmallow attitude and general crapness. The fact that Melbourne finished 12 wins short of a finals berth has nothing to do with anything.
  15. He got his wish. Collingwood have a significantly larger break than they thought they would.
  17. What if there's no helping us? What if we destroy Paul Roos' reputation and ruin the career of another would-be coach before it's even started? What happens then?
  18. You bet. It's better than fearing the worst. To put it into perspective, Jack Grimes played one game in his first year, and that was due to his chronic back problems. We don't regret drafting him do we? Jimmy Toumpas had hip surgery that interrupted his pre-season, and yet he still played over a dozen games. Give him time and he'll show what he was drafted for.
  19. And then when Johnny Picktwo is tearing it up for Port and Ollie Wines is suffering from second year blues, who then do we blame?
  20. There's a flaw in your desire for Richmond to lose; it would require that you desire Carlton to win. And that I cannot abide in a Melbourne supporter.
  21. I think his crazy Channel Seven intro has driven a lot of people off. I suspect he'd be much better behind closed doors than in front of a television camera.
  22. My inside sources tell me the reason Abbot beat Rudd was that half the country voted for some guy called Roos. Go figure.
  23. We always lose when we wear the other one too, but nobody pays out on that jumper.
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