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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Maybe he saw a dollar down there.
  2. Are you accusing Frawley of tanking? That'll go over well in our bid for draft compensation.
  3. Yes yes yes a thousand times yes. This is our chance to semi-rectify our James McDonald mistake. Who cares if he can't play 22 games next year. Let him teach the younger players around him.
  4. Frawley's country boy loyalty might actually work against us then. Leaving for less money than he's worth to play alongside someone else who ALSO left us for less than he's worth. Free agency, folks.
  5. While I can't speak to the accuracy of your entire post, that last paragraph gave me pause for thought. If we're always matching up our players on opponents so that they can "learn something", we'll never be able to let those players transition into players OTHER coaches use as learning tools. When was the last time we matched up all our players on whichever opponent we think will have the hardest time coping with US? Isn't that how you win a game? By making the enemy uncomfortable, not by making yourself uncomfortable?
  6. I would think the opportunity to see Gawn, Jamar, Dawes, Pedersen, Frawley and Fitzpatrick all in the same side would be a little more alluring than that.
  7. Even a small pocket will let all your money out if it has a hole in it. Confucius say.
  8. i like james frawley his got big guns and his a country lad too. also chips are my favourite
  9. Chook


    So that's it. The players are refusing to work on religious grounds.
  10. Chook


    I honestly believe that if Collingwood supporters had dealt with what we've dealt with these past eight years, there would have been at least one murder directly attributable to the players' performance (possibly a murder of a player).
  11. Yes, no, no, yes. Next.
  12. I doubt you would afford Mark Neeld the same latitude.
  13. Drop Dawes and keep Watts? What message are you trying to send here?
  14. Says you. This is fantasy land where every pick is a star and every traded pick is still at the club, playing alongside whoever we traded him for.
  15. Now that it's becoming more of a reality, I'd like to revise my opinion to "very." Very very very upset.
  16. Or if we can find 40 players who would kill their own mother for a taste of victory.
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Pathetic and disgusting...
  18. My favourite is Jeddah Jeez.
  19. Fill a glass of water to the brim and then slowly tip it out until there's nothing left. That's how my belief in Chris Dawes' ability has waned over the past 10 weeks.
  20. Do you think Nathan Jones needs talking to? Do you think Matt Jones deserves talking to? One will be here next year. The other won't. It's as simple as that.
  21. No priority picks. No extra financial assistance. Simply sink or swim on your love for the club. If we sink, then so be it.
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