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Everything posted by Chook

  1. That Brisbane Lions coaching box is so inbred it's unbelievable. Basically all their coaches are ex-lions.
  2. Nice tackle from Jack Watts. Too bad it doesn't matter anymore.
  3. What the f- was Jack Watts thinking with that handpass.
  4. JKH has messed up a couple of crucial loose balls for us. Needs to stand up.
  5. Injuries have cruelled us this game. McDonald, Pedersen, Tapscott. If we can somehow win this game, I'll be mightily proud.
  6. Frawley switched back because McDonald is off. How the hell are we supposed to kick the 1 or 2 more goals we need now? God it would suck to lose this game.
  7. Alestair Lynch is barracking for the Lions so hard.
  8. Dog spoil from Merret there. Can no longer question Cam Pedersen's courage in the slightest.
  9. I cannot believe that Rohan Bail just kicked that. That's 9.3 for him this year from set shots. Surely that can't be right. I thought he was a total spud!!!
  10. Jones has been fantastic in the clinches all day today.
  11. Funnily enough, this is the best time I've had watching us play in a while. But if we lose, my joy will turn to ashes in my mouth.
  12. What an absolutely massive goal kicked on the 3qtr time siren.
  13. "Everyone in the stadium payed that free kick except for the umpire." So we've finally just cut the umpires out of the equation. About time.
  14. Kent you f-ing clown. I love you but that was pathetic.
  15. How can an able-bodied human being fall over as often a Jack Watts does?
  16. We need clown music more than we need commentary.
  17. And after all that work, scores are level again. Will we score another goal today?
  18. Watching Sam Blease run is like sex. Watching Sam Blease kick is like a punch in the balls.
  19. McKenzie with the towering mark! I just knew he'd miss that goal...even from there.
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