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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Jack Grimes is the player who keeps on giving. Rewards the footy department and his team-mates by playing well. Rewards VFL watching Melbourne supporters by carrying his VFL form into AFL level. Rewards the haters by giving them someone to deride. Good Guy Grimes.
  2. I actually like the line "The Dockers appeared to get through the loss unscathed." (Apart from y'know...losing of course).
  3. Well if the Melbourne players are trying to stop getting too excited over a win, this is a very good way to do it. Most boredom inducing 5 goal victory I've seen from us in a while. But we had the game on ice after the first quarter and coasted for the rest of the match. How often have other teams (including Freo) done that to us in the past?
  4. Not sure whether I should be bored or frustrated.
  5. You know your MFCSS is terminal when you no longer even need to be losing for it to kick in.
  6. How could we have had absolute dominance for 3 and a half quarters? It's only 3 quarter time.
  7. Tom McDonald has played a really nice game tonight. I thought he'd lost "it" but evidently "it" is still there somewhere.
  8. That Hogan v Dawson contest had shades of Dawson v Rocca all those years ago.
  9. Is it too much to ask for us to not let geriatrics kick bags against us?
  10. Vince still out there, still battling hard. Good pickup he was.
  11. Petracca did just as badly from exactly the same position. Didn't turn it over in the backline though.
  12. Kent's having a ripper night. What a weird time to suddenly up your work ethic like he has. Personally, I'd pick somewhere other than a moist 30 degree Darwin climate to do that.
  13. So Bernie Vince is still out there, but running at about 10% capacity because of that leg injury.
  14. Is this the night when Jack Watts announces himself?
  15. Jack Watts' bodywork has improved dramatically this year. It's his weakest attribute, and he has taken great strides in improving it.
  16. Was he out there? I watched the game and I honestly never saw him once.
  17. Never shuts up though. I have to press the mute button to hear anything else.
  18. The part about having a fist. Either you've got one or you don't.
  19. Pretty sure that song was a satire on racism, and not to be taken seriously.
  20. Ok this is one of the most perfect things I've ever seen.
  21. Because any team who wins 4 premierships in a row is clearly not a member of an equalised competition.
  22. Yeah. Great idea. While we're at it, we can become the Etihad Football Club as well. Our mascot could be an overpriced hot dog and some light beer.
  23. Chemist: That glass is half full of a mixture of alcohol, sugars, and water; and half full of a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases.
  24. I was wondering how long it would be until it was ok to start blaming Jack Trengove for losses again…..
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