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Everything posted by Chook

  1. That would require either team turning on their accuracy. How likely is that, honestly?
  2. Our twin towers forward line of Jack Watts and Aaron Vandenberg is just unstoppable today(!).
  3. He took that mark and kicked that goal and went "Right, that's my coin earned for the year."
  4. Melbourne supporters are fed up. They're actually booing their own team for their stupidity. Meanwhile Jason Dunstall is going skiing.
  5. Jack Watts kicks for goal and 30 seconds later takes a goal-saving mark in the backline. Now that's effort.
  6. Didn't catch him in the head and both players were off the ground before the ball was in the area.
  7. WHAT is going on with Bernie Vince right now? Horrific decision.
  8. Bernie Vince is elite at giving away stupid free kicks.
  9. Vandenberg with another! Egg on my face right now.
  10. Petracca has a lot of Dustin Martin about him (minus the bogan attitude and neck tatts).
  11. Commentators are currently rubbishing our players for their chronic poor vision. Finally they're catching on to something we tragics have known forever. No vision problems from Petracca though.
  12. Credit to Vandenberg. He is a good mark for his size. Nails the goal too.
  13. Max Gawn has had literally four times as many hitouts as every other player on the ground combined.
  14. Last week we played last year's Grand Finallists on their turf. This week we're playing Gold Coast.
  15. Chris Dawes is such a spud…except when he finally gets good delivery like a normal forward should.
  16. This post belongs in the Melbourne v West Coast matchday thread.
  17. He's doing great. I'm a fan. Just, I don't think full-forward is really his bag.
  18. Opinion: If the padding on the goalposts isn't enough to stop someone getting injured when they hit it, there isn't enough padding on the goalposts.
  19. I've never rated Vandenberg as highly as everyone else here seems to. His disposal is Matt Jones-like.
  20. Why is Jack Watts our full-forward while Jesse Hogan is our winger?
  21. There's still a month of footy left and half our side looks like they're in Bali already.
  22. "It's a long season and our boys just looked tired from the long trek over the Nullarbor." — Paul Roos, about 2 hours from now.
  23. 186 looking like a massive chance of being broken at this rate.
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