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Everything posted by Bring-Back-Powell

  1. I was referring to the Melbourne V Port round 1 game, not all of Port games. But you're right, Port did play a good brand of footy last year, involved in lots of high scoring close game. Not sure if they'll play finals again though.
  2. You actually watched the Port, Essendon and most of West Coast games.You sir deserve a medal for bravery. As for Pedo, you'd say 10 games this year would be a good result for both he and club.
  3. Always good to hear about extensions but the M Jones one surprises me. Some here can't even see him getting a game this year.
  4. If boring tempo footy gives us a few wins this year, then bring it on.
  5. Seems odd to have our first offical intra-club game after our first Nab Cup game V's Richmond. Would be around Feb 5 you'd think.
  6. Some transparancy re: Clark would be good. Why has he not been training this week? Has he still got that hamstring injury or ongoing foot problems or both.
  7. Jamar still in rehab eh... Seriously has this bloke done a thing since 2011? Anyone get the feeling Spencer will be our number 1 ruckman for 2014?
  8. I was thinking the exact same thing. Surely it would make more sense to have the speculative Hunt as a rookie and the stock-standard TAC CUP under 18's footballer in Harmes as late ND pick. Maybe we received some some intelligence that another club was looking at Hunt after us in the draft.
  9. This was the game we all thought McLean would be an all time great for the club. A very unexpected win given our previous finals performances of 04 and 05.
  10. Two finals losses in 2 years (1990 & 1991) to West Coast at Waverley is not something to be proud of. Thrashed in both games IIRC.
  11. I don't see the dilemma as most of that group can't even get onto the paddock.
  12. Would have we been a chance to beat Carlton in the big one? Did we beat Carlton during the season?
  13. Always wondered what went wrong in 1992 given we'd played finals footy from 1987-1991. We certainly had the talent in the side. Bennett, Jakovich and Lovell up front. Viney, Tingay, Stynes, the Lovetts Febeys and Obst formed a quality midfield. The season started promising enough with a good 2 goal win over grand finalist Geelong at the MCG. However the next week supporters started smelling a rat with a 9 point loss to Adelaide on a very hot Sunday arvo at Princes Park (the first of many home games there) when we were heavy favourites. After that the season went on a downward spiral. We put in a shocker against Celler dweller Richmond, then spanked by the Pies on the holiday Monday and blew that infamous 48 point lead to Essendon at the G. If that wasn't bad enough the boys could only muster a draw Vs wooden spooner Sydney. The season was shot at 1-4-1. Following a couple of beltings at Waverley (hawks and blues) the boys finally had a breakthrough win over North on a wet Saturday at the G. After that the dees picked up their form and won 5 of their last 12 games. Highlights included a win in Adelaide and a magnifinent thrilling triumph at Vic Park. However overall, a 7-14-1 season was considered a poor result given our success of the previous 5 years. It was pretty much the start of a very mediocre 1990s for the club. So my questions for the older scribes here: Basically what went wrong? Were we highly fancied going into the year? Eg. grand final chance Did we not have the list to play finals? Had Northey run his course? Keen to read your thoughts on 1992.
  14. After reading this thread, you'd think fox footy were showing re-runs of the 1973 ballet world championships or the 1967 tiddlywinks open rather than footy. It's not that bad guys. They're showing footy 24/7 and that's good enough for me.
  15. Seemed like a ripping character/bloke off the field whenever interviewed. Did you get that impression?
  16. Yeah it was round 18 2008. He then backed they up with a 30 + possession game 2 weeks later against West Coast. He impressed in 08 and 09. A footballing tradegy that he's out of the game altogether. How does a bloke with so much natural talent fall out of the game by 23. It wasn't if he was a poor character.
  17. Who cares about the morality of it all. If it helps us get on the field any given Saturday, then bring it on!
  18. The difference between Vince and Sylvia in professionalism: Vince arrives for pre season in good nick, often being mentioned as one of our better trainers according to reports. Sylvia rocks up for Freo training in questionable condition. His performance on the track and ability to keep up with his new teammates has been that poor that the club has decided he'd be better off training alone to try and catch up with his teammates.
  19. People keep referring to "who will be THE small forward for round 1"? Don't you need 2 small forwards? E.G - Ballantyne and Walters. So I see Byrnes, JKH, Blease and Kent fighting for 2 positions. I would say Byrnes would be the most likely starter. He needs to lift next year. Thought he was an overall disappointment last year.
  20. Been saying all along that Garland will be one of the skippers.I reckon Jones and Grimes will be the other two. Pretty sure Roos had 3 skippers in Sydney's grand final years.
  21. Your thoughts on Pederson? I thought he was ok in 2013. If you ignore the head ducking incident of round 1, he was a decent servant for us in 2013. Provided good depth and had no dramas getting possessions and contested marks in defence. Got some coaches awards votes in the second GWS game. Can take a contested mark either forward in back. I think Pederson is underated around here and should provide solid depth next year.
  22. Thanks all the reports. Frawley has missed the last 3 or 4 sessions. Clark the last 2 or 3. I assume all good with these fellas.
  23. [quote name="Machsy" post="866827" timestamp="1387371437 It's about value-adding for members, creating incentive to get a membership where interest is waning for the cats. They're actually not in the best position financially atm.
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