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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Hey! We ARE NOT neanderthals here in snorbs. Meth heads? Yes. Shoplifters? Yes. People who sleep in other people’s toss-out? Sometimes. But we’re NOT Neanderthals! Besides, replacement buses on our line ended last night, we’re back to first-world travel!
  2. 🥳🥳🥳 GAMEDAY! 🥳🥳🥳 Us by lots
  3. Our round 24 game vs Sydney in Sydney will surely be The Buddy Show. Likely his last game ever. Makes me think it’ll be on the Saturday night rather than the Sunday.
  4. Brodie is on 193 games. I hope he plays his 200th this year. 🥹 Hibbo and Max are on 194. Barring anything unforeseen Max will play his 200th vs Hawthorn in round 23, our home game at the ‘G, which is also our BCNA Field of Woman match. Hibbo… who knows? Langers plays his 149th game tomorrow night. His 150th will be next Sunday vs the Crows in our home game at the ‘G. That is, barring injury or being rested, managed, omitted, dropped, dumped, 86d, jettisoned, kicked to the kerb or in any other way not there. 😁 There is acknowledgment of a milestone on tomorrow’s banner, but it’s not a player. It’s the 500th game of John Stanaway (father of Clint) who is a trainer and has been with the MFC since the 1990’s. This probs explains why Clint is a diehard Dees fan. He’s a cheer squad favourite and was actually in the cheer squad growing up. Oh and lil Spargypants is on 95 games. Nibs is on 144. It’ll be great to see them celebrate their milestones in five and six weeks (respectively) for the obvious reasons but also to annoy the “fans” who bag them week in and week out. Cheers Big Ears 🥳 🍻 😂
  5. Geelong, definitely Geelong. We must never barrack for Essendon. My doctor says it’s bad for our health.
  6. No, quite the opposite, LDvA. He wanted to be a one-club player. Around the middle of last year (mid-season trade period) I suggested he shop around because I couldn’t guarantee him another year at my club. With my blessing he checked out another club’s facilities but signing on would’ve meant he’d have to remain in Victoria and he had decided it was either remain in Victoria but only if it was in my club, or return to Western Australia to live with his mum (sound familiar? 😆)
  7. No, rpfc. No they can’t. Even in matters other than footy. For example, I didn’t drop/dump my ex. He was being managed for a while then unfortunately in September last year he was delisted. 😁 I told him not to hang up his boots just yet since he’s not too old to be picked up by another club. 😁
  8. Sophie, one of our awesome DA leaders, is tossing the coin tomorrow night. Soph is not one to aggressively disparage opposition, especially individual players. However, when asked about how excited she is to be tossing the coin, she said she’s glad Zorko is no longer their captain since she doesn’t relish the thought of shaking hands with “that evil dwarf.” 😆
  9. This 128 point game is no laughing matter, gs!
  10. Counting Geelong, don’t you mean the four teams? But counting Geelong that’s eight premierships. So, the five include Adelaide and Freo neither of whom have won a premiership this century.
  11. Thank you for your explanation, Ryan. It’s a shame you weren’t here a couple of weeks ago; we could’ve avoided all the uninformed statements made. In particular, the glut of posts slagging off on our medical staff for their “mismanagement” and “poor handling” of Clarrie’s injury.
  12. I’d bring a plate… an empty one. 😁 And I’ll have you know, I CAN cook. It’s just that I don’t like cooking, nor am I any good at it. I’ve burnt the arze outta more pots than I care to remember. And there was that one time I set the kitchen on fire (true story). Anyways, that’s what Maccas and KFC and HJs are for.
  13. “Six teams have won the week after a coach has departed partway through a season in the last ten years.” Six teams. But out of how many?
  14. … and not just because I have a broken foot, amirite?!?! I finally got there, Tim 🥳
  15. Well Tim, you’d be so surprised you’re bordering on shock, right? OF COURSE CLUES ARE REQUIRED! That said, I have also PMd my attempt. 🙂
  16. Never mind on holiday, this proofreader’s on drugs. 😁
  17. I’d rather not see any of our players crumbling, in any position, Deeves. 😁 crumbing would be good though.
  18. Your brother wasn’t dreaming. Our storage facility is chock-full of old stuff, so much so that a couple of DA-ers have mini storage facilities aka their own houses. 😁 Things are repaired and/or rejuvenated and very little is ever tossed out.
  19. ”I can’t believe we lost to this mob!” I can’t believe ppl are still saying “I can't believe we lost to this mob!” *sigh* Once again…
  20. That was Jake’s 214th game in total, his 100th as a Demon. We don’t acknowledge a player’s Melbourne-only games tally. We acknowledge their total AFL games, which we did for his 200th last year. Besides, we’d never forget a milestone. 🙂
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