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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Geez, I can’t imagine what you’d say if you’d intended to be nasty. I just don’t understand how anyone with even just 10% of their synapses firing could seriously believe that in a multi-million dollar industry a club would retain in their employ a coach who “picks favourites.” Unless of course everyone involved is five years old.
  2. I thought I couldn’t possibly despise him any more than I already do. But, here we are.
  3. *massive sigh accompanied by a 360-degree eye roll* Isn’t this comment SO hackneyed that even you people who keep trotting it out are irritated by it? Also, you forgot the bit about Nibs having Goody’s dog or pics of Goody’s wife. If you’re gonna be nasty and childish, at least commit and do it thoroughly.
  4. Who’s crying now, Dorko? Karma’s a big ol’ biatch, huh chump?! You’re next, McCarthy.
  5. LOL. Their backing looks like faded plastic picnic tablecloths glued together, and the graphic… I don’t know what the hell that was, but close up it was tiny and unclear so I can only imagine how bad it looked from afar.
  6. Difference is she hangs up her Make Some Noise hat at the end of the match. I don’t. Just ask the poor unfortunates who were on my tram to the city. 🤣 As well as my long-suffering son who tried to pretend he was asleep when I got home. It didn’t work.
  7. Me reading the praising of Melksy in this thread…
  8. Congratulations on the birth of Remi, our newest little member! 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖 Only three days old and she got to ‘experience’ this epic match. The first of many for her celebrate, that’s for sure! ♥️💙
  9. We were taking the banner up the race ready to raise it. I was carrying a ‘grounding plate’ one of the two metal plates that spike into the turf into which the giant banner pole is inserted. This thing weighs a tonne and is very unwieldy. We never go onto the ground until every player has left the field after warmups. We were stopped at the top of the race and were told there was a player still on the field so we had to wait. That player was Melksy. Choco was directing him where to take set shots from and watching him intently. A couple of my comrades were antsy coz time limits and extremely heavy gear. Despite my arms and back screaming blue murder, I turned to one comrade and said, “All good, we don’t wanna rush Melksy. Him nailing his set shots tonight really matters.” My comrade did point out that I was just saying that because it was Melks, and he’s probably right, but I’m claiming it. I’m taking the credit. Y’all are welcome 😂 exit: also saw Chin and Brodie pregame in the race with some trainers. They were all in really good spirits. I yelled out “hey Chin!” and he laughed and waved and said, “hey! How’re goin?” The mood was awesome.
  10. Can we PLEASE just enjoy the win?! Even if just for tonight. How about we hold off on this type of comment until at least tomorrow. It’s not a big ask.
  11. I reckon Melksy is owed an apology from many, many Dees fans. Not me, of course. Well, not for bagging him as a player, because I’ve never done that. But maybe for creeping him out by declaring my undying love for him when he runs through the banner. 😁🙃😊🥰
  12. Two words… JAKE [censored] MELKSHAM!!! ♥️💙🥳♥️💙🥳♥️💙🥳♥️💙
  13. Same. I hate Zorko for what he did to Petts round 23 last year. I also hate Lincoln McCarthy for carrying on the taunting two weeks later, especially since that loss to them meant our campaign had ended. 😠
  14. Never read a Danielle Steel novel, never will. I just remember hearing about how in 75% of her novels the opening paragraph is a description of the weather.
  15. Hop off the couch and head out now, FB. It’s way more fun hating Brisbane when you’re here. 😃
  16. Sounds like the first paragraph of a Danielle Steel novel. 😝
  17. I usually cringe at these tributes. The profoundly solemn voiceover, the music swelling to a crescendo, it really is overdone. But not so with this one coz JV7 ♥️💙 We even get an echo at the end of this one! That’s some serious [censored] right there.
  18. Which confirms the fact that what our coaches and the Club in general are saying publicly shouldn’t be taken as gospel. It’s not mandatory for them to disclose the truth, so why would they? To appease the fans? I’d rather NOT know the whole truth, for if I know, the other 17 clubs know. I personally believe these “questionable” moves are being made with a view to having our strongest, fittest side possible come finals. And isn’t that what all of Goody’s detractors want? Or perhaps they enjoy regarding him as stubborn, pigheaded, unambitious, and so on and so forth. Hashtag damned if you do etc.
  19. Yeah but how much fun did we have during the power-out, DP?! Not knowing if play would resume so packing up giant heads, unpacking giant heads, furling flags, unfurling flags, booting Lions fans out of our bay (politely of course) all the while singing and dancing. That was the first time in forever where I didn’t cry after a loss!
  20. Totally! I mean, it’s not like those security guards are gonna catch you. Incidentally, re the guy who did the bare-chested pitch invasion a few weeks ago, the media reported that he was caught and fined. Yeah nah, he was on a tram home before those guards even made it to the boundary fence. 😆 Unless of course Jonny’s out in the middle…
  21. Oh, you have NO IDEA how much I want this to happen!
  22. Frees up a tonne of time though. No footy shows, no newspapers, no online articles etc. 😭
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