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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Thank you so much, D_I_O. It’s always nice to receive this type of praise, it’s very much appreciated. And you’re right, we are a supporter base of which to be proud. This pic is from Saturday’s match and it’s only part of our display. We also had floggers and giant heads. Yet again we played a team who didn’t have a banner to run through. 😞 They did have a guard of honour though. We had both. ❤️💙 Also very appreciative are the players themselves. When we roll up and carry off the banner after the girls have run through it, they’re usually warming up on the boundary. They pause to applaud us. They actually clap as we walk past. A very special group of people right there.
  2. Round 6 banner… THE PATH TO SUCCESS IS A ROCKY ROAD SOME REBUILD THE DEES RELOAD (Advertising on the back.)
  3. That’s pretty much me. You make this sound like a bad thing. Sure beats being a belligerent [censored]-stirrer.
  4. Oh, I love a debate. I even love a debate purely for the sake of a debate. However, in terms of against whom I’ll debate, I’m discerning. If I choose not to engage in debate with someone for whatever reason, or, as is the case here, multitude of reasons, I’ll facepalm them instead. Ergo, I facepalm you. PS: you said you suspect Rhino Richards and I are one and the same poster. Idk who Rhino Richards is but I’ll take that as a compliment. Thanks muchly!
  5. Oh, by no means am I minimising Bradbury’s feats. I’m a huge fan of his, and his story is one of courage and hard work paying off. He deserves Olympic gold. But as much as he might’ve guessed his opponents would skate too aggressively, he couldn’t possibly have made it happen, therefore there was an element of luck in play.
  6. Maysie or Maxy would’ve been ideal but the thug saw the opportunity to take out Gus and pounced on it… literally. After all, he didn’t know for sure he’d get an opportunity to flatten anyone in particular so he took the chance with the first situation which presented itself. If you were a thug you’d take out Max. If I was a thug, so would I. But Maynard’s not just any old thug, he’s a gutless thug, therefore an unaware player running at speed concentrating 100% on disposing of the ball was perfect for him.
  7. … or who are ‘on’ from the get-go and whom he knows will be a huge loss for the opposition.
  8. It had zero to do with his painful and debilitating ribs injury??? 🤔
  9. You’re actually attributing that comment Langers made to a form drop? That’s a ridiculous notion. Especially since the change in his form seemed to stem from the serious rib injury he sustained vs North. Besides, it’s not like these are terribly inflammatory comments. Geez, a team’s a bit precious to take offence at such weak barbs, especially to the point of meting out on-field punishment, all the while leaving their fans’ collective knickers in a knot. Anyways, the poster to whom I replied said Maysie’s comment about us being the better team was “dumb” - he didn’t say Maysie was dumb to have said it aloud. I agree with Maysie that we were the better team and since I know I’m not dumb, it’s safe to say nor is Maysie. As for Bradbury, he was genuinely good enough to make the final. Luck saw him win the final. Imo, not totally dissimilar to Collingwood’s experience. To say the team that wins the premiership is the best team because they won the premiership is nonsense. For example, had that botched advantage call not happened and Brisbane goaled thereby winning the premiership, would you still be saying Collingwood were the best team in it? Or would you deem Brisbane the best?
  10. Agree to disagree on that one. I’m fine with a player expressing his angst like this. Where’s the harm in it? If you say the harm is that it’ll spur Collingwood on, my response to that is who gives a F. If our success hinges on not saying anything provocative then we’re really not going to get far.
  11. I agree with Maysie. We were better than Collingwood. Steven Bradbury won an Olympic gold medal. Was he better than his competitors? Even he agrees he wasn’t. He had the luck of his competitors falling down around him, just like Collingwood had luck on their side and a rather large helping hand from the AFL. Therefore, winning the premiership doesn’t necessarily mean they were the best team, just as Steven Bradbury wasn’t the best speed skater. Incidentally, I questioned your use of the word “dumb” when describing Maysie’s comments. You’ve answered. I don’t agree with your answer (for the reason outlined above). That’s it. What I didn’t question was your level of passion for our team nor you getting behind our players. I took both as a given. 👍🏽❤️💙
  12. Remember this video? ⬆️ In terms of us and Collingwood, we’re Dylan Shiel and Collingwood is Luke Parker. Is that what we want??? Because that’s what it’s starting to sound like.
  13. … unless they’re spoken from the heart, in which case they mean something. And in this case… a lot. Of course you’re entitled to your opinion, I just think it’s a little childish to call his comments “dumb” as you did, without expanding on why you’d label them “dumb.”
  14. It’s in our DNA. My hipster sons reckon I make Gordon Ramsay sound like Mary Poppins. I just tell them to GAGF. 😁
  15. 100% Dub. This is the most buoyant I’ve felt since Maynard was let off, which was the lowest point in my time as a Dees supporter. I’ve been desperately hoping for a catalyst ever since, and Maysie’s raw and heartfelt comments are proving to be a kickstart to that end. I only wish there was more of this brutally honest expression from players.
  16. It most definitely is possible and does happen. I know several people who’ve had a one-off reaction to specific food. In one case it was from the humble tomato. Had never happened before, has never happened since.
  17. … except not dumb at all. Spoken from the heart. What more do you want?!
  18. I’m surprised there wasn’t a horde of them outside the venue doing the long Collingwood chant as he was being loaded into the ambo, struggling to breath. 🤬
  19. Frankly, I’m surprised that any Dees fan would have an issue with this. He admitted he’d had more to drink than he would’ve had he known he’d be interviewed. We all want honesty, right? Not the tired, worn-out clichés. We got that. It was in the presence of the faithful at our own B&F. A gag-free environment, as it should be. Maysie believes we’re better than Collingwood. That’s HIS opinion and he’s more than entitled to express it. And finally, who gives a fat rat’s what *Collingwood thinks??? *A team that harbours malicious thugs and filthy sex offenders and had a cheer squad run by a registered child sex offender on their watch. You really value their take on what Maysie said?
  20. Maysie’s speech… https://x.com/laceoutofficial/status/1710964514332832243?s=12
  21. 2nd and 13th, Tim. North beat Freo by 45 points and kept them to 3.3.21 and are now above us on percentage.
  22. The Bubble O’Bill. The bubble gum nose was the best. The advent of Hubba Bubba pretty much left all other bubble gum by the wayside. 😫 The only contender to give them a challenge in the beginning was Spurt, the Betamax of bubble gum. 😁
  23. I’m pretty sure it was called a pine-lime Splice, as opposed to slice. They came in raspberry as well. They were great in that they were a hybrid of ice-cream and icy pole.
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