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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. The way I see it, the rumours of illicit drug use swirling around are not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, the more outrageous the rumours, the better. Everyone (who matters) knows it’s a complete lie and therefore ought not be brought down by it. Let them wallow in their nastiness and leave our people to work on whatever real issues there are.
  2. My point is Clarrie would absolutely say he was fine, you could put the farm on it. Therefore his estimation of his return date counts for zero. Maybe because of the class of player he is, it’s easy to forget he’s human. Just as they all are. No player is happy to be ruled not fit to play, but some take it harder than others. From what I know I’d say we have the top two players on the list of Players who don’t do being on the sidelines well currently on the sidelines. Whereas one of them is reticent about his plight, the other is an open book.
  3. I’ll have you know DZ, I back against us every single week but I don’t brag about it. Except maybe round five when I cleaned up vs Essendon but that wasn’t bragging, that was simply rejoicing in the glory of being able to feed my bottomless pit of a teenager something other than 2-minute noodles. 😁
  4. With respect, Clarrie is the last person who should have a say in it. If it was up to him he wouldn’t have missed a single game.
  5. Morons will be morons regardless of what is or isn’t disclosed. Personally, I’m happy (as well as amazed) that the Club manages to successfully keep things under wraps. Quite often family and friends aren’t given full details and oftentimes the player in question isn’t told everything. While this frustrates supporters the benefits of secrecy far outweigh anything else.
  6. Who said it isn’t an important bone? I know I didn’t. I said it was a very small bone; small as in physical size, not as in importance. Besides, I’m sure every bone in one’s foot is important. You get a tiny fracture in one of them and they’ll remind you of how important they are with every step you take. 😭
  7. Will definitely send everyone’s best wishes, the family really does appreciate it. 💖 As for Clarry… cheeky bugger never thinks of telling his mum anything. She finds out everything about him by watching the news, just like the rest of us. 🤣
  8. Neither. It’s a very small fracture in a very small bone. The rolling of his ankle caused it. The fact that it’s the same foot that was stomped on before round one doesn’t have any bearing on this one.
  9. All will go well, probably better and sooner than expected. The surgery went as well as was hoped for and Fritta has this incredible healing ability. It runs in their family. He’s in really good spirits and that’s always a good thing. He should be ready for finals. Incidentally, he did what I did in December at our AFLW B&F... Rolled his left ankle which caused a small fracture in a bone in his foot. That’s where the similarity ends. He didn’t do it running in platform sandals on uneven ground while drunk, and I’m not an elite AFL footballer. 😁
  10. Just got off the phone with Pauline. I passed on all the best wishes from everyone on DL and she sincerely appreciates having everyone’s support. She’ll pass on the good wishes to Bayley. Bayley didn’t have surgery this morning. He’s having it tomorrow morning. He needs to have a plate inserted. He tried to avoid the media at training this morning but to no avail. He spoke briefly to them but I don’t know to what extent. The feeling is that it’s not season-ending, even if the media decide to say otherwise. So that’s a positive.
  11. Fritta is in surgery right now. It’s bad, as was suspected yesterday. He won’t be right to play for some time. Pauline is dealing with some other serious personal issues atm so I’m not gonna ask her any more about him except to tell her everyone is hoping the best for him. If she does tell me anything I’d love to come on here and share but I really don’t want to log on because I can’t handle the vitriol and spite that’s flying around. I don’t expect ppl to change nor can I put 100 ppl on ignore so for my own mental well-being best I give DL a miss for a bit. Like everyone else, I wish it was better news about Fritta, especially for Pauline since she’s got so much on her plate, but it’s not good news, it’s bad.
  12. Yes. That’s the word, at this early stage.
  13. Surprise surprise! @Dalrot has reared it’s nasty head. Funny how certain posters bust a gut to get to the postgame thread after a loss. I’m hanging onto this entire forum by my [censored] fingernails.
  14. Hey @DubDee 👋 just replying to your comment in the GameDay thread which is now closed. I NEVER go on the GameDay thread after the first bounce. I did today because I wanted to share what I hear about Fritta’s injury. Anyways, that’s why I chose to go onto that revolting thread today. Won’t be making that mistake again.
  15. Just wading blindfolded through the bile to let @Jaded No More in particular know that it’s Fritta’s foot AND ankle that are the issues. And it’s looking very bleak at this stage. WCW out (until our next win) 🙄
  16. So, we’re battling to drop out of the top 8 ?
  17. Did… did you just… say… positive”??? You do know this is the GameDay thread, right?
  18. Sadly it appears Liam Jurrah isn’t there. The roads have been closed which must be the reason since he loves this match every year. 😢
  19. That would be devastating. Especially to him. He’s not good at sitting on the sidelines. 😢
  20. One can never be too sure, THBT. 🤷‍♀️
  21. They know but they’re not telling all to Fritta. Apparently this isn’t out of the ordinary. He will tell Pauline if/when they tell him the full extent of the injury. She’ll tell me and if so, I’ll pass on the info. Just wish I could do so without having to catch sight of these outrageous posts.
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