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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. We do have a massive Gussy fan who wears a replica Gussy helmet during every match. Pretty pointless though, he’s been hit on the head with it on and without and he says there was no difference. I was lucky not to have suffered a very bad outcome. The ball hit the mini banner I was holding aloft and because I was pulling it taut it lessened the impact to my head. There’s been way worse things that’ve happened to others: one of our CS members once saw the ball coming at warp speed and reflexively put her arm in front of her then 10yo daughter’s face to protect her and ended up with a broken wrist. Also, folks who wear glasses are sitting ducks. 😑
  2. All good, FB. I come from a diehard Carlton family and most of my friends are Carlton. I didn’t join in our WhatsApp chat last night as I usually do during Carlton matches but when I did after the match there was a bunch of questionable stuff flying around. Apparently they won the grand final last night, and the Ashes, and they found a cure for cancer. 😁
  3. It was late when I was chatting with a bunch of crazy blues fans so I got the numbers wrong. Or they got it wrong in their post-win euphoria last night. Probs a combination of the two.
  4. Last Sunday I was concussed when hit in the head by an Izak Rankine set shot. I find that since then I’m an exceptionally nice person. 😁 I simply cannot be rude even if I tried, to such a degree that I don’t feel like vomiting at every post of yours. But… … you’re pushing it here, buddy. We sheilas are the backbone of society. Don’t you forget it! PS: make the most of this niceness since it mayn’t last long. If Gilligan’s Island or any of those old shows are anything to go by, I’ll be restored to my old self when next I’m hit in the head. This could happen as soon as tomorrow coz sitting directly behind the goals is an invitation for such. 😳
  5. They have seven players on $800,000 and five on $550,000. They may lose SOSOS if they can’t offer him a good contract at year’s end. They clearly don’t have much wiggle room.
  6. Hang in there, Blues. Need you to win tonight.
  7. LOL at watching all you guys having to barrack for Carlton. 🤣
  9. He’ll be back earlier than expected if his rate of progress remains as it is now, and it likely will. They regularly take the boot off to check that he’s tracking as expected, then replace the boot. Last week they took the boot off fully intending to put it back on after examination. All were surprised and delighted when it was decided the boot can stay off. This is ahead of time.
  10. Cool. How about all the other [censored] that’s also off-topic???? Should we leave that out as well? At least my discussion is footy-related. If you don’t like it, simply ignore it, or report my post. That’s what we all have to do when we don’t like what we’re reading. edit: something your comment attracts is reactions from ppl who pick on someone regardless of what they’re saying. I’m asking nicely, not just you, but anyone who has a problem with any of my comments PLEASE REPORT the posts. Or PM me to tell me you have an issue. Or put me on ignore. I’m so over one particular poster that I’m pretty much done. Who needs this?
  11. I love when they interview Conor McKenna without subtitles 🤣
  12. This is exactly what we say. And you know what? It’s totally fine. We don’t expect extra attention from the staff or players. That’s NOT what we’re there for. But we do get a lot of love from them (which is always welcome) and to varying degrees. They’re all different. But that doesn’t mean constant rudeness from someone is ok, from anyone, not just an elite footballer. I’m sure every team has at least one such player.
  13. It went really well. The Wiz says he’s an introvert but he regaled us with stories for almost two hours! His 6yo daughter, Scout, stole the show a few times though. The best was when she interrupted her dad on stage (at the conclusion of the bombers/ bulldogs match) to announce that we’re still fourth on the ladder. She even proved it by holding a phone up to show him. Titus is a legend. No one guessed Jeff would talk for so long and Titus waited patiently for the entire time. He did his usual type of material except he cut it short because of how late it was. He wasn’t paid for last night, but you wouldn’t know it. He truly is a Dees diehard. The turnout was good. A room full of passionate fans makes for a fun night. This morning one of our illustrious leaders told me she thinks there were some DL-ers there. I didn’t know that, but thanks so much for your support, it means a lot to us and the Past Players Association. Also, bummer I didn’t get to meet any fellow DL-ers. Maybe next time!
  14. Our players get slammed on here anyways. But I appreciate your clarification all the same. 🙂 I’ve had PMs from folks saying it’s no surprise since they’ve also been treated rudely by one or some of our players, past and/or present. It does strike me as strange though that I have to tolerate reading the awful comments about our players on DL, yet the moment I mention the rudeness from one of them the [censored] hits the fan. Methinks personal agendas come into play. 🤔
  15. Bring on GameDay thread! I’ve got a tonne of off-topics to share!!! JK Andy. I’ll behave myself henceforth.
  16. The young kids are by far and away the most approachable and the least impatient, without exception. Anyways, I need to apologise to *anyone who read my comments very late last night on this thread (which have since been deleted, thank you Andy and it won’t happen again, I promise). I just need to remember in future to hide my phone from drunk me. *except for the two posters who rattled my cage last night. I don’t remember what I said but a very good buddy of mine on here screenshot it before the mods deleted and just sent it to me and yeah, I still don’t apologise to those two. But sincere apologies to everyone else. 💕
  17. This is why I don’t tell people about how rude this player is, without exception I’ll be told of how nice he is. How he obliged in a very friendly manner for a pic or an autograph etc. But ask anyone in the Demon Army (of those of us who are heavily involved so therefore known to the players) and they’ll tell you… he has zero time for us. I could tell you a couple of stories you’d have trouble believing, such is his blatant rudeness.
  18. One of the players least bagged. Clarrie isn’t as friendly as the others but that’s his quiet nature. When you talk to him on-on-one he’s really nice.
  19. 😂 No, but love the name. Clarrie’s not rude, he’s just shy.
  20. Actually, it’s the complete reverse. The player in question is arguably the player least bagged on DL. Besides that, he couldn’t give a fat rat’s about anything that’s said about him or his teammates. That’s as much of a hint as I’ll give since I know that people who you’d think don’t read DL, actually do. 😉
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