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Demons 32

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Everything posted by Demons 32

  1. Definately earnt the elevation to the senior list, played really well. That one moment where it was Wonaeamirri's kick to Morton, who then kicked to PJ. Was like looking into the future, was very very pleasing. His effort along with Mortons, Johnsons, Bartrams, Rivers and Mclean gives me confidence in this club going forward.
  2. Wona what? Wona who? Wona where? Wonaeamirri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. You do realise you do actually need a few receivers in a side? In and under players usually can't get a steady kick out of a pack, so they look for the receivers.......
  4. I was pretty blasted for saying last week that Garland wasn't up to it. Now people are on my side..... Bode, Weetra and Garland must be dropped. If we are playing kids play Maric, Martin, Meesen I don't care who just not those 3 as they are not up to it.
  5. A ) Disagree with how you are a pretender if you don't sign up but go to every game. B ) Being more mature and seeing the business side of footy. Naturally I do not need my "premium" membership but everyone needs to help as much as they can. Even if it is only the 40 dollar one, which a few MCC members I know have done. Of course I would love everyone to fork out for the expensive one like me but I can't buy it for them. All we can do as MCC members is try to look at it from a business perspective. But it's not just MCC members that are the problem, we need all members, I for one have convinced my oldest brother (doesn't love footy but respects his club) to sign up, he is going to his first game in years this weekend. I also bought my niece a junior membership seperate to the one we get with the MCC deal. The toughest one was getting my other footy loving brother to buy his MCC/MFC membership. He is saving for a move and truely can't afford the membership. So what he has done is catch the train to work for a week instead of driving so he bought the 40 dollar membership, his first, he is planning on next pay day to also get the MFC/MCC premium membership. So my pushing turned my single membership into 5 plus the free junior membership with the premium thats 6.. If everyone can do this, not just MCC supporters, just try to sign one more, or MCC supporters, just buy 3 40 dollar versions and donate to the club, then we can get right back on track. It takes everyone, MCC members, MFC members and non members on the fence, deciding whether to join. Spread the word, make a sacrifice for your club. Get to the games and enjoy knowing that you support the team we love, the team of the red and the blue.
  6. He is a poor mans Wheatley at this point, and thats saying something.
  7. Not trying to be funny.
  8. He is better than that. You can see his talent is there, just hasn't found that ratio between his talent and his speed/awareness.
  9. If he was still played in the forward line then yes, I would leave him, unfortunately Melbourne have tried to make him something he isn't for 2 years. If he gets named FP and plays there, then I want him in the team every week. If he is a midfielder, Sandy is the best he gets. One bump or tackle and down he goes.
  10. They are footy players, they are proud. Egos have been hit and they read the papers like we all do. They should have a dip this Saturday.
  11. Dropped by accident. He was suppossed to be there over Meesen, will edit.
  12. Agree with you on that. But that is the problem, these guys are great VFL footballers, but they are not naturally talented enough for the top level.
  13. Haha what??? How can you say J Brown in this paragraph?? Like I said, games won't make a difference, it is obvious the talent isn't there, especially to be a KPP. Brown had shown something, everyone knew Brown was going to be special, he is talented and was going to be number 1 draft pick barring father/son. That's like me attacking Morton already, you can't, he is a very talented 18 year old. Garland is not good enough. Take Godfrey, Miller, Fergie, Jamar etc etc the list goes on, players who didn't have the talent but we continued and continue to plug away with. Game time does not make you a good player.
  14. As usual, and rightly so. We probably have the best match up for Johnson in the league.
  15. My optimism for my club says we will win, reality should be a cold thing to face on Saturday. However hopefully we get some players back!! More likely this though. In: Dunn, Rivers, Bartram (hopefully) and Sylvia. (also maybe Frawley) Out: Weetra, Garland, Wheatley (barely got on) and Miller. Would like to see Holland come in, maybe Frawley. Yze should have a few weeks at sandy to think about it, as should Davey. Would like to see Meesen play!!! Hope our 22 is this, noting I don't think Bate or Whelan will be ready. Bell Carroll Frawley/Holland Bruce Rivers Bartram Sylvia Mclean Moloney Green Newton Dunn Robbo Neitz Davey White Jones Mcdonald Inter: Buckley, Johnson, Morton, Frawley/Holland
  16. Another Melbourne supporter who has rose coloured glasses to the kids. Playing a game doesn't change your natural talent. I don't want a player who will adapt over time to the game, I want players who have proven they can do something. There are other players who you can see have a hope, not a guarantee or a chance but a hope. Buckley, Newton and Petterd all have a hope. Lets re-visit this in a few years, when everyone should see that Garland is another Warknock, and a lesser Fergie. He has shown nothing, at AFL level, or in my opinion VFL level.
  17. All a bit over board guys. The whole team got pumped, including the kids. Wait a couple more weeks. Im no huge Bruce fan but he is a receiver.... that is his job, he is not suppossed to get the hard ball anyway.
  18. He is actually pretty damn under rated. How far have we fallen for Garland to warrant selection?
  19. I have no issue with the fans being mad, Sunday was pathetic. However I must say the below. Get over yourselves, open your eyes and realise that most of our "kids" are pretty damn shithouse. Heres looking at you Garland....
  20. Nope, I'll be wearing my brand spanking new MelbourneFC polo, with my brand spanking new 150th year MelbourneFC jersey over the top. Holding my 2008 MelbourneFC membership in my hand. We will always be the Demons to us, but we are Melbourne first of all. You should be proud of that as well.
  21. Close to what I think it should be. Id like... Frawley Carrol Bell Bartram Rivers Whelan Buckley Jones Green Bruce Miller Davey Robbo Neitz Yze White Mclean Junior I/C Petterd Moloney Newton Dunn P Johnson Maric Jamar Holland
  22. Premier: Collingwood Top 8: Geelong - West Coast - St. Kilda - Brisbane - Hawthorn - Port Adelaide - Collingwood - Sydney - Melbourne Spoon: Carlton Brownlow: Travis Johnstone Coleman: Jonathon Brown Rising Star: Simon Buckley Story of the season: 3rd strike for an AFL player Melbourne questions Our finishing position: 8th B&F top 5: 1. Rivers, 2. Mcdonald 3. Bruce 4. Jones 5. Green Leading goalkicker: Robertson Round 1 questions MFC's first goal: Green Scoreline: Melbourne 12.6.84 Hawthorn 10.15 75 Attendance: 42,000 Verdict: Hawks missed oppurtunities blows their chance.
  23. Yeah they will, think the rules state that every team must have a list at 6pm the night before round 1. So you should see on the footy show tonight, of course it will be an extended squad until Saturday.
  24. Being that Bailey has said he is looking forward to seeing his forwards this year, for example Neitz, Newton, Robbo and Woenamirri countless times. Id say Woena is a better chance. We have enough in and under midfielders right now.
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