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Demons 32

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Everything posted by Demons 32

  1. Official team. Ins are Davey, CJ and Frawley.
  2. He has never said he is getting rid of the board. I actually heard at the game that he is planning on keeping Leoncelli on the board. Ticket of 8 doesn't mean 8 new people might mean 5, and keeping 8.
  3. Agreed, watching the game I thought we could really use him. Was speaking to a few mates from work this morning and the general feeling from these guys is that we need Newton.
  4. Bell is much much much much worse than Bartram.
  5. Out: Moloney (inj), Rivers (inj), Bell. In: CJ, Whelan, Carroll. I think that will happen.
  6. Bartram - very brave player Bate - didn't do anything Bell - is a dud (said this 4 weeks in a row now) Bode - elevated rookie? joke Bruce - not good enough Dunn - what a goal Garland - continues to impress Green - poor goal kicking Johnson - not anything special Jones - finding space, time McDonald - a mcdonald effort McLean - best on ground Miller - nothing to exciting Moloney - yet another injury Morton - struggled under pressure Rivers - career in trouble? Sylvia - played very well Warnock - definately deserves spot Wheatley - just a game White - alot of mistakes Yze - a great game Wonaeamirri - Wona fuckin mirri
  7. Deserves a game next week, was great to see him doing well out there, hearing the crowd go OOOOZZZEEE
  8. Melbourne Squad Backline: J.McDonald, C.Garland, J.Frawley Half Backs: B.Green, M.Warnock, P.Wheatley Centreline: C.Morton, B.McLean, C.Bruce Half forwards: M.Bate, B.Miller, L.Dunn Forwards: P.Johnson, C.Sylvia, A.Wonaeamirri Followers: J.White, B.Moloney, N.Jones Interchange from: C.Bartram, J.Bode, N.Carroll, M.Jamar, C.Johnson, J.Rivers, A.Yze Team Changes In: J.Bode, N.Carroll, M.Jamar, C.Johnson, J.Rivers, Out: R.Robertson (injured) , D.Bell, S.Buckley ( omitted) Hoping the side lines up as this. Bartram Warnock Rivers Wheatley Garland Mcdonald Morton Jones Green Bate Miller Bruce Johnson Sylvia Wonaeamirri White Mclean Mcdonald Yze CJ Moloney Jamar So final ins: CJ, Jamar, Morton, Rivers Final outs: Robbo (inj), Dunn, Frawley, Bell Bartram to not let Medhurst get a touch. Warnock to take Rocca. Garland to take Cloke. Wheatley to take Didak and make him accountable the other way. Mcdonald to shut down Davis. CJ to stop Daisy, big job, only something I want. Rivers to spend his day playing his zone and helping out as much as possible.
  9. I agree with you on this, but shouldn't we at least, in this year, find out? I think it may have annoyed him playing 3rd fiddle in the AFL behind Neitz and Robbo and then 2nd fiddle behind Sautner in the VFL. Just saying that we may as well give the oppurtunity, who knows what he might do with our forward line unless we give it to him for a few weeks at least.
  10. It wasn't just one mark, he was playing well, when forward kicked a few goals per game then Riley pushed him up the ground towards the end, he was playing well, foolish to write a player off based on round 1, I would write them all off after that performance.
  11. The brother and I will be marching, I'll try to yell go Melbourne alot. Might even throw in a scream that just says "Demonland", just to see if I get a response.
  12. Id like to see him back asap. Just to see where his head is at more than nayhting. I get the feeling he is the type of player that won't take Sandy seriously. Which is an unfortunate character flaw of his and makes me not want him on our list, but knowing he has all that talent makes me conflicted. Want to see him play first hand at FF without Neitz/Robbo/Sautner all getting in his way. If he can do it, he is worth it, if not, de-list him. But we should definately give him FF at some point soon, Robbo is seriously injured, Holland (I love you Benny) won't be around next season and Miller (I also love you) isn't a natural FF. If anything it is a plan for the future. If it fails it fails, what else do we have to loose this season.
  13. Out: Frawley (Rivers to replace) Bell (whelan to replace), Dunn (not doing enough to keep CJ out), Robbo (inj), Yze (Davey must play) In: Rivers (if fit, is best 22), Davey (if fit, is best 22), Whelan (if fit, is best 22 and is better than Bell), Morton (already best 22, plus it will be great for him to get a go on a big stage) CJ (Sandy form well and truely makes him deserve to be in over Dunn) Would love to see Newton in but he will play at Sandy first. Id say Holland is also a chance. B: Whelan Warnock Rivers HB: Wheatley Garland Bartram C: Morton Jones Davey HF: Green Bate Bruce F: Wona Miller Sylvia R: White Mclean Mcdonald INT: CJ, Moloney, PJohnson, Buckley Collingwoods forwards are so dangerous. Id play these defensive match ups. Warnock on Rocca (give him the big man job) Rivers on Cloke (Rivers will kill Cloke, plus Garland is a better option on a smaller forward, eg. Farmer) Whelan on Medhurst (Whelan will make sure this little [censored] doesn't get a touch) Garland on Thomas (Garland has the athletism to stay with him) Bartram on Davis (Bartram can just chase him) Wheatley on Didak (Wheatley will make Didak accountable)
  14. waste of a spot? No that title goes to Bode/Jamar. SYLVIA isn't that bad people, has actually been decent this year and if you all put your bias aside you would see a player who tries his heart out every week. His body is going to be getting back to a normal state soon enough, hopefully he gets put in the Ryan O'keefe position and you will all eat your words. I guarantee!!! Sylvia will be at Melbourne for at least the next 3 years.
  15. Buckley should and will be retained. CJ must come in, he has earnt it at Sandy and we were woeful. Ins: CJ, Davey, Morton, Rivers, Whelan Outs: Robbo, Dunn, Yze, Frawley, Bell 5 is the limit when it comes to changes.
  16. In regards to our forward line in the OP. I believe this is now Newtons time. He needs to be played FF against Collingwood if fit. The season is over, get him in to this pressure situation let him know out there that the forward 50 is his, must be hard to play well in a forward line with Neitz and Robbo and then one that has Sautner in the 2nds, he has never had the chance to be number 1 option. Let him try to grab it right away. Can't deny his talent. On the Sylvia thing. He has hardly been bad this year, think people are trying to shut him down to quickly. I think he could be a great forward, personally I still think he would serve us best with Jones and Mclean in the centre square but looks like that will never happen so I could see him in a Ryan O'Keefe mould. Just let him hold one position for at least a month and see what he can do!!
  17. So true right there. I agree completely. People don't seem to understand this. Morton, Buckley, Jones, Mclean, Bate, Wonaeamirri, Rivers, Garland, Davey. Just some of the reasons it's great to be a Melbourne supporter.
  18. For years and years our most important player was Neitz. If he didn't kick at least 4 we were going to be in trouble. You could also make the argument that our most important player was Robbo, as he could ignite us and kick 6 goals any day. I always thought Joffa was one of the most important players to our side, as he rucked by himself and if he lost, we lost. But im wondering, with Neitz gone, Robbo in trouble and White nearing the end. Who is our most important player? Also who is our best player? To answer question 1. Id say it's still as I thought last season, Jared Rivers. He is the main bolt in our defence that holds the other smaller pieces together. However he has struggled to get on the park which makes it harder to judge, it's strange as 3 weeks ago I didn't rate Garland, right now he is definately one of our most important players, things change quickly in football. I am talking right now. In the future I would suggest Bate will be an incredibly important player as will whoever is the person who will attempt to fill the void of Neitz/Robbo at FF. Our most important player is still, despite injury, Jared Rivers. Although running a very close second and the reason I started the thread is Aaron Davey. He has (to answer question 2) become officially our best player in my opininon. He does it all for us as a genuine midfielder. He is quick, runs and carries, always breaking the lines, sublime skills, defensive pressure and goal kicking ability. I have often over the past 2 years began to dislike Davey as I thought he would never ever make it in the midfield. But in the past few games he has become a player who I think we can truely see as our best player, who is better? I'll admit I think Bate will easily be our best in 2 years time, and Mclean/Jones are good for us but Davey is the player that if he is killing it, so will we, he will kick the momentum changing goal, he will lay the tackle he will provide the spark, I think Rivers is the most important part of the team but surely Davey would get a look in at 2nd...... Whats your thoughts?
  19. Agreed. I can deal with Bruce talk of trades, but not Green.
  20. In: Rivers (best 22), Newton or Holland CJ (sandy form has warranted it), Davey (best 22), Morton (already best 22) Out: Bell, Dunn, Robbo (inj), Yze, Frawley. Other changes should happen but no way will 5 get dropped.
  21. OUT Retire: White, Yze, Holland, Mcdonald, Whelan. Traded: Bruce (for a top 25 pick). CJ and pick 35 for Warnock? (Also maybe get rid of Jamar for pick 90) De-listed: Bode, Weetra. (Maybe Meesen) Thats 9 players out. IN Draft pick 1 (Natanui), 17, 18, 21-25 (for Bruce?) and another draft pick? Warnock Best pre-season draft choice. Elevated rookies, Wonaeamirri, Valenti. Thats 9 players under 21 in. B: Bartram Warnock Rivers HB: Grimes Garland Wheatley C: Morton Jones Davey HF: Green Miller Bate FP: Wonaeamirri PJ or Newton Maric R: Warnock Mclean Buckley Inter: Moloney, Petterd, Natanui, Sylvia. Pushing selection: Valenti, PJ or Newton, Bell, Dunn, other draft picks, Martin and Miller. If we could do this our future would look very good.
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