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Everything posted by deebug

  1. They don't give two s#*%* about our players or about our club. They are nothing more then cheats & scum.
  2. How the hell can the club not come out and say something? I think we all should e-mail the club and ask what the heel they are going too do about this mess? Because if this keeps going on we will only be a bottom team and will not improve with this c#*! going on it is so bloody wrong.??
  3. I was hopping he would have been back in the side weeks ago, but as the weeks go by it's becoming less likely. Hope he can turn it around fingers?
  4. Sounds like Tommy Mac may need to be rested. Thanks for the report?
  5. Don't turn on SEN tonight. It's Collingwood BLAH, BLAH.?
  6. Yes i agree with you, we have Dion Johnston who has been on our list for how long now? We have put time and money into him for what to be sitting in the seconds? Play him or let him go, we need a team that can win a flag not just beat the bottom sides. I know we have to turn over our list and replace others, but as Paul Roos said the age these kids that get drafted should be 21 to see how they can play. We know only too well how the Toumpas draft went. I just feel if you have kids sitting on your list such as Dion who has been at the club for years and not even played a game such a waste. The draft yes has to happen but it's not always going bring you a magic fix as our club learnt the hard way. I'm sorry if i said the wrong thing but people keep saying things such trade Hogan to fro or methcoke for picks 2 and 3, just makes think WTF, so you start again by using pic 2 and 3 and get mr magic or you use pick 2 and 3 and get one who goes to gws for the cash and one who can't even get on the field. Lets at least see if the kids such as Petty and Johnston might be just what we need to help the team before just of loading players for draft picks.
  7. The draft is not the way to go at this stage in the clubs development, we still have players on our list that haven't even played a game so maybe first give these kids a ago. Oh and Jess will be a one club player he is not going any where.
  8. We should also give the kids like Petty a game to see how they play, you never know we just might find one or two who can get us playing at the next level?
  9. This has been happening for years against us, there have been too many over the years and our club as well as the others need to be able to show the AFL this is cheating. Clubs need too stand firm as do the players, imagine being players doing the right thing at getting told, well free kick plus a 50 metre? I don't now how they can keep their cool at times such as Melk did on Friday night? It would be worth the $10.000 to call it for what it is they are cheating.
  10. So sick of these umpires they just keep kicking us in the guts.
  11. If this get done, I'm never going home? This will be fantastic for meeting new Demon people☺️
  12. He was so lovely ask if we were having a good time, we sure were it was great to meet a Demon legend.
  13. Brian Dixon, came and said hello to my friends and i at one of the B&F a few years back, we were like kids on Christmas day.
  14. Well Gil, the first thing you should be doing is fixing these bias umpires before, you stuff up our game any further!
  15. I would have like to have the by after the crows game.
  16. He might have that condition where he unable to feel pain, sorry not sure of the name? You would think it would cause problems later on in his life as a result>
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