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Everything posted by deebug

  1. We won 12 flags with out having to go on some stupid camp. The saints did some type of camp a few years back, where their first year players deprived of sleep for hours, and we all know how well their going at the moment.
  2. Was talking about Jade last night, just our luck some one like the Saints pick him up and they win a flag.
  3. In any one who is able to kick goals?
  4. Send them to goal kicking camp.
  5. Trade Hogan, then what? We get a pick or two and use it on who? Hogan is not the problem, there are many issues with our club, how ever in saying trade Hogan is silly. The players need to man up, learn to kick straight, not panic and give off dinkey hand passes, run their guts out etc, etc etc. Oh and we need mids who are able to get the ball to the goal square and then kick through those big white sticks. The club also needs to ask the AFL about the umpires, because we fart, you just gave away a free kick. Why has the club allowed those green snot blokes to get away with what they have been doing for years now? We did not have one holding the ball, yet the swans just kept getting them? It loos like we will miss playing finals yet again, but hay as the saying goes there is always next year and you know what it will be the same as this year and the year before. The AFL has us and all the other clubs by the you know what's, and there is not a hell of a thing we can do about it, they control the clubs like puppets on a string, do as your told or you will get your back side spanked.
  6. I was at Big W Saturday and they were having a sale on good lego sets. One guy bought one of the lego train sets.?
  7. May he rest in peace. Thoughts are with his family and friends.
  8. I knew it, Elvis is alive?
  9. It is on the afl podcast from last night.
  10. Vanders is very much loved, glad to have you back VB?
  11. I think some one needs a hug?
  12. 3.20 start on a Sunday is stupid, hope the AFL change these stupid 3.20 start in the future?
  13. Yes just leave our game alone AFL!
  14. All the best Harley, one door closes another door opens.
  15. Thoughts are with Jarrod and family and friends.
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