Saw him at training one time when he was our coach, he came and said hello to both my self and my son, i thought wow that was so nice of him to take the time in his busy day to come over and speak to the both of us
That's a good idea, much better then the mess it is at the moment. If not your idea then something like it, surly the AFL could come up with something much better?
Guys please be happy for once we have a guy 1 who wanted to come to us and 2 and is proven a good player.
We are on the right Trac/ track with this one, bring on 2018 can't wait.
I was one who didn't want too pay overs but when you think about all the picks we have had in past years that have turned out to be duds, we will be ok so lets be happy to get Jake Lever at our club.
Yes heard that as well, he can get s#*%#*. Lever has done nothing wrong at all and the crows are trying to say anything they can to have a go at the kid. So what if it is money like Walker has said? I would like any one else who has to put their bodies through the grind of AFL playing and training would try and get the best i could get whilst i'm young as well, because we all know life can smack us around a air bit and things could go south real quick.
Stop sooking crows get the deal done and move on.