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Everything posted by deebug

  1. deebug


    Sorry about that I'm meant to write how about next week v the nuff, nuff's?
  2. I think Lewis and Vince are past their use by date.
  3. I wish we could get that much for him. At the moment your looking at best a packet of tim-tams from Coles.
  4. They can't play as a team. They haven't a clue sadly
  5. He has been great for our side, love watching him play.
  6. Ok just hoped you had good news, because we sure need it.
  7. Welcome aboard to your new team.
  8. Same, just thinking this club will never go to the next level
  9. And want it be the best if asks to come to us Eddies face will start to turn red and then explode.
  10. Should make a post where every one has come across other Dee's fans, be it over sea or here in Australia. I come from the northern suburbs of our great city and i thought i was the only one here wearing my Dee's swag but one day i saw a car with Dees stickers all over his/her car as well as those car flags. Sadly haven't seen it in a while, but it made me smile.
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