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Jumping Jack Clennett

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Everything posted by Jumping Jack Clennett

  1. Interesting how the commentators kept pronouncing his name "Chaney". It's spelt with an "e" and pronounced "Cheeney". I checked with him personally at an MFC function. Are people mixing the name up with former WA Lib senator, Fred Chaney?
  2. I thought he played well tonight.
  3. Another interpretation of head-high tackles I noticed last Fri. was the free given to players who dropped their shoulders to try to escape otherwise legitimate tackles. While this doesn't constitute dangerous play, I think it's a poor interpretation of the rule. If a player ducks to try to escape a tackle , leniency should be afforded to the tackler. If the tackle is escaped....play on! If not....."holding the ball!"
  4. The point is.....it's all over as far as the AFL is concerned. BUT....is it over as far as the VCGLR is concerned????
  5. So you think the AFL don't care if a few clubs lose their gaming licences. You think the other clubs are laughing, confident the VCGLR are definitely not going to investigate them. I'm not so sure, but that's why I asked for other DEMONLAND opinions.
  6. Do other DEMONLAND readers agree with my view on this? I'd be interested to know if other,far more learned,posters think I'm barking up the wrong tree. I haven't read anything about the VCGLR and their enquiry into Melbourne for more than a week. I hope this means it's going to fade away into nothing.We don't want any more off-field controversies for month after month again. Perhaps there's another bombshell around the corner.
  7. I think we've got to understand that the situation has changed since the seemingly incomprehensible verdict and penalty from the tanking investigation. Demetriou (the AFL) is now our ALLY. The big problem facing us(and potentially many other clubs) is the Government gaming authorities and their possible extension of the probe into tanking , with a view to penalising MFC for "match-fixing"("tanking") by withdrawing our gaming licence. The AFL doesn't want this, as much as we don't. Most clubs(not Kangaroos), earn millions from Pokies. The AFL does not want the investigation to go any further. Carlton and Richmond, (both far more blatantly guilty than MFC), earn far more than the reported $4m. that we get. Who knows how much Ess and Coll. receive , both of whom got high draft picks after inexplicably poor seasons' ends in the early 2000's.? The AFL will use all its streetwise guile(like the Racing Clubs) to persuade the gaming authorities to turn a blind eye. We need Vlad to use all his underhanded skills to shut this thing down. That's why poor Gil McLachlan was made to look like such a klutz announcing that MFC were NOT guilty of tanking, but still handing out penalties>(to save AFL face after an ill-advised 6 month probe into tanking.) Vale Adrian Anderson.
  8. I think the undercurrent of match-fixing and gaming licences is the most significant factor in the whole tanking debate. I think Anderson naively instigated the witch-hunt of the MFC to the horror of the absent Demetriou. He could foresee the likelihood of "tanking" accusations mushrooming into match-fixing, and governmental gaming authorities becoming involved, with Carlton, Collingwood, Richmond, WCE, GWS, Hawthorn,Sydney , and Essendon all vulnerable to be implicated. All these clubs(I presume) have gaming licences. If MFC earns $4m, per year from these licences, I wonder what the big clubs earn! The AFL would be fearful of a huge drop in revenue to the game if these licences were lost. That's why Anderson lost his job. That's why McLachlan repeatedly parrotted the "party line" that MFC was NOT guilty of deliberately losing games. I think the AFL will do its utmost to persuade gaming authorities to "turn a blind eye", which will have the side benefit of taking the heat off the Demons. (punctuation edited)
  9. We were cleared by the AFL ,who have a vested interest in trumpeting that match fixing doesn't exist.(gaming licences of Melbourne, Carl, Coll, Haw, Freo, WCE ,Gws and Richmond all in jeopardy). The AFL studiously avoided investigating the latter clubs knowing the danger of implicating them. They only investigated Melbourne on the whim of Anderson, who lost his job as a result. The Gaming regulators have no such qualms. So in a way, this works in our favour...the AFL are on our side this time. They've got to oppose the VCGRL(or whatever!) with all their might u, to protect the pokie income of so many of its Clubs.
  10. Cale seems to be training with a lot of pep.Tides out at Cottesloe...lets go surfing!
  11. How amateurish was McLachlan!! So many "ums" and "ahs"! Pre-prepared stock answer to whatever question was thrown at him. Unconvincing in the extreme. Sent to face the music that Anderson("the lishp") created, and deserted by Demetriou. McLachlan had impressed me until today. Draconian fine , which I only think MFC accepted because there was no time limit mentioned(perhaps $20,000 a year for 13 years, but "keep it quiet"). As a financial donor to the club, I'm not happy with the outcome, and I'm sure many others aren't. Of course, I'll continue with my meagre contributions, though!
  12. I agree with most of your post, but the most blatant "list management" was indisputably Carlton losing the last 11 in a row. To say we were more obvious is unnecessary self-flagellation which in no way adds to the credibility of your comments. The win with a kick after the siren is really evidence suggesting we were not, in fact, trying to lose. That scenario could not possibly have been orchestrated.
  13. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Except...........a disgruntled ex-Richmond player probably wouldn't have been coerced into opening his mouth , AND the termagant Richmond-fan journalist probably wouldn't have stirred up trouble with "disgusting" and "pathetic" references.
  14. It'll be interesting to see Cale lining up for WCE this year. I bet he'll suddenly have a chest , shoulders, and thick arms. It's been happening for 2 decades with WCE players. WCE v Melbourne has been like AFL. v. the under 19s.
  15. Really,BH? I thought the Blues used pretty bloody obvious tactics when they lost the last 11 in a row. Freo were pretty blatant about playing their virtual reserves against Hawthorn in Tassie in round 22, 2011. So we were clumsy and they were skilful? I'm in no way denying we tried to optimise draft picks, but I just think this statement is a bit of unnecessary self-flagellation!
  16. Please forgive me, but I saw the Subject of this thread , and thought I was going to find out about a ne w Cadbury sponsorship of MFC. I've re-read most of the posts, and amidst all the rambling I must have missed whether or not there's a rumour that a good sponsorship is in the offing. Is there any evidence that Cadbury' s are coming on board?
  17. I heard that Sean Charles had a non-united scaphoid fracture(a wrist bone which is notoriously prone to non-union).He apparently had a bone graft,which required plaster immobilisation for 8 weeks. The story goes that he got impatient, went for a swim with his plaster on, and buggered up the healing process. I guess it would have been better these days with the plastic moulds they use instead of plaster. But what a tragedy!! The guy was brilliant,fast as lightning, inspiring, and unstoppable at his best.
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