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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Super report Ruffles, spot on and informative. Terrific to hear Jake Lovett is already down at the club and putting his name forward. As others have mentioned if he ends up being at least half as good as his old man we'll be very happy indeed.
  2. Cheers to 1964, Clint, Wayne, WJ for the reports today. Good to see there are some differing views in terms of skill level, just goes to show that the boys can miss some targets, but it's also clear we have some true depth in our list for the first time in a decade. The skill level is lifting, the confidence is growing and we seem to be training at an AFL standard. Also good to hear (touch wood) that so many of our list are training. Puts further pressure on each player to train hard and perform for a spot in our best 22, rather than getting it through injuries. Can only be a good thing.
  3. Fantastic stuff as always RB - it's been greatly appreciated over the last week and a half. Can understand a little grumpiness in the players but pleased to hear that they still had it in them to lift their efforts on the final day. Beginning to get excited for the year ahead. Cheers!
  4. Kudos to the posters who not only made it down there but also provided some succinct and insightful training reports. Very refreshing to read guys and it's excellent to hear about the professional nature of training these days, something we've been striving to reach for too long now. Some positive stuff. Cheers.
  5. Taylor Walker has been made captain of Adelaide for 2015 and beyond. Surely that only fuels the Danger rumours now for the rest of the year...
  6. You know what - this annoys me just as much. No one is averse to his training reports and 99% of people here are more than happy to read them, even if there are some (including myself) who cringe at some of the interactions he has with the players. What we get annoyed at is his self indulgent, holier than thou approach to how people discuss this club on a forum site. If he didn't care at all, which he laughably claims he doesn't, then he wouldn't bother posting so much and replying to every minor little comment that's left for him. If he just posted his training reports and responded to questions without getting personal or responding to any form of criticism then we wouldn't be filling each training thread with crap. Even though I don't bother reading them anymore and will stick to those given by posters like GRRM this idea that he "shouldn't let the bastards grind him down" is ridiculous and mostly made of his own doing.
  7. That's such a pathetic argument. As long as the attack isn't personal then we are well within our rights to pot players for certain reasons, whether that be skill level, commitment on the ground, work ethic etc. It's my right as a supporter and as a member of this club. It's no different than sitting in the pub with a few mates dissecting a loss over a couple of beers - we will praise the good moments and bemoan and criticise those that didn't go well. No-one is going to stop me having a crack at Jordie McKenzie for missing a set shot from 15 metres out by going: "Sorry but I've lost all respect for you now unless you rock up to training and tell him that to his face." That's simply ludicrous. You don't have to agree with the criticism of certain players, just as we don't have to agree with your bias towards many. But to say that you don't respect us because we can't say it to their face is childish and short sighted in the extreme.
  8. All I can say is thank christ there are other members of this board who are able to attend training sessions and give informative and unbiased reports. Those are the ones I read these days. Reading the 'other' report is like Tim Robbins wading through the sewer to escape prison in The Shawshank Redemption, except the sewer is full and if you jump in you risk drowning in amongst all the turds. I choose not to do it.
  9. It's all he's good at UTAH, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Cheers to those putting forward the stats - it gives us a bit more info and confirmation that we are heading back in the right direction after wandering around in the wilderness in '12 and '13. There is still plenty of hard work to be done, and it would be great to see some pluses to replace the negatives, but it's proof that Roos is turning things around.
  10. Easily the best report of the pre-season so far. You should go more often mate! Cheers.
  11. I was down there for an hour. Talked to Salem about what moisturising cream he uses, told me it's Palmolive and he let me rub some on his arm. Going to be a big year for him. Also took the time to speak to Dom Tyson, asked him what underwear he is wearing, he laughed about it and was a good sport by posing for pictures in just his underwear. I think he wears Bonds but I got a little dizzy. Big Maxy Gawn was looking the goods too now he has lost the beard, I was interested in what he used to shave it off but he didn't tell me. I asked 5 other trainers about it but they all gave me different answers, so just leave it alone please. I also spoke to Nathan Jones and asked him where he lived so I could visit his new baby. When he got angry I pretended to be joking but don't worry fellas, I'll get it in time. Got the little one a present for Xmas so I'll speak to him on Wednesday. Everyone else ran the 2km trial round the tan in 20 seconds, everyone looking absolutely sensational! Photos on my twitter @justtakingthepissdon'tgetallhuffysaty
  12. I'm glad someone enjoyed that one, it's a personal favourite of mine...
  13. Pictures on social media suggest he is struggling to adapt to the paleo diet as opposed to his fish and chip and beer diet.
  14. Any update on JKH's muscles? Is he still ripped and keen for photos or has he slacked off over the last few weeks? Great training reports fellas, much appreciated. One thing we can all take away from it is that we have plenty of guys who are fit compared to the last few pre-seasons. Can only hope it continues right through the summer.
  15. True, although it's good to hear players doing well as it indicates they are injury free and already having a good pre-season. If Grimes is winning a running test like that then I think we can be pleased that he is injury free and moving well. It's all we can really take out of it at this point in the year anyway.
  16. No problem mate, just stating an opinion shared by some and not by others.
  17. Fantastic. Doesn't make it any less creepy. "Jeez JKH, you need to beef up mate and your physique is looking fantastic, mind if I get a shot of your guns to stick on Twitter? Yeah, just like that mate...." To me it's still cringeworthy. If a grown man asking a player to flex his muscles so he can stick the photo on Twitter isn't cringeworthy to you then that's fine, whatever floats your boat. I appreciate everything else as it's informative, particularly about injuries. Can't, and won't, knock that.
  18. While I thoroughly enjoy Saty's training reports and appreciate it hugely as I can never get there myself, a comment like this: "Had a joke with JKH about his musclebound physique, which he thought was funny, persuaded him to do a 'guns' pic, will be on Twitter, a good sport" is weird and completely unnecessary. Imagine a grown man going up to a kid and asking for a picture of his 'guns'. That sends shivers down my spine. If the bloke just stuck to giving us a report about how the boys went at training and nothing else then we wouldn't have these problems each time we get a training report. It's human nature to respond the way CB did as what he put was cringeworthy and, frankly, has nothing to do with training.
  19. He went at Pick #77. Don't you people pay attention to what's going on?
  20. Touk went to GC at pick #29 dazzle.
  21. This is from Paige Cardona's final Phantom Draft where she predicted him to go at #21. Alex Neal-Bullen Position: Midfielder Height: 182 cm, Weight: 77 kg, DOB: 09/01/1996 Club: Glenelg Plays like: Dane Swan There’s plenty to love about Alex Neal-Bullen, who’ll slot in just nicely as a big bodied inside midfielder next to Luke Dunstan. Unrighteously overlooked for an All-Australian jumper off the back of a super national championships, Alex Neal-Bullen is one of the more fancied inside midfielders that offers bang for buck. Forced to play predominantly forward with cameo appearances through the midfield in 2013, Neal-Bullen has since stamped himself as a bona fide ball-winning machine for Glenelg. It’s difficult for some players to find another level post-championships, but that is exactly what Neal-Bullen has done. Coming into the championships, Neal-Bullen averaged 15 disposals per game, but has since averaged 24 per game on return. Neal-Bullen is a competitive beast: he hunts the ball, he’s assertive at the stoppages and his repeat tackling efforts – which usually stop the opposition in their tracks – makes him a coach pleaser. He is deceptively quick, and has a lot of Dane Swan about him in the way he collects the ball and arches his back, creating separation to break away from a contest. He is versatile enough to play off half back and half forward, and has a big tank that allows him to cover so much of the ground. He rated among the best in his endurance, running a third-best overall three-kilometre time trial of 9:54 at the combine, while he came equal-fifth with a level 15.2 beep test
  22. So do Lumumba, Garlett and Frost who took their place.
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