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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. JG is Jeff Garlett. No idea who LM is... although Montagna springs to mind.
  2. True, but he has far more strings to his bow than a bloke who can only play as a third tall forward. Are you saying Johnston is worth getting?
  3. Do you actually think for a second we would get all 3? We'll be extremely lucky to get one of those players.
  4. We are merely moving down 3 spots in the draft while getting an excellent midfielder who, before an injury interrupted pre-season, had shown plenty in his first few years at the club. Would be a good get... but I can't see GWS moving him on.
  5. The bloke has been at two clubs already, and has been delisted from both after failing to impress. Not interested in the slightest.
  6. You're a complete fool then.
  7. I think we are only entertaining this proposal IF we can do something extra with it. We will have the weekend to go over it, possibly contact clubs a dangle the two picks etc. and see what we can get. There is a part of me that believes we will not do it if we can't trade the pick for something else, but if we can then we will do it. I know the bloke has been loyal to us, but what if a few years down the track he is still the same player who doesn't really bring much to the table anymore? We will rue the day we didn't trade him. I know it's a big risk and it still doesn't sit right with me, but we need to look at all avenues to improve the list.
  8. I still think, as a collective (and I know we're asking plenty of the supporters), we need to hold our judgement on this trade until we see the bigger picture. Roos has stated that he doesn't want us to draft in too many kids and I believe him. While Dangerfield may be out of reach, there may be something else going on underneath it all that we don't know about yet. To me there must be a player out there that we can get for 2 first rounders that will bring more to the table than what Roos believes Trengove can, and he is going hard after it. It would mean we get one of Brayshaw/Petracca, an excellent midfielder, Stretch, Lumumba, Garlett and possibly Frost. To me that is an excellent trade period. It still has to happen but I think there is more here than meets the eye.
  9. I'd say there is something brewing that requires two first rounders but we want to hold on to one as well.
  10. The ONLY thing that comes to mind is that we have something else cooking and we want another first round pick to get the ball rolling on that other deal. To me the deal as a whole doesn't serve any other purpose.
  11. That is the exact reaction I had. Something doesn't feel right about it, but I can't put my finger on it yet.
  12. Jack Trengove could be traded to Richmond from Melbourne Not quite sure how to feel about this ... For those that can't read it, the trade would be Trengove and pick 23 for Tigers pick 12.
  13. You're the most short sighted, unrealistic poster on this board outside of a few.
  14. Really well said bing. This idea that we have to land a 'big fish' is silly really. How often does that happen in any trade period? Not often at all. As you say we have some good players coming in alongside draftees and guys who have missed most, if not all, of last season. We are very well placed.
  15. Because ever since we got Clark the majority of our supporters believe we have the ability to hijack any deal that is out there. If you tell them they live in fantasy land their retort will inevitably be "Yeah but Clark was going to Freo and we got him....". Pointless thread.
  16. As you say, the Dom Tyson trade came late and we've only had one day of the trade period so far. There could very easily be deals out there that don't materialise until later this week or even next week. Happy to take both to the draft, but I'm also happy to see us sit on them and wait for the right deal.
  17. I wouldn't put any stock in something you read on Facebook. It's full of rubbish... in fact, it's all rubbish.
  18. The only explanation I have is for Knightmare who readily admits he doesn't see a great deal of the SANFL and, therefore, doesn't end up factoring them in to his phantom drafts as much until much, much closer to draft night.
  19. I agree, plus the bloke isn't exactly what you would call an elite kick either. Only average at the best of times.
  20. I didn't say we will win one you peanut. I said that the goal is for Goodwin to be the man who will take us to our next premiership - Roos to start it, Goodwin to finish it off. Of course that may not come to fruition, but that is clearly the plan.
  21. C&B bringing nothing of value to a thread again? No surprises there.
  22. To begin with many of the other threads on this board at the moment are ones for proper discussion - scrapping the sub rule, our theme song etc. Things that are yet to happen and are open to debate and discussion. Same as the trade ideas and what picks we get and why Mitch Clark the worst human being on earth etc. etc. etc. Your post is a waste of time. You are worried about something that has been done and there is no way around it. I guess I can turn to the wife and tell her that I feel better knowing Curry and Beer is worried and disgruntled about something that's already happened, but what else is there for it? Why waste time whipping ourselves into a frenzy over it? I just don't get the point of your post at all. Roos is here until the end of 2016 and then Goodwin takes over. That's the way it is. But it's not just that. It's your rubbish comments about how Roos has only made a 'half arse' commitment to the club and that we have rats deserting a sinking ship (even though Tyson, Vince, Cross, Michie, Lumumba etc were and are all keen on coming to the club...). It's simply untrue and founded on nothing. Roos was always brought into the club NOT to coach us to our next premiership but to set us up for the next one. That includes changing the list, changing the culture and overhauling the structures that have kept us a mile behind all the other clubs. His job was to help select the successor who would hold those values and then take over - Simon Goodwin is the man who will be charged with taking us to our next flag, and I have no doubt that Roos will still be around the club giving his support to that push. And let's not even start with this. I love posters who will hold on to any piece of evidence and claim it supports their point. Bailey might have won a few more games but he oversaw the worst defeat in our history and oversaw a side that had no idea how to train, no idea how to play defence and no idea how to improve themselves. He allowed players far too much freedom, to the point of cancelling the odd session, and he allowed some like Prendergast to make some of the worst draft selections in our history, which I have no doubt he had a hand in. Roos may not have won as many matches this year, but he ticks WAY more columns on the overall list than Bailey ever did. Bailey was all short term. Roos sees the bigger picture and aren't we the better for it.
  23. P. Roos - 1 premiership D. Bailey/M. Neeld - 0 premierships You're a fool C&B.
  24. Well what in the world are you going to do about it? Serious question there... so you're not happy we get Roos for the 3 years he promised us and that Goodwin will take over after working closely under Roos for 2 of those years. Fantastic. Super. But what the hell can you do about it? Go on mate, be angry. I know you like being that way so you can jump on here and fly off the handle. But you're getting annoyed/angry/worried about something that is totally out of our control. Roos said 2-3 years from the start - we might have held on to the notion that he will stay longer, and while he will in some capacity, he has stuck to his word through everything. All we can do is trust in Roos and PJ that they have chosen the right man to take over from Roos when he finishes. He did that with Longmire, and look how that worked out. Ross Lyon did as well and look how that worked out. We are finally looking stable across the board as a club yet you still look to find some form of fault in it, and it's something we can do nothing about. Roos has the proven track record there and I choose to trust in his decisions. God only knows that he has more runs on the board than a Bailey or Neeld ever did.
  25. Yeah sorry dazzle, how dare I be disappointed a bloke doesn't want to play for us. What was I thinking?
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