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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. No, we didn't. We traded picks 17 and 41 for Bizzell, and we got pick 55 for Grgic.
  2. And the pick we gave up, which was 17, ended up being James Kelly. Edit - Pick was 17 not 19.
  3. Didn't he say many pages ago that he wasn't posting in this thread again? Tsk, tsk Picket, you don't want to lump yourself in with HH now do you?
  4. Jack has extended his contract for a further 2 years! Gotta love the boy! Demons lock in young gun Viney for two more years
  5. Aside from a few players I'm not sure what the Saints would have to offer that we want. I'd take a second rounder from them though as we could move it on for something decent. Agree that we should almost ignore the Bombers unless they offer something ridiculously good for him. Would rather stay away from them at all costs if we can.
  6. Could we potentially get involved in this one though? If the Pies want two Top 10 picks could we get one of their mids for one of our picks? Possibly someone like Jack Redden? Probably won't happen if our interest in Danger comes to fruition, but I hope the club is keep an eye on things.
  7. I do enjoy the irony that GNF is lauded as a God around here (and rightly so, I love him too, ha ha!) because he brings good news... but the moment you bring some bad news to the table it's automatically brushed off completely and there is no facts in it. Time will tell I guess.
  8. Exactly. If the Pies are dead keen on Clark, which they seem to be, I can't see North trumping that deal. Just need to hope we can convince him better than North can.
  9. This could be wishful thinking, but, if we were to look more appealing than the filth then there is no better time than now. Players are leaving Collingwood, guys like Swan are close to retirement and there isn't a great feel about the club as a whole. While our results on and off the field don't stack up as much we do have stability, Paul Roos and a good Crows connection. I feel slightly confident we could trump the Pies IF they officially enter the race for his services.
  10. Their interest in Moore is the key here - he is clearly a talent, but do they overlook him and allow him to go elsewhere if they want to have a proper crack at Danger? We still hold the better deal though, we just need to convince him to come to us instead of the filth.
  11. Reckon you're pretty close to being right on the money here P-man. I'm only making an assumption here but I'm guessing the club would be pretty [censored] off with how Clark has handled everything and would be looking to move him on sooner rather than later during trade week. If Lumumba is happy to come to us, which I get the feeling he is, then a straight swap gets it sorted and we move on to getting ready to boo the [censored] out of him on QB.
  12. As someone mentioned earlier Chip has been with us from the beginning and been a very servicable player under crap circumstances. Not real happy he is jumping ship but after 7-8 years of footy at our club I can understand it far more than what Clark has done.
  13. Just further proof that the bloke doesn't have the courage, mental capacity or willingness to help a club get back up the ladder. He would rather take the easy route and get himself to a club that will make things easy for him. Good riddance.
  14. The Collingwood empire isn't what it was. Almost unfathomable that they would lose someone of Beams' calibre a few years ago. Must admit it's great to see. This is going to be one of the most interesting trade periods we've had for a while.
  15. I'm not in the 'all will be good' game if we simply get Danger, but if the planets aligned and we somehow got him to Melbourne then he would go along way to making us better. Interesting times ahead indeed.
  16. If, and it's a big if, we were actually in the running for Danger and the Crows wanted two first rounders - I could see us doing a Tyson type trade where Pick 3 becomes, for example, Pick 9-10-11 with a player of value also coming back our way. Then we trade Pick 2 and, say, Pick 10 for Dangerfield while also still having netted another good young player from the earlier trade. I'd be more comfortable with that.
  17. Obviously a totally reputable source when it's followed by zero people in the industry.
  18. What trade? Where has it been proven we have a trade in place that is ready to go? I'm loathe to have a crack at anyone who brings rumours to the table but that's all they are - rumours. To start suggesting that we have a trade ready that falls apart or we are even in the mix for him is ludicrous. Really, we know nothing.
  19. Not sure if you've answered this in a previous post rjay, but I'd be interested to know why you think a 24 year old A grade midfielder wouldn't be the right fit for us.
  20. A fresh start? Didn't we give him that only a few years ago? Dick move, Mitch.
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