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DistrACTION Jackson

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Everything posted by DistrACTION Jackson

  1. I've got a feeling that is what we are going for. Otherwise we would have already swapped Bugg for pick 43 or whatever.
  2. Really hope we can bundle up all our picks in the 40's for Bugg and 27.
  3. It was his broken leg that mad him slide. I wonder if it never had happen where he would've gone. A forward line with Hogan and Stringer would've been incredible.
  4. He played his best football down back. I'd play him as a key position defender and leave Frost or McDonald forward. That is if we took him. I mentioned this in another thread but surely we are looking at another ruck man.....
  5. I read that today but thought it was a typo and they meant Nth Melbourne?
  6. I remember someone posted a graph showing the average games played per pick. It was pretty much as expected with the the top 10 averaging the most and then it would decrease as it went into the later picks. There were a few surprise results, I think there was a pick in the 30's that was a bit of an anomaly and had a very high return.
  7. Looking at the trade I think the only winner (so far) on paper is Port Adelaide. Adelaide- Pick 32 for Seedsman is about right for his output (he has done less than Melksham and we paid pick 25). Break even Collingwood- Seedsman and Kennedy are fringe 22 for them and pick 68 is steak knives. Break even. Melbourne- Toumpas obviously struggled and Howe is an inconsistent player. Break even. Port- To gain Toumpas for a swap of pick 29 and 32 essentially is a win (though if Toumpas struggles on it's a loss). Slight win Really no point getting upset about it as it is pretty much spot on for the players output.
  8. I know it's only highlights but his attack on the ball in a few clips was outstanding. If he brings that week in week out he will definitely be best 22.
  9. If Redden is worth pick 17 there is no chance Howe is worth two second rounders...
  10. I really hope we have another ruckman on our radar. Going into the 2016 season with Gawn, Spencer, King and Pedersen would be a massive gamble.
  11. I didn't know Brent Moloney was now in our recruiting team?
  12. If you don't think our recruiting staff haven't looked at these options then you are naive. If some supporter thinks up these things, I guarantee the clubs would have thought of 10+ different scenarios as well. It seems we have come with a direct plan and we are sticking to it….
  13. I for one am happy with this trade. Sure the WADA may come into play but the maximum I could see him being rubbed out for is a year, probably more likely 6 months so it shouldn't be a huge issue. If we take pick 25 to the draft we have to select a kid who we aren't sure how they will turn out, put them into the gym to build an AFL body and likely wait a year or two before they can consistently compete. With Melksham we get a ready made player who has shown to have ability at AFL level and who will be helped by stability at a new club. Hopefully the next deal is Bugg for our third round pick and we can somehow improve our draft position with the Howe trade.
  14. I brought this fact up a few weeks ago. They just get so many more free kicks at their home games than any other club. It really is a joke that the umpires can be swayed that regularly by the crowd.
  15. Would love to have him..... not sure what we could give with all the other deals we are trying to do.
  16. Seeing as Fyfe and Talia were drafted with a pick later than Toumpas that idea is flawed. I think I'd rather have pick 9 + 11 than 3. No guarantee with any of them.
  17. I would be very surprise if we haven't put together a strong offer for him. Lets hope he is still mates with Tyson and Frost and likes Tomas Bugg!
  18. I don't think Collingwood have actually offered 2 first round picks. I'm fairly sure they offered 1st this year and 2nd next year or something like that.
  19. Bugg would only be worth a 3rd or 4th rounder anyway. Plus Treloar is definitely not worth two first round picks on his own.
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