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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. May I have some of that pie too. I bagged Pederson, I was wrong. The transformation to Pederson has been spectacular, congrats to Pedo and the coaching staff. I really admire the MFC at the moment, we are on the way.
  2. Very good, its was priapism. I could hardly do a meme with James and a stiffy. Wait a minute, back soon.
  3. No she can't make it. Porphyry Sauterne should be there. She's sweet.
  4. I hate Essendon. I want to see them fry. But I am sick to death of waiting. As Mr Nike said to ASADA JUST DO IT!
  5. I love mixed metaphors. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out!
  6. Question for Saty, have you been to training this week? I haven't seen any reports and feel like I'm in withdrawal. We country bumpkins love the training reports.
  7. I cried after the Footscray match. Tears of joy!
  8. Yes we can. We will drag them down to our level and beat them with experience.
  9. I have the slow posting too. PC Google chrome. Then I had impatient me double posting, so I have simply slowed down, now I wait 5-10 seconds (seems like forever) and then it is OK
  10. If a father wants to attend the birth of their child how does that make them soft? If you do not want to attend the birth of your child that is your decision. I may have my opinion of what that says about you, but in the end it is your decision. And if you think that Nathan Jones has not given 100% to the MFC for many years and deserves to be able to take 1 game off then I think time has passed you by. Nathan Jones is not soft. He has my respect.
  11. I wonder if it would be a good idea to publish weekly performance details of senior management in business or politicians or in fact any employee? Not sure that I would like it, I do slack off a lot and spend far too much time on here.
  12. Ethan, I was not being sarcastic when I thanked you. But when I stuff up in future feel free to give it to me. I will not hold back on you. PS: I didn't feel it was right
  13. Ethan's message was fine, he was right. No problems. Personally, I think if you make a goose of yourself you deserve public ridicule. It's not like anyone knows who you are. It's all part of the sport IMO.
  14. The irony of being a smart ars*. Serves me right. I made a mistake I was wrong, was a typo but I should proof read before posting. Thanks for private message Ethan.
  15. I think ASADA could fairly argue that delays were caused by the tardiness of record keeping by EFC among other things. So EFC contributed to the delay, they cannot have it both ways, cause the delay and then complain about it.. .
  16. From Dean Kents review, He was an influential player on the ground, but his laziness with his ball use really hurt the team at times. Defensively, it’s also an area, he can really tidy up too, like finding a man quickly when the opposition has the ball. Opposition player "Being a bit lazy aren't we Kenty! Coaches don't think you hurt opposition teams Kent. Don't forget to find a man Kent. You know you'll get dropped if you don't find a man Kenty. They're watching you and you just stuffed up, back to the ressies Kent"
  17. I don't think they should show frank assessments of the AFL players, it may be an advantage to opposition sides if they knew too much inside info. VFL no such problem.
  18. That's right, Essendon, enjoy those merde sandwiches.
  19. No ads, cool! When I saw, End of Demonland, I wondered why anyone would pay a lifetime subscription. It made me wait for a few weeks. Perhaps, "Demonland needs money to grow!" Minimise peak time jams, no ads etc. I really did put off paying, then I thought that I have already had $70 enjoyment so if you do go I won't feel bad. Thanks. Stewart ManDee
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