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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Rolling the dice is plural. The singular is rolling the die. Otherwise I agree with outs. In - McKenzie Kent & Riley.
  2. I think he is like a cockroach. Will probably survive a nuclear holocaust, scurrying around in the dark wallowing in filth.
  3. Quick on the uptake? He gains pleasure from attempting to undermine MFC. He is the worst kind of journalist (pseudo journalist) he makes stuff up and peddles it as news. We should fight back using his style. ---- It has been suggested that Damian Barrett shares more than a nickname with Rolf Harris.--- No factual basis for this but what the heck that's how he writes.
  4. I noticed that too, it seems to me that the CEO's were more worried about gambling. I want the ASADA stuff to be over, so they can bury the EFC
  5. 12 If Tyson leaves (gets injured) you can swap around the numbers then have Hogan or N Jones or if adventurous Cam Pedersen!
  6. Could not agree more. These are my sentiments exactly.
  7. Spencer is in front of Jamar at the same age. Remember Jamar was a late bloomer. Ref :- Fooytwire. http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=2751&tid2=12&pid2=282&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O
  8. No one would believe that. I think he may have a LisFranc injury leading to bouts of depression. (No I am not having a dig at Mitch)
  9. Collingwood don't have the problem other than white with North, Geelong, StKilda, Pt Adelaide, Fremantle, Sydney, Western Bulldogs at to a lesser extent Carlton. Black with StKilda, Essendon, and Richmond. Other than that no clubs really. Hawthorn yellow only Giants, Richmond, GCSuns, Adelaide, Richmond and Brisbane. No one else would use poo brown.
  10. I don't think this is an issue. If they lost out on the deal they may think they will win the next one. We did not force them to trade , they wanted to. I think both clubs are willing to trade with each other, that is good, they would appear to have plenty of players wanting to move back home. What sensible person would choose to live in Western Sydney. (Scully - I rest my case)
  11. May I have some of that pie too. I bagged Pederson, I was wrong. The transformation to Pederson has been spectacular, congrats to Pedo and the coaching staff. I really admire the MFC at the moment, we are on the way.
  12. Very good, its was priapism. I could hardly do a meme with James and a stiffy. Wait a minute, back soon.
  13. No she can't make it. Porphyry Sauterne should be there. She's sweet.
  14. I hate Essendon. I want to see them fry. But I am sick to death of waiting. As Mr Nike said to ASADA JUST DO IT!
  15. I love mixed metaphors. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out!
  16. Question for Saty, have you been to training this week? I haven't seen any reports and feel like I'm in withdrawal. We country bumpkins love the training reports.
  17. I cried after the Footscray match. Tears of joy!
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