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Dees pay HALF of Jonno's salary in Brisbane!


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Jaded, I believe you're quoting George W.


Moving on, we had a decade to basque in the glory of the coming of the lord, and he never came.

Treasured memories, yada yada yada.

Half is paycheck, maybe a little less than that. But, hey, he did always play well when his contract was up. Signed him for more than he was worth, and now we are paying the consequences (no pun intended).

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While I understand Travis was a "high maintenance" player, people are not robotic and it is surely incumbant upon the coaching staff to be "handlers of men". (ALL PERSONALITY TYPES)

Travis was the ONLY player in our team who could hit a target up forward and now we may be paying half of his salary to deliver the ball lace out to Jonathan Brown. (see this article)

In the tradition of Jolly and Armstrong, hold your breath folks as we prepare to watch another Melbourne player bask in premiership glory with another club.


Angry, Frustrated and Bloody Had Enough

Blame Daniher and Fagan

Thay are the ones that put him on $400,000 a year

Now Bailey and Connolly have been left to clean up the messl, and so far have done a great job

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He might be an idiot, but his speech writers the people who operate his strings sure do know what they're talking about :D

If anything that sentence sums up what annoys me a whole lot about Melbourne supporters (in general).

I get the impression from many (not all) supporters that you have to support all of the decisions the club makes, otherwise you are not "supporting" the club as such.

Whereas being critical and questioning the decisions can be much more productive. Yes, what we say and write can be done so without the pressure of the job. But we're not getting paid six figure salaries to do so either.

Just a thought.

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If anything that sentence sums up what annoys me a whole lot about Melbourne supporters (in general).

I get the impression from many (not all) supporters that you have to support all of the decisions the club makes, otherwise you are not "supporting" the club as such.

Whereas being critical and questioning the decisions can be much more productive. Yes, what we say and write can be done so without the pressure of the job. But we're not getting paid six figure salaries to do so either.

Just a thought.

I agree to an extent.

There is following blindly and accepting every decision, and then there is disagreeing with everything and predicting doom and gloom no matter what happens.

It's a fine balance, but in this instant Dean Bailey is trying to make a positive change in attitude both on and off the field. If you can't see that, you are not supporting the vision for change.

What annoys me is that the club needs to always worry about stepping on our supporters' toes because our supporters jump off the bandwagon as quickly as they jump on. Other club supporters may be [censored] off with their club for various reasons, but they still sign up and they still turn up to games. Our supporters think that they should punish the club if the club doesn't do what they want.

What they don't realise is that by not supporting the club financially, or otherwise, they are also hurting themselves, because this club cannot exist without their support.

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I agree to an extent.

There is following blindly and accepting every decision, and then there is disagreeing with everything and predicting doom and gloom no matter what happens.

It's a fine balance, but in this instant Dean Bailey is trying to make a positive change in attitude both on and off the field. If you can't see that, you are not supporting the vision for change.

What annoys me is that the club needs to always worry about stepping on our supporters' toes because our supporters jump off the bandwagon as quickly as they jump on. Other club supporters may be [censored] off with their club for various reasons, but they still sign up and they still turn up to games. Our supporters think that they should punish the club if the club doesn't do what they want.

What they don't realise is that by not supporting the club financially, or otherwise, they are also hurting themselves, because this club cannot exist without their support.

Good post. I certainly do not advocate blind faith. I think people are grossly overreacting to what is a very understandable decision by the club. To suggest that TJ's departure is death incarnate, as some seem to indicate, is utterly ludicrous. These people need to have a bit more faith in Melbourne under a new football department.

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I agree to an extent.

There is following blindly and accepting every decision, and then there is disagreeing with everything and predicting doom and gloom no matter what happens.

It's a fine balance, but in this instant Dean Bailey is trying to make a positive change in attitude both on and off the field. If you can't see that, you are not supporting the vision for change.

What annoys me is that the club needs to always worry about stepping on our supporters' toes because our supporters jump off the bandwagon as quickly as they jump on. Other club supporters may be [censored] off with their club for various reasons, but they still sign up and they still turn up to games. Our supporters think that they should punish the club if the club doesn't do what they want.

What they don't realise is that by not supporting the club financially, or otherwise, they are also hurting themselves, because this club cannot exist without their support.

On the TJ trade, I'm on the fence to be honest. I can see why the trade would be done, but the club is giving up a lot of class, something the side well short of.

I agree with you about people not renewing memberships however, I knew a lot of people that refused to go watch Melbourne play until Daniher was gone and I can also see where they were coming from.

My comments were more in relation to this site. Sometimes it feels like one big love-in where people support the MFC, therefore they support every decision made. That's why I love to read Demonology becuase the posters there seem to be more critical of the club, which I think is healthy.

Overall I agree that people shouldn't be dismissive of every decision made, but saying that you're either with us or against us is just crap.

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Overall I agree that people shouldn't be dismissive of every decision made, but saying that you're either with us or against us is just crap.

What I meant by that is that truly loving something, is loving it despite its fault.

You don't have to agree with everything this club does, I know I don't. But your support and love for this club shouldn't waver because things don't go according to your plan. So many people who barrack for this club are conditional supporters, in that they only support this club on the condition that the club does what they think is right.

It would be nice to have a supporter base who supported the club and its players regardless.

I find it ironic that people are crying over TJ, but at the same time slag off Miller who has just signed a 2 year deal. One plays in red and blue, the other doesn't. That's not to say that we shouldn't be critical of our players or the decisions the club makes, or even the coach, but being critical shouldn't translate to being unsupportive.

You are either with this club, or you're not. If you are, support it regardless of performance, turn up to games, buy a membership and definitely don't whinge that we're unsuccessful if you don't!

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Blame Daniher and Fagan

Thay are the ones that put him on $400,000 a year

Now Bailey and Connolly have been left to clean up the mess, and so far have done a great job

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Get in line with the rest of the tools that want to bash the club for finally making a hard decision. The biggest call that has been made since 2002, and if I recall correctly, that decision paid huge dividends. W was aging and very much on the decline, and we picked up Daniel Bell in the draft for the pick we received.

Who cares if we are paying half his wages; we've knocked at least 200,000 off of the bill, and it's not like we're anywhere near the cap limit if we were making a play for Juda$.

As for Jolly and Armstrong, give me a break. Armstrong lucked out massively when he got to be part of the Weagles premiership team. He was a fringe player at best, and probably no certainty to be part of the team on the big day, right up until the last minute. Jolly made an absolutely minimal contribution to the Swan's flag as well. He was, is, and always will be a backup ruckman. Why would the club feel bad about the fringe players that it has gotten rid of playing in premierships, when they have no discernable effect on the team they join? It's not like we've traded Juda$ away and then he has been the inspiration for a team's premiership tilt.

i think u should watch ur mouth.. obviously these TOOLs are passionate about the club, and become attached to the individual easy. is it a crime to be emotional about a loss of a player who has been a starter for the last 10 years for our club..

Woewodin.... u cant judge wat he could have done at our club after his depature... he did quiet welll at collingwood and if u followed him u would have seen he was a victim of a poor collingwood performance.

not giving u a break it may be slightly irrelevant but jolly and armstrong have wat no other current melb player does a premiership medal and if they can get in the best 22 of that side... its a valid point that has to be made..

i myself are slightly angry about the decision..... i liked him as a player and i guess we al expected more of him..

but the club decides to get rid of a 27 year old player... who still could peak.... for a draft pick... to me they are sitting on the fence..

they either wanna clear all the old underperformers out or they dont..

why is miller fergo and players like cj and jamar too traded or delisted

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I agree to an extent.

There is following blindly and accepting every decision, and then there is disagreeing with everything and predicting doom and gloom no matter what happens.

It's a fine balance, but in this instant Dean Bailey is trying to make a positive change in attitude both on and off the field. If you can't see that, you are not supporting the vision for change.

What annoys me is that the club needs to always worry about stepping on our supporters' toes because our supporters jump off the bandwagon as quickly as they jump on. Other club supporters may be [censored] off with their club for various reasons, but they still sign up and they still turn up to games. Our supporters think that they should punish the club if the club doesn't do what they want.

What they don't realise is that by not supporting the club financially, or otherwise, they are also hurting themselves, because this club cannot exist without their support.

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yes your 100% correct..

look if it was up to me I would do the following..

with this group we have can we win within a flag within 3 years...

the answer is NO..

so..lets make a few changes...in fact I dont think it went far enough

Robert Walls wrote a great piece in the Age..


we should have look at these players to trade..

Green Yze Wheatley Bruce? Sylvia Moloney White?

something needs to be done..

lets suffer to let Dunn Bate and the rest of the kids to play 120 minutes a game and see where we stand..

Ive been thru rebuilding stages before but this current group WILL NOT WIN US A FLAG!!

so lets get cracking.....

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Woey's lack of success after being traded wasnt the result of being a victim of an underperforming list. The fact that in his last year he was struggling to get a game in a side that (from memory) finished in the bottom four just validates our decision.

TJ will not "peak" at 27 years old. He might do better at Brisbane because he wont have the number one tagger, but really, how often do you hear of a player becomming a superstar at 27? If it was going to happen, it would have already. Apart from being a bit sentimental about it, the only negative thought I had when I initially heard the news was "I guess Brock will get the number one tag from now on". But really, thats good. The quicker he learns how to handle it the better.

You said you cant understand why we havnt gotten rid of all of our underperforming 27 year olds, and then, apparently as examples of underforming 27 year olds, you cited 4 players under 25. Ferg might still be delisted, Jamar is on the list because of our lack of ruckmen and will probably gone next year, CJ could still be good and Bailey obviously thinks he can do something with Miller.


Walls is a [censored]. If Moloney and Sylvia are soft then I'm a limp-wristed 98 year old anorexic transexual.

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Woey's lack of success after being drafted wasnt a result of being a victim of an underperforming list. The fact that in his last year he was struggling to get a game in a side that (from memory) finished in the bottom four just validates our decision.

TJ will not "peak" at 27 years old. He might do better at Brisbane because he wont have the number one tagger, but really, how often do you hear of a player becomming a superstar at 27? If it was going to happen, it would have already. Apart from being a bit sentimental about it, the only negative thought I had when I initially heard the news was "I guess Brock will get the number one tag from now on". But really, thats good. The quicker he learns how to handle it the better.

You said you cant understand why we havnt gotten rid of all of our underperforming 27 year olds, and then, apparently as examples of underforming 27 year olds, you cited 4 players under 25. Ferg might still be delisted, Jamar is on the list because of our lack of ruckmen and will probably gone next year, CJ could still be good and Bailey obviously thinks he can do something with Miller.


Walls is a [censored]. If Moloney and Sylvia are soft then I'm a limp-wristed 98 year old anorexic transexual.

from "memory" is not good enough ... he did not struggle to get a game... u go back and watch his last season it came down to one game where he kicked 3 on hte full in the last qrt... an angry collingwood took their anger on him... he did not play bad,

and this is irrelevant my point being he could have played alot better at melbourne during that time.. we willl never know, we can not determine if it was wrong or right, it was just a decision

as for my point about underperofming 27 year olds... i didnt mean to be specific maybe i should have said

they are going to either clear out the dead wood and bring in the youth or they arent, gettin rid of trav serves no purpose with fergo jamar and cj still on our list

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i think u should watch ur mouth.. obviously these TOOLs are passionate about the club, and become attached to the individual easy. is it a crime to be emotional about a loss of a player who has been a starter for the last 10 years for our club..

The problem, Brownlow, is that they are passionate about the individual BEFORE the club. It's been said a hundred times, but no individual is bigger than the club, and to act as though the world will stop turning, and the club is a 'disgrace' when an individual leaves is a bit rich.

For the thousandth time I don't have a problem with people being sad to see TJ go. I feel I have made myself perfectly clear on that, here and elsewhere. People can be upset, but ringing up the club, SEN, your grandma, and anybody else you care to tell, and unleashing a torrent of abuse upon the Melbourne Football Club and acting like the sky is falling is pretty poor, and very short-sighted.

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He was dropped on several occasions; his 2005 was very ordinary and had precious little to do with the team he was playing for. As you said though, its ultimately irrelevant. Obviously we didnt think he would have faired that much better if he'd stayed at Melbourne. I dont understand how anyone can still say we made the wrong decision: would you rather we have Bell for the next ten years, or would you rather we'd had Woewodin until the end of 2005? I think its a no-brainer.

The reason we got rid of TJ and kept some ordinary players is pretty simple: we were never going to get a first round pick for Jamar or Ferg. Since we'd already delisted a fair few players those two got lucky, but my guess is they wont be here in two years time either. I dont really see your argument, if we're clearing the deadwood and bringing in youth then this off-seasons been pretty productive so far.

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Maybe CAC didn't want to wait until the end of 2008 after TJ had a decent year in the last year of his contract and we were looking at a choice between 3 more years @ $400K or losing him in the PSD.

Just the perfect balance of cyncism and reality :)

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Blame Daniher and Fagan

Thay are the ones that put him on $400,000 a year

Now Bailey and Connolly have been left to clean up the messl, and so far have done a great job

Actually also blame Collingwood, they were the ones who offered the big money when he was last out of Contract (as they have a nasty habit of doing).

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He was dropped on several occasions; his 2005 was very ordinary and had precious little to do with the team he was playing for. As you said though, its ultimately irrelevant. Obviously we didnt think he would have faired that much better if he'd stayed at Melbourne. I dont understand how anyone can still say we made the wrong decision: would you rather we have Bell for the next ten years, or would you rather we'd had Woewodin until the end of 2005? I think its a no-brainer.

The reason we got rid of TJ and kept some ordinary players is pretty simple: we were never going to get a first round pick for Jamar or Ferg. Since we'd already delisted a fair few players those two got lucky, but my guess is they wont be here in two years time either. I dont really see your argument, if we're clearing the deadwood and bringing in youth then this off-seasons been pretty productive so far.

You are clearly a close follower of the game.

TJ's 2005 was so ordinary that he won our B & F by an absolute mile and came 3rd in the Brownlow.

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