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10 hours ago, ProDee said:

You really are a dope.  And it's irreversible.

I don't care about "ethnicity".  I don't care about skin colour.  I care about culture and behaviour.  I care about adherents to Satan's religion.  Race or ethnicity is completely irrelevant.  

I despise Islamism, which is practised by many Muslims in the Middle East and specifically Hamas in the region we're referencing.  Palestinians hate the Jews, not because of the measly portion of land they occupy, but because they're Jews.

Islam is as much a political ideology as a religion.  It is vile.  It is misogynistic.  It is cruel.  It is hate filled.  It is a death cult that hates you, Jara.  It hates your children and anything you cherish.  It wants to oppress you at best, or kill you at worst.  It hates and kills gays.  It hasn't a single redeeming feature.  Yet dumb $#@!@ like you not only defend it, but grovel to it.

Name a western country that is better off with Muslim immigration ?  Just one will do.  

Leftist s.crotes enable the spread of this sick ideology. 

How you can defend terrorists against a persecuted peoples and the only democracy in the Middle East is staggering.  You decry the only free country in the Middle East and support police states that wish you harm.

Ok let me reply with a simple question. 100 years ago the Palestinians had their own country,  albeit under European colonial occupation. This land was taken from them, again largely as a consequence of European actions - ie the persecution of Jews and their perfectly understandable desire for a homeland. The consequence is that Palestinians are now a minority in what they understandably regard as their own country, with millions of them crammed into the Gaza hell-hole, still largely controlled by Israel. Their anger is clearly  festering. My question is : what is your solution to this terrible situation? 

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

No Hamas, a declared terrorist organisation whom you clearly sympathise with. 

You should be a little more careful with how openly you support them.

For a start, Ethan, the title of 'Terrorist Organisation' is a totally arbitrary one. It's also co-incidental that it's always applied to organisations that oppose either European Colonialism or the results of European Colonialism.  Incidentally, the term is mostly applied to countries or organisations which oppose the USA. ONce upon a time, Algerians were terrorists because they defied France, ditto the Congo Africans, and the Mau Mau who defied Belgium and England. Sinn Fein was declared a terrorist organisation by  Britain because it opposed British rule in Northern Ireland.

Secondly, I'll quote from the letter sent by New York Jews to the New York Times in 1948:

'Attack on Arab Village
A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants (240 men, women, and children) and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.
The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party.
Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.
During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence, the IZL and Stern groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods, beatings, window-smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the terrorists intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute.'

Thirdly, what do you know about Hamas anyway, other than the garbage hand fed to you by Israeli propaganda?

Did you know, for example, that Mossad created Hamas?

From War is Crime, December 2008:'

'....Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories.

Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation

Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”.

Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement.

According to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (October 1987), “The Islamic associations as well as the university had been supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority”in charge of the (civilian) administration of the West Bank and Gaza.

“They [the Islamic associations and the university] were authorized to receive money payments from abroad.”

The Islamists set up orphanages and health clinics, as well as a network of schools, workshops which created employment for women as well as system of financial aid to the poor. And in 1978, they created an “Islamic University” in Gaza. “The military authority was convinced that these activities would weaken both the PLO and the leftist organizations in Gaza.”

At the end of 1992, there were six hundred mosques in Gaza. Thanks to Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad (Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks), the Islamists were allowed to reinforce their presence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, the members of Fatah (Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine) and the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression.'

And, Washington Post, July 30, 2014:

ll signs indicate that the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is prepared to wage a protracted battle in the battered Gaza Strip as it seeks to crush the capabilities of the Islamist militant group Hamas. The ongoing conflict has already exacted a bloody toll, with the Palestinian death count approaching the total of Israel's 2008-2009 bombing campaign and ground offensive in Gaza, which led to the deaths of at least 1,383 Palestinians over three weeks.

Netanyahu wants to wholly demilitarize the Palestinian enclave, beginning with the network of tunnels that allow Hamas's fighters to infiltrate into Israeli territory. But Hamas, a dogged outfit that thrives in wartime, is digging in its heels. On Tuesday, a Hamas spokesman said Netanyahu's "threats did not frighten Hamas or the Palestinian people."

The current fighting — a clash between Israel's vastly superior armed forces and Hamas's insurgents — obscures the greater challenges facing Israelis and Palestinians, including the thorny question of how to accord equal rights to millions of Palestinians living under occupation in the event that a separate Palestinian state turns out not to be viable.

It also obscures Hamas's curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.

At the time, Israel's main enemy was the late Yasser Arafat's Fatah party, which formed the heart of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Fatah was secular and cast in the mold of other revolutionary, leftist guerrilla movements waging insurgencies elsewhere in the world during the Cold War. The PLO carried out assassinations and kidnappings and, although recognized by neighboring Arab states, was considered a terrorist organization by Israel; PLO operatives in the occupied territories faced brutal repression at the hands of the Israeli security state.

Meanwhile, the activities of Islamists affiliated with Egypt's banned Muslim Brotherhood were allowed in the open in Gaza — a radical departure from when the Strip was administered by the secular-nationalist Egyptian government of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Egypt lost control of Gaza to Israel after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, which saw Israel also seize the West Bank. In 1966, Nasser had executed Sayyid Qutb, one of the Brotherhood's leading intellectuals. The Israelis saw Qutb's adherents in the Palestinian territories, including the wheelchair-bound Sheik Ahmed Yassin, as a useful counterweight to Arafat's PLO.

"When I look back at the chain of events I think we made a mistake," one Israeli official who had worked in Gaza in the 1980s said in a 2009 interview with the Wall Street Journal's Andrew Higgins. "But at the time nobody thought about the possible results."

Higgins's article is worth reading in full. He goes on to outline the type of assistance the Israelis initially gave Yassin, whom the PLO at one time deemed a "collaborator," and Gaza's other Islamists:

Israel's military-led administration in Gaza looked favorably on the paraplegic cleric, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Sheikh Yassin formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was officially recognized by Israel as a charity and then, in 1979, as an association. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza, which it now regards as a hotbed of militancy. The university was one of the first targets hit by Israeli warplanes in the [2008-9 Operation Cast Lead].

Yassin's Mujama would become Hamas, which, it can be argued, was Israel's Taliban: an Islamist group whose antecedents had been laid down by the West in a battle against a leftist enemy. Israel jailed Yassin in 1984 on a 12-year sentence after the discovery of hidden arms caches, but he was released a year later. The Israelis must have been more worried about other enemies.

Eventually, the tables turned. After the 1993 Oslo accords, Israel's formal recognition of the PLO and the start of what we now know as the peace process, Hamas was the Israelis' bete noire. Hamas refused to accept Israel or renounce violence and became perhaps the leading institution of Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation, which, far beyond religious ideology, is the main reason for its continued popularity among Palestinians.

Just for the record, the USA founded the Taliban, another  'Terrorist' organisation. The USA also played a hand in setting up Al Quaeda.

Ah, Ethan, there's more in God's universe than you'll ever imagine...

I wonder too, Ethan, how you would regard Israelis if you had relatives who were butchered at Deir Yassin in 1948. ( Deir Yassin, by the way, was not a solitary example. Read Benny Morris, Schlomo Sand, Ilan Pappe etc etc.)



Edited by dieter

11 hours ago, ProDee said:


Name a western country that is better off with Muslim immigration ?  Just one will do.  


Spain. In fact, ProDee, if the Moors hadn't gone to Spain Europe would still be in the Dark Ages.


  • Like 2


Dieter  - just a couple of things about your statements that completely lack accuracy.

No  - the Taliban was not "founded" by the US - if you are saying that they were initially funded and equipped - you would be right

No - the US did not have a hand in setting up Al Queda - if you are saying that were initially funded and equipped  - you would right

No - Israel did not "create" hamas  - it was tolerated in the early days as a foil to the PLO. In fact, as reported above, in the early days  Hamas was socially and politically active in helping the lot of the Palestinians. Those days are long gone with Hamas more interested in armaments and tunnels. 

I do not condone the killing of anyone, anywhere but i do need to ask one question - It has been reported that 8 children have been slain in the current border clashes. Why exactly would children be at the border protests ?


  • Like 1

Hey Nut i imagine it depends upon what age you call a child. They seemed to be overwhelmingly angry youths - inevitable you're going to get some under age (happens everywhere - i was at the anti-apartheid protests when i was 15) 

My concern is the overreaction of the IDF - i heard an Israeli spokesman saying the situation was critical because there were Jewish schools operating  only 700 metres away. And i thought - what? The situation is so critical you have to massacre 100 people (latest figures from today's Age)  and yet you don't even close down the schools or move the kids to safety? Monsters. Harking back to my earlier reference to South Africa,even at Sharpeville there were only about 60 killed and the civilized world condemned the Aftikaaners - the Israelis are allowed to get away with murder and our own government won't even support an enquiry.


(Excuse poor writing - on my phone and in a rush )

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
On 5/19/2018 at 12:11 PM, ProDee said:

Before and after the left wing mind virus took control.




This post piqued my interest.

I performed a reverse image search, and found that it was tweeted:



Same exact comment/text as well.

It seems Mr Mark A Collett is some sort of Men's Rights Activist, author of 'Fall of the Western Man'.

As if that isn't enough of a red flag for you all, lets see if we can find out where Mr Collett got this image in the first place.

Ah ha! Page 2 of google reverse image search, first page is just the tweet and retweets:





Whats this? A whole bunch of Russian website hits?


Could it be that our illustrious ProDee has been taken in by Russian Troll Bots?

Surely not.

It's almost as if ProDee is some sort of troll....

You, sir, are Fake News!


I also feel compelled to link that "Right wingers are suckered into fake news more than left wingers" article again:



edit: made the link work







Edited by Choke

5 minutes ago, Choke said:



This post piqued my interest.

I performed a reverse image search, and found that it was tweeted:



Same exact comment/text as well.

It seems Mr Mark A Collett is some sort of Men's Rights Activist, author of 'Fall of the Western Man'.

As if that isn't enough of a red flag for you all, lets see if we can find out where Mr Collett got this image in the first place.

Ah ha! Page 2 of google reverse image search, first page is just the tweet and retweets:





Whats this? A whole bunch of Russian website hits?


Could it be that our illustrious ProDee has been taken in by Russian Troll Bots?

Surely not.

It's almost as if ProDee is some sort of troll....

You, sir, are Fake News!


I also feel compelled to link that "Right wingers are suckered into fake news more than left wingers" article again:



edit: made the link work







I saw it on twitter and liked it.  So many Leftist women are fat with blue hair, so the theme worked for me.  Most are ugly too.

Btw, you're meant to have me blocked, Lefty.


3 minutes ago, ProDee said:

I saw it on twitter and liked it.  So many Leftist women are fat with blue hair, so the theme worked for me.  Most are ugly too.

Btw, you're meant to have me blocked, Lefty.


Yeah I unblock you occasionally to see who else you're annoying.

You accuse the left of not being able to think critically, but then link this Russian trollbot garbage.

Either you got suckered in by this MRA guy, or you're a troll yourself. Honestly I think you're a scourge to these boards, and hopefully this evidence above demonstrates that to others. I honestly don't know how you haven't been banned yet. Most of the time your trolling is too subtle for the mods I would guess.

I think your post has significantly damaged your credibility, and anyone who's seen it and now my reply will now read your posts with a more cautious eye.


  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, nutbean said:

Dieter  - just a couple of things about your statements that completely lack accuracy.

No  - the Taliban was not "founded" by the US - if you are saying that they were initially funded and equipped - you would be right

No - the US did not have a hand in setting up Al Queda - if you are saying that were initially funded and equipped  - you would right

No - Israel did not "create" hamas  - it was tolerated in the early days as a foil to the PLO. In fact, as reported above, in the early days  Hamas was socially and politically active in helping the lot of the Palestinians. Those days are long gone with Hamas more interested in armaments and tunnels. 

I do not condone the killing of anyone, anywhere but i do need to ask one question - It has been reported that 8 children have been slain in the current border clashes. Why exactly would children be at the border protests ?


Hi Nutbean

Your point about the Taliban is sophistry. Okay, they were 'funded and equipped', have it your way. What's the difference?

As is your point about Al Queda. Ditto the above.

You probably also know that McCain and co funded and equipped ISIS.

The articles I quoted from above would refute your notion that Mossad did not create Hamas.

And, last but not least, I've seen kids at protests with their parents all over the world. You seem to be saying that no self respecting Palestinian parent would take their kids to a protest. Why? Because they should know the Israelis will try to murder them?

Also, where is the 'border'? Don't you mean the fence that confines two million people into the Gaza Ghetto?

Edited by dieter
2 minutes ago, Jara said:

Omg Pro is a Russian troll? That explains a lot of things. Maybe he's Mark J?

He's a troll, he's not a Russian troll.

At absolute best he likes Men Right's Activists (who DO source false and misleading memes from Russian trollbots) and uncritically accepts their bile, then reposts it.

I don't think the mods of Demonland would be pleased about it being used to further the MRA platform.

Again though, ProDee is so subtle that he probably won't get banned. This is how Cambridge Analytica operated - spread hate memes far and wide. Accuracy doesn't matter, as long as the hate is spread. Do it subtly enough and the platforms (twitter, fb, and now IMHO Demonland) let you get away with it.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
27 minutes ago, ProDee said:

I saw it on twitter and liked it.  So many Leftist women are fat with blue hair, so the theme worked for me.  Most are ugly too.

Btw, you're meant to have me blocked, Lefty.


You are not only racist, sir, you are also a very crude example of blatant sexism. Like Choke, I do not understand why you are not banned from this site. 

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, dieter said:

Hi Nutbean


The articles I quoted from above would refute your notion that Mossad did not create Hamas.



'....Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories.

Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation

Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”.


Isis, Taliban, the Mormons. I never know who started what - it all depends upon what propaganda you've read - what I do know is that the Palestinians are one of the most oppressed groups of people in the world and that two million of them have been crammed into that s*&hole Gaza where their kids keep getting shot. No wonder they're getting a little p'd off. No wonder they elected a bunch of thugs like Hamas.


That said, as I mentioned earlier, I still kind of love Israel the country - it's a fascinating place - if I were there I'd probably be one of the people involved in the peace movement, which is quite sizeable. I don't see that there's much choice. All other paths lead to perdition.


The only practical solution is the Two-State one (supported by most Palestinians last time I looked, though that number may be decreasing, given the IDF's brutality and the continuing theft of land on the West Bank)


Unfortunately Trump just kicked a great hole in that prospect. God knows why - the influence of his son-in-law, perhaps? What a dope. What an A-grade dope.


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, nutbean said:

Dieter  - just a couple of things about your statements that completely lack accuracy.

No  - the Taliban was not "founded" by the US - if you are saying that they were initially funded and equipped - you would be right

No - the US did not have a hand in setting up Al Queda - if you are saying that were initially funded and equipped  - you would right

No - Israel did not "create" hamas  - it was tolerated in the early days as a foil to the PLO. In fact, as reported above, in the early days  Hamas was socially and politically active in helping the lot of the Palestinians. Those days are long gone with Hamas more interested in armaments and tunnels. 

I do not condone the killing of anyone, anywhere but i do need to ask one question - It has been reported that 8 children have been slain in the current border clashes. Why exactly would children be at the border protests ?


 Nut gee you are splitting straws here, not founded versus initially funded and equiped??? Most people are comfortable with the facts that the US played a major role in the development of the Al Queda via support for the Mujahideen in the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, which created an opening for the Taliban. My reading indicates the Israelis were initially happy to promote the creation of Hamas as a better alternative to the PLO. Hamas initially concentrated on developing health and education services for Palestinians but increasingly diverted funds and efforts into fighting the Isreali Government’s siege of Gaza. Why did they do this? Was it because they are mindless, aggressive terrorists or because they saw no future for their people due to the siege and the increasing co struction of illegal Isreali settlements on their lands, who knows? 

Edited by Earl Hood
  • Like 1

what does it matter if one once supported a middle eastern individual or organisation who has transmogrified into a different entity who is now your enemy. this has been the way of middle eastern tribalism and alliances for millenia. treachery and swapping of allegiance amongst hundreds of power cliques is par for the territory. there is literally none you could trust beyond your short term benefits. one should ally with none but the geo-political necessities force one to make choices. it's all a fn mess and no-one has the moral high ground over any period of time. there is no such concept as peace in the middle east beyond temporary accommodations, only continuous power struggles.

meanwhile israel is in a life or death struggle trying to reach an accommodation with an organisation that has no real credibility and a  desire to exterminate them

israel is certainly not free from criticism, that i accept, but there is no way i can support the current arab/muslim treachery over the sovereignty and very existence of israel 


  • Like 4

9 hours ago, daisycutter said:

what does it matter if one once supported a middle eastern individual or organisation who has transmogrified into a different entity who is now your enemy. this has been the way of middle eastern tribalism and alliances for millenia. treachery and swapping of allegiance amongst hundreds of power cliques is par for the territory. there is literally none you could trust beyond your short term benefits. one should ally with none but the geo-political necessities force one to make choices. it's all a fn mess and no-one has the moral high ground over any period of time. there is no such concept as peace in the middle east beyond temporary accommodations, only continuous power struggles.

meanwhile israel is in a life or death struggle trying to reach an accommodation with an organisation that has no real credibility and a  desire to exterminate them

israel is certainly not free from criticism, that i accept, but there is no way i can support the current arab/muslim treachery over the sovereignty and very existence of israel 


I had to 'like' it for the use of "transmogrified".


Hey Daisy -  According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 70% of Palestinians in the West Bank supported the Two-State solution  - i.e. they accept the reality of Israel, so your assertion that they are all treacherously pushing for Israel to be destroyed is not correct. 


if we could all work towards that end, maybe over time the whole thing could settle down. 


Unfortunately, Jewish fanatics, supported by weirdo Christian fundamentalists and their end-of-days delusions, continue to steal Palestinian land, and Israeli snipers continue to massacre kids throwing rocks (I know the IDF claim that some - did i read 8? - of them had guns, but given that there've been thousands of Palestinian casualties and no Jewish ones, I'll take a bit of convincing).   So I presume the anger in the bombed-out slums is festering and any chance of resolution is fading into the distance. 





  • Like 2

10 hours ago, daisycutter said:


israel is certainly not free from criticism, that i accept, but there is no way i can support the current arab/muslim treachery over the sovereignty and very existence of israel 



2 minutes ago, Jara said:

Hey Daisy -  According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 70% of Palestinians in the West Bank supported the Two-State solution  - i.e. they accept the reality of Israel, so your assertion that they are all treacherously pushing for Israel to be destroyed is not correct. 

And apparently 52% of Australians do not support the current Gov't. - and yet here we are ...

What is apparent ( or maybe apparent) is the 70% of the Palestinian population supports the two state solution. Their political masters do not. So the assertion that there is a push for there to be no state of Israel is absolutely correct.Please tell me how you can reach any other conclusion when Hamas controls Gaza and then read exactly what Hamas's charter is.

13 minutes ago, Jara said:

Unfortunately, Jewish fanatics, supported by weirdo Christian fundamentalists and their end-of-days delusions, continue to steal Palestinian land, and Israeli snipers continue to massacre kids throwing rocks (I know the IDF claim that some - did i read 8? - of them had guns, but given that there've been thousands of Palestinian casualties and no Jewish ones, I'll take a bit of convincing).   So I presume the anger in the bombed-out slums is festering and any chance of resolution is fading into the distance. 





It was 8 kids  - not 8 that had guns. 

I struggle with the violence and I do think that the response is disproportionate but i will ask the question again. Or rephrase it - do you believe that kids are put in harms way as it makes good publicity and allows people to say such things as "kids being massacred" .

11 hours ago, daisycutter said:

meanwhile israel is in a life or death struggle trying to reach an accommodation with an organisation that has no real credibility and a  desire to exterminate them

Jaysus, I would have thought it was the Palestinians who were in the life or death struggle. Never mind, I guess that's what propaganda does, it turns  the victims into the aggressors. What a sad, pathetic, sick joke.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, nutbean said:

And apparently 52% of Australians do not support the current Gov't. - and yet here we are ...

What is apparent ( or maybe apparent) is the 70% of the Palestinian population supports the two state solution. Their political masters do not. So the assertion that there is a push for there to be no state of Israel is absolutely correct.Please tell me how you can reach any other conclusion when Hamas controls Gaza and then read exactly what Hamas's charter is.

That is another lie, nut. Aarafat and Hamas have accepted Israel. Haaretz:

How Many Times Must the Palestinians Recognize Israel?

Netanyahu’s new 'Jewish state' mantra negates the fact that Palestinians recognized Israel more than twenty years ago. They’re still waiting for Israel to recognize Palestine.

Hussein Ibish

 Mar 13, 2014 4:30 PM


Edited by dieter

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    Training Reports

    MATCH SIM: Friday 14th February 2025

    A couple of Demonland Trackwatchers made their way out to Casey Field's for the Melbourne Football Club's Family Series day to bring you their observations on the Match Simulation. HARVEY WALLBANGER'S MATCH SIMULATION OBSERVATIONS Absent: May, Pickett (All Stars), McVee, Windor, Kentfield, Mentha Present but not playing: Petracca, Viney, Spargo, Tholstrup, Melksham Starting Blue 18 (+ just 2 interchange): B: Petty, TMac, Lever, Howes, Bowey Salem M: Gawn, Oliver, La

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    Training Reports
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