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The TV/movies/DVD threads made me decide that I need to open one up that I know a little more about.  So here it is.

Just wondering what console or rig you are running and if anyone wants to add friends on networks aka PSN, then here may be a good place to do it.  You might even be able to setup some online co-op sessions with me or others on BF or UC4, GTA online is fun too if you have not ventured into that real.

ATM i am playing Battlefield 1, F1 2016, GTA Online, always up for Rocket league (pretty lousy at it though), don't own any COD's but I have never really a fan of online in this game as there are way too many pre teens that kick my ass. I have a bunch of others that I can't think of but can reinstall if need be.

If anyone wants to add me I'm on PSN: AzzKikA79 PS4 only.


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I game a bit too, but none of those games you mentioned sorry! My FPS days are well and truly over, at the age of 32 my reaction times simply aren't competitive any more. I used to play a lot of Halo and Counter Strike back in the day, but I find those games too difficult and frustrating to play at any sort of high level any more.

Currently playing DC Universe Online. Despite the issues I have with its micro-transaction model, the game itself is a hell of a lot of fun and I have a few mates on there to group with. They release new content regularly, and I get a little nostalgic buzz from the DC animated universe voice actors (Kevin Conroy, Mark Hamill, Tim Daily).

I'll get Civ 6 soon as it looks phenomenal.

I'm looking forward to playing the new Pokemon games when they're release next month.

Also nice avatar. Fallout is currently sitting on my desk ready to play, but haven't gotten around to it yet unfortunately.

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8 minutes ago, AzzKikA said:

Come on mate, im almost 37 can't use ya age as an excuse lol.

Haven't seen DC universe online, what can it be compared to?


I'm just not as quick as I used to be, maybe you've been better able to hold onto your reaction times!

DCUO is hard to explain. I think they call it an action MMORPG. So you've got a persistent shared world with your own character, who you build. You chose superpowers, weapons etc and go off on missions for your superhero (or villain) mentor. I'm a DC fanboy, so I got a pretty big thrill from flying around large-scale Metropolis and Gotham doing missions.

It's gameplay that's the most fun for me though. It's combo based, so less of the wow-esque "mash x button at y time for z result", you have to pay attention to what the bosses are doing (blocking, dodging, comboing) so you can counter with an appropriate move.

I don't know if it runs on PS4, but it does run on PS3. From memory it has cross platform compatibility, so PS3 players play on the same servers as PC players. I think.

Graphics have aged a bit, the game is about 6 years old, but the fighting style is still fluid and fun to play, and the boss fights are mostly engaging and require teamwork to complete.

If you're interested I would suggest going to youtube for gameplay videos. Their official website is next to useless, they just promote whichever new event they're running at the time (Halloween right now).

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Just now, Choke said:

I'm just not as quick as I used to be, maybe you've been better able to hold onto your reaction times!

DCUO is hard to explain. I think they call it an action MMORPG. So you've got a persistent shared world with your own character, who you build. You chose superpowers, weapons etc and go off on missions for your superhero (or villain) mentor. I'm a DC fanboy, so I got a pretty big thrill from flying around large-scale Metropolis and Gotham doing missions.

It's gameplay that's the most fun for me though. It's combo based, so less of the wow-esque "mash x button at y time for z result", you have to pay attention to what the bosses are doing (blocking, dodging, comboing) so you can counter with an appropriate move.

I don't know if it runs on PS4, but it does run on PS3. From memory it has cross platform compatibility, so PS3 players play on the same servers as PC players. I think.

Graphics have aged a bit, the game is about 6 years old, but the fighting style is still fluid and fun to play, and the boss fights are mostly engaging and require teamwork to complete.

If you're interested I would suggest going to youtube for gameplay videos. Their official website is next to useless, they just promote whichever new event they're running at the time (Halloween right now).

Will check it out, looks like it is on PS4

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I game quite a bit too. Mostly PS4, and mostly FIFA. I play Rocket League online now and then too. 

I've got Battlefield 1 but haven't opened it yet. I also suck at FPS now, dunno if it's us getting older or the kids getting better. I'll check out BF1 when I finish Mafia III and Gears of War 4(Xbone).

I'm a big fan of the Arkham games so I'm itching to play the remasters of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City - City is the best game I've played I reckon. Uncharted also floats my boat.

I've got GTAV but don't play it that much anymore.


Add me on PSN if you want: AFLfootyBOY (the name was a joke, mocking someone called HSVholdenGUY, I've regretted it ever since).


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On 11/2/2016 at 9:16 AM, Deestroy All said:

I game quite a bit too. Mostly PS4, and mostly FIFA. I play Rocket League online now and then too. 

I've got Battlefield 1 but haven't opened it yet. I also suck at FPS now, dunno if it's us getting older or the kids getting better. I'll check out BF1 when I finish Mafia III and Gears of War 4(Xbone).

I'm a big fan of the Arkham games so I'm itching to play the remasters of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City - City is the best game I've played I reckon. Uncharted also floats my boat.

I've got GTAV but don't play it that much anymore.


Add me on PSN if you want: AFLfootyBOY (the name was a joke, mocking someone called HSVholdenGUY, I've regretted it ever since).



I have not tried BF1 online yet still but the campaign is pretty good, quite easy on hard difficulty which is disappointing.

I have decided to become a WOW player as of tonight so I think that will be consuming much of my gaming time.


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2 hours ago, Deestroy All said:

I game quite a bit too. Mostly PS4, and mostly FIFA. I play Rocket League online now and then too. 

I've got Battlefield 1 but haven't opened it yet. I also suck at FPS now, dunno if it's us getting older or the kids getting better. I'll check out BF1 when I finish Mafia III and Gears of War 4(Xbone).

I'm a big fan of the Arkham games so I'm itching to play the remasters of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City - City is the best game I've played I reckon. Uncharted also floats my boat.

I've got GTAV but don't play it that much anymore.


Add me on PSN if you want: AFLfootyBOY (the name was a joke, mocking someone called HSVholdenGUY, I've regretted it ever since).



I loved the Arkham games, especially City. For some reason the reviewers reckon it's the weakest of the franchise, but I loved it.

Arkham Knight is horrible, its all batmobile and no stealth. If I wanted to play GTA I'd play GTA.


1 hour ago, AzzKikA said:


I have not tried BF1 online yet still but the campaign is pretty good, quite on on hard difficulty which is disappointing.

I have decided to become a WOW player as of tonight so I think that will be consuming much of my gaming time.



Legion is great. Blizzard did a fantastic job on the cinematics, I suggest watching them when they crop up (instead of skipping to rush to 110). I played it for a few months until all my mates left for DCUO lol. If there's one thing a WoW player needs, it's a solid group or guild. Otherwise the best content just isn't doable. I got to 110 and couldn't be bothered pugging instances, so many horrible players around.

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Just now, Choke said:


I loved the Arkham games, especially City. For some reason the reviewers reckon it's the weakest of the franchise, but I loved it.

Arkham Knight is horrible, its all batmobile and no stealth. If I wanted to play GTA I'd play GTA.



Legion is great. Blizzard did a fantastic job on the cinematics, I suggest watching them when they crop up (instead of skipping to rush to 110). I played it for a few months until all my mates left for DCUO lol. If there's one thing a WoW player needs, it's a solid group or guild. Otherwise the best content just isn't doable. I got to 110 and couldn't be bothered pugging instances, so many horrible players around.

Agree on Arkham knight, was terrible.

My cousin is a WOW head, has multiple 110 characters and said I could join his guild no worries, he is also online a fair bit too so that will be cool.

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Just now, Choke said:

nice, ready made guild is the way to go :)

I am a bit worried about what class to pick, I have found myself thinking I am an all rounder, snipe where I can but if it comes down to face to face combat I like to think I can handle myself.  Not sure what class that would be.

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Just now, AzzKikA said:

I am a bit worried about what class to pick, I have found myself thinking I am an all rounder, snipe where I can but if it comes down to face to face combat I like to think I can handle myself.  Not sure what class that would be.


None of the other ranged classes can handle melee combat, and Hunters can actually specialise in melee if they want to.

Also not being a tank or healer will ease your transition into grouping, so a damage class is good for a first timer.

Remember if you die, it's never your fault. Either the healer didn't heal you or the tank lost agro. It is very important as a WoW player to never accept responsibility for any group wipe.

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Just now, Choke said:


None of the other ranged classes can handle melee combat, and Hunters can actually specialise in melee if they want to.

Also not being a tank or healer will ease your transition into grouping, so a damage class is good for a first timer.

Remember if you die, it's never your fault. Either the healer didn't heal you or the tank lost agro. It is very important as a WoW player to never accept responsibility for any group wipe.

Yeah I have heard to lay the blame elsewhere lol

If I will be in a consistent group then Hunter is  good as I have read that they are the first kicked due to not being able to actually play the role assigned to them in raids/dungeon missions, generally caused by the way you play the class on your own.


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8 hours ago, Choke said:


I loved the Arkham games, especially City. For some reason the reviewers reckon it's the weakest of the franchise, but I loved it.

Arkham Knight is horrible, its all batmobile and no stealth. If I wanted to play GTA I'd play GTA.


Wasn't it Arkham Origins that copped the bad reviews? The City story was so good. Either way I like them all, even enjoyed Arkham Knight, but also hated the Batmobile [censored]. 

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On 11/2/2016 at 8:20 PM, Deestroy All said:

Wasn't it Arkham Origins that copped the bad reviews? The City story was so good. Either way I like them all, even enjoyed Arkham Knight, but also hated the Batmobile [censored]. 

Mark Hamill as the Joker was awesomeness.

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On 11/2/2016 at 11:58 AM, Choke said:


None of the other ranged classes can handle melee combat, and Hunters can actually specialise in melee if they want to.

Also not being a tank or healer will ease your transition into grouping, so a damage class is good for a first timer.

Remember if you die, it's never your fault. Either the healer didn't heal you or the tank lost agro. It is very important as a WoW player to never accept responsibility for any group wipe.

I created a Hunter, played it for a while then my Cousin came online and said he forgot to tell me what Realm he was in, so I had to start again, this time I picked a Druid, as healers are always needed and he was in the Horde.

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I am a Guild Wars 2 player or will be again once I get decent Internet at my new place.



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Good thread!

I've been out of the loop for sometime when it comes to video games. I grew up on PlayStation 1 & 2 era platformers and RPGs and didn't mind the odd Nintendo game either. Today, the medium still holds a special and nostalgic place in my heart. I fell out of gaming around 2012 due to PS2 games becoming near impossible to find and the PS3 simply not appealing to me at the time as I thought it lacked the charm of its predecessors. 

Saying all that, I'm 20 now and I just finished a long semester of Uni. I just bought myself a cheap PS3 to fill some spare time over the Summer break and to see what I've missed over the years. The Batman Arkham games are certainly high on my list. 

Any other recommendations?

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20 hours ago, Demon Jack said:

Good thread!

I've been out of the loop for sometime when it comes to video games. I grew up on PlayStation 1 & 2 era platformers and RPGs and didn't mind the odd Nintendo game either. Today, the medium still holds a special and nostalgic place in my heart. I fell out of gaming around 2012 due to PS2 games becoming near impossible to find and the PS3 simply not appealing to me at the time as I thought it lacked the charm of its predecessors. 

Saying all that, I'm 20 now and I just finished a long semester of Uni. I just bought myself a cheap PS3 to fill some spare time over the Summer break and to see what I've missed over the years. The Batman Arkham games are certainly high on my list. 

Any other recommendations?

What do you like?  FPS, Open World, Adventure?

I tend to go for open world games as they last a lot longer than most FPS games.

There is always the classics, GTA V is a great solo game with 1 of the best video game characters around, Trevor.  An older one, Fallout 3 was fantastic, but may look a little aged compared to the newer ones.  Then there is also the FarCry Series too.

For FPS Dead Space is a great thriller along with the BioShocks aswell.

Action/Adventure games, you can't go past the Uncharted Series, fantastic stuff, problem is the last one is on PS4 only.  Last Of Us was raved about, while it found it very pretty (for the time) to me it was quite dull, and the lack of choice annoyed me, but many thought it was one of the best games ever.

If you are a multiplayer person, the CODs (Call of Duty) and Battlefields are the way to go, although as i mentioned earlier in the thread GTA is fun if you know some others who play it.

Most of these you should be able to pick up second hand at EB or Jb, much cheaper than buying new, and whatever you do, DO NOT EVER buy games on the PS store unless they are hugely discounted, they rip you off even more than EB does lol.

If you have a little spare cash, $70 a year, join Playstation Plus, they give away free games every month and store save game data so if you lose you HDD it is easy to get them back. You also get discounts galore on the PS Store.  At the moment they have Dirt 3 for free on the PS3, the PS4 games they are mostly doing this year have been indie stuff, mostly not my cup of tea.

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23 hours ago, Demon Jack said:

Good thread!

I've been out of the loop for sometime when it comes to video games. I grew up on PlayStation 1 & 2 era platformers and RPGs and didn't mind the odd Nintendo game either. Today, the medium still holds a special and nostalgic place in my heart. I fell out of gaming around 2012 due to PS2 games becoming near impossible to find and the PS3 simply not appealing to me at the time as I thought it lacked the charm of its predecessors. 

Saying all that, I'm 20 now and I just finished a long semester of Uni. I just bought myself a cheap PS3 to fill some spare time over the Summer break and to see what I've missed over the years. The Batman Arkham games are certainly high on my list. 

Any other recommendations?

The Last Of Us.

Thank me later.

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1 minute ago, AzzKikA said:

That's exactly what I was talking about lol.

Ha, I didn't read your post before I posted. 

One of the best games on PS3 I reckon. I was blown away by how good it looked at the time. Still holds up. Naughty Dog know what they're doing. 

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5 minutes ago, Deestroy All said:

Ha, I didn't read your post before I posted. 

One of the best games on PS3 I reckon. I was blown away by how good it looked at the time. Still holds up. Naughty Dog know what they're doing. 

yeah as I said it looked very pretty, wouldn't mind seeing the difference between the PS3 & Ps4.  Just the game lacked depth to me and had no replayability.

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On 04/11/2016 at 10:38 PM, DemonFrog said:

I am a Guild Wars 2 player or will be again once I get decent Internet at my new place.



I loved GW2, probably the best levelling experience of any MMO I've played so far. The dynamic zones and dragon invasions were really great.

Got to endgame and there was nothing to do but map completion and cosmetic crafting so I left :(

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On Monday, November 07, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Choke said:

I loved GW2, probably the best levelling experience of any MMO I've played so far. The dynamic zones and dragon invasions were really great.

Got to endgame and there was nothing to do but map completion and cosmetic crafting so I left :(

How long ago did you leave?

The game is always getting new content, but I have mainly be playing WvW. 

Which server are you on?

Once I sort out my Internet and game access (assuming you are on the US server) we could team up to complete a mission or two.

I also played Guild War for about seven years.

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