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Time to go Mark Neeld

Grand New Flag

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The Junior Mac axing was where this all began. Culture killer. Bringing him back would be a brilliant start to healing this club. What a great clubman and player he was.

I'm here if you need me guys :)

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Mark neeld reminds me of the iraqi information minister, keeping a stiff upper lip while bombs are dropping all around

And a lot of posters remind me of George W Bush - blunder in with no thought of the possibility of negative consequences, declare mission accomplished and leave a bloody mess.

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And a lot of posters remind me of George W Bush - blunder in with no thought of the possibility of negative consequences, declare mission accomplished and leave a bloody mess.

I think what you're referring to is Obama's attack on civil and financial liberties.

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But Ron, we are magically going to get Paul roos, Leigh Matthews or hell, swooper northey in and our players will magically have the poise, class and structures in to start beating everyone. It's that simple. Oh, and WYL will start going to games again, BBO will stop kicking the alpacas and new threads started daily will drop from 15 "sack the coach" threads back to 2 "jack watts breakout game?" Threads.

A dont forget we are going to sign some superstar midfielders of Pendelburys quality and pay them with kind words and smiles. Because moneys a bit tight but that doesn't matter.
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But Ron, we are magically going to get Paul roos, Leigh Matthews or hell, swooper northey in and our players will magically have the poise, class and structures in to start beating everyone. It's that simple. Oh, and WYL will start going to games again, BBO will stop kicking the alpacas and new threads started daily will drop from 15 "sack the coach" threads back to 2 "jack watts breakout game?" Threads.

What an idiotic post.,

You have to be a moron to think we wouldn't be more competitive and win games with Roos or Choco as the coach.

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What an idiotic post.,

You have to be a moron to think we wouldn't be more competitive and win games with Roos or Choco as the coach.

Gotta love a hypothetical....this "moron theory" of yours can only be proven through action but I have already lived through the promises of Bailey and the promises of Neeld - new dawns and next year will be better. I am a 100% wait and see what happens because anyone who professes that we will be better purely based on sacking a coach and unsubstantiated promises of a better tomorrow and what could be is a moron.


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I will call it based on the press conference -"safe!". MN looked like a bloke who had been given the news that he was staying. He was clear, relaxed, open and informative, unlike earlier press conferences. If what he said about the internal markers is true, then he is probably OK. There is probably going to be changes around him.

It's quite possible - meltdown here if so.

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I was listening to Grandstand radio's wrap up last night. Someone brought up the question of whether Neeld had recently been told where the board/admin believe his failings where and the areas he had to improve. They mentioned this had happened to Mark Thompson during his reign at Geelong and that he was given a chance to rectify the problems. They went on to say that if this hasn't been done, if he hasn't been given a chance to rectify any problems, then sacking him would be an unjust action.

As much as I dislike the situation we are currently in, and the performances we've had to endure under Neeld, I have to agree with that premise. By the way Neeld speaks, he doesn't seem to have been given any new directives (I'm just speculating I know).

So would part of the board meeting include any PJ reports on the matter? Will the board/CEO give Neeld some new performance benchmarks?

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Gotta love a hypothetical....this "moron theory" of yours can only be proven through action but I have already lived through the promises of Bailey and the promises of Neeld - new dawns and next year will be better. I am a 100% wait and see what happens because anyone who professes that we will be better purely based on sacking a coach and unsubstantiated promises of a better tomorrow and what could be is a moron.


Comparing Bailey and Neeld to a proven successful coach

Thats where you went wrong.

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What an idiotic post.,

You have to be a moron to think we wouldn't be more competitive and win games with Roos or Choco as the coach.

Idiotic and moronic, eh?

Where do you propose this money to hire neeld is going to come from, boy? Take into account this years operating loss, payout figures to neeld and schwab, not to mention income down from minimal attendance to home games. You got the money, squirt? You got the cash to get roos or Matthews in? This isn't fantasy football. Where is your proof that roos would make this team better? That he won a premiership with Sydney and a plethora of experienced players? Before you go off spouting "moronic and idiotic" at me, how about you have a look for facts to back up your argument, champ.

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I will call it based on the press conference -"safe!". MN looked like a bloke who had been given the news that he was staying. He was clear, relaxed, open and informative, unlike earlier press conferences. If what he said about the internal markers is true, then he is probably OK. There is probably going to be changes around him.

How could I have been so wrong.

Shame on me for wanting MN gone after he achieved so little on field success in the past 18 months and has even managed a lose to the Suns by over 10 goals.

Lets give him a 10 year contract extension with no KPI what so ever as he has shown such an great understanding of the game that few can ever match.

If he stays, I think the MFC will have a strong and loyal membership base of about 2,000 within the next 2 years and by the 10th year, the Club should be a great VFL team again. Who need to play in the AFL after all they only focus on winning. There is so much more to Aussie Rules Football them simply winning matches.

With a few chock raffles and bingo nights the MFC should have the funds it needs to operate successful, major sponsors have an expectation that their money should show a return on their investment so are they really needed.

As the young players (not that the MFC has many teenages) get older and more experienced then they can always be traded or other wise got rid off to allow for someone else who has less experience the chance to develop their playing skills. This should extend the MFC redeveopment phase for another five or six years (just don't tell anyone its been about five years already as it may upset someone).

With leadership like this at the MFC do we really need to worry about the future!

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What an idiotic post.,

You have to be a moron to think we wouldn't be more competitive and win games with Roos or Choco as the coach.

Generation Dee's a moron? Really?!

I believe Roos is champing at the bit to coach us. After all, you'd have to be a moron to think otherwise given what he's said to date about the possibility of that occurring ...

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Generation Dee's a moron? Really?!

I believe Roos is champing at the bit to coach us. After all, you'd have to be a moron to think otherwise given what he's said to date about the possibility of that occurring ...

I was using Roos and Choco as an example.

I could have just said 'experienced, successful coach'.

And if he or anyone else think we wouldn't improve under an experienced, successful coach , then yes they are a moron.

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Comparing Bailey and Neeld to a proven successful coach

Thats where you went wrong.

you mean like Sheedy...hows he going ? how did Pagan go at Carlton. How did unproven coaches Scott got at Geelong and Longmire at the Swans ?

I am not saying for a minute that Neeld should stay and nor am I advocating an untested coach as a replacement. What I am preaching against is a "magic wand". We have a lot of very average footballers running around and no amount of messiah's are going to turn that around in a hurry and to quote - "anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron"

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you mean like Sheedy...hows he going ? how did Pagan go at Carlton. How did unproven coaches Scott got at Geelong and Longmire at the Swans ?

I am not saying for a minute that Neeld should stay and nor am I advocating an untested coach as a replacement. What I am preaching against is a "magic wand". We have a lot of very average footballers running around and no amount of messiah's are going to turn that around in a hurry and to quote - "anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron"

Nut: No one hear thinks anyone has a magic wand. Most have their eyes wide open to where we are. Firstly we must stop going backwards, step two is to become competitive and start winning some games.

I don't believe the board has any choice but to dismiss Neeld today. I will be shocked if it did not happen.

I don't understand the blind faith showed by many who think Neeld deserves more time. We continue to go backwards, just because we have become accustomed to 15 goal losses does not mean they are ever expectable. We have a coach that has made 15 goal loses the norm. This cannot be tolerated.

Edited by Grand New Flag
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you mean like Sheedy...hows he going ? how did Pagan go at Carlton. How did unproven coaches Scott got at Geelong and Longmire at the Swans ?

I am not saying for a minute that Neeld should stay and nor am I advocating an untested coach as a replacement. What I am preaching against is a "magic wand". We have a lot of very average footballers running around and no amount of messiah's are going to turn that around in a hurry and to quote - "anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron"

Good point.

But I think the suceess with an inexperinced coaches had more to do with the position/potential of the playing list they inherit, the MFC has a massive way to go before its is even able to compete at a basic AFL standard.

Its important to get an experience coach that would suit the style and abilities of the current MFC playing group. As the MFC does not want or need another major rebuilding program. There is good players at the MFC, just not enough of them.

Also the advantage of an experienced coach is to rebuild unity at the MFC between members and supporters. As can be seen in these forums there are two major groups which is based on the removal and retention of the existing Senior Coach. The coach should be someone most members and supporters respect and will allow time to undo what is wrong in the football department.

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Nut: No one hear thinks anyone has a magic wand. Most have their eyes wide open to where we are. Firstly we must stop going backwards, step two is to become competitive and start winning some games.

I don't believe the board has any choice but to dismiss Neeld today. I will be shocked if it did not happen.

I don't understand the blind faith showed by many who think Neeld deserves more time. We continue to go backwards, just because we have become accustomed to 15 goal losses does not mean they are ever expectable. We have a coach that has made 15 goal loses the norm. This cannot be tolerated.

No thinks that anyone has a Magic wand ? Yup - HH - does. You will notice that I havent taken anyone else to task.

I hear your arguments and dont disagree with a lot you have said. I have applauded Neeld for his approach to stamp out the soft underbelly but unfortunately not enough of the players have come along for the ride.. I was under no illusion that it would not be a quick fix but I understand those calling for Neeld's head because whilst we were expecting a grind I am not sure anyone was expecting the shameful football we are delivering now.

However to suggest that anyone who doesnt think an experienced coach like Roos or Williams would get us wins is a moron is a moronic statement in itself. It is the great unknown and we have shown over the years that messiah's come and go but only hard work from all involved ( most importantly the players) will get us success.

I also prefer your approach that "Neeld is not the answer". I can respect that as you are judging him on whether he is right or wrong for us going forward. Anyone who suggests that another experienced coach would get us wins here and now is delusional ( and moronic - I am waiting for the experienced Sheedy to get GWS wins)

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The problem Neeld has, is though he may have a plan and he may have a vision and a way forward, he has not factored in the pain he's Five year Vision may have to inflict upon us as supporters and how we are supposed to cope with it, especially with inept performances like yesterday .

The impact on our Club is clear for all to see .

We us supporters have been through a rebuild before Neeld arrived and we were promised the world at the end of that rebuild

Now we find ourselves supposedly in another rebuild and still no light at the end of the tunnel as far as we as supporters can see.

Support is very important to our club both from membership and sponsorship perspective.

What we are currently seeing does not engender hope with in us. I cant believe that I get excited just because we kick a goal as they are such rare events. Ultimately this affects our club big time.

Neeld might be great as a support coach but our club needs a vision and to take our supporters on the ride with them

To me this is where Neeld has failed and accordingly he should go.

Im not saying its all Neelds fault but at the end of the day it is the coach who is always held responsible .

Neeld should know that and if he cant get our players to at least play their guts out wether they win loose or draw then we as supporters can only bemoan our lack of character and to me that is what is lacking most from both our Coach and players .

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But I think the suceess with an inexperinced coaches had more to do with the position/potential of the playing list they inherit, the MFC has a massive way to go before its is even able to compete at a basic AFL standard.

Its important to get an experience coach that would suit the style and abilities of the current MFC playing group. As the MFC does not want or need another major rebuilding program. There is good players at the MFC, just not enough of them.

There you go - spot on. So if Neeld gets the bullet I will not be jumping up and down and saying Hallellujah we have an experienced coach ( whoever he may be) - our troubles will not be over because "the savior" will be inheriting the same the problem footballers with the same problem culture. I will give him the time to try and rectify problems that were not of his making or of Neelds making either. Problems that have been years in the making and festering.

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There you go - spot on. So if Neeld gets the bullet I will not be jumping up and down and saying Hallellujah we have an experienced coach ( whoever he may be) - our troubles will not be over because "the savior" will be inheriting the same the problem footballers with the same problem culture. I will give him the time to try and rectify problems that were not of his making or of Neelds making either. Problems that have been years in the making and festering.

That where we must disagree. I believe the current problems are in a major part due to the current Senior Coach's actions.

With the players we had at the time of his appointment he was not suited to be the NFC Senior Coach. His game play was never going to work unless he made major changes, which he did make, I am sorry that he was setup to fail which he has in such a big way.

You don't make the team as bad as it is overnight and called it development. Better to stage the rebuild so atleast the team can compete at a basic AFL standard.

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There has to be a definitive statement on Neeld's future at today's board meeting, either he's sacked or he's guaranteed until at least the end of the year when a review will be conducted. Anything else would be madness - although it is the MFC - Madness Football Club... As buck points out, I think people should consider the possibility that he's retained.

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