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Time to go Mark Neeld

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What if we bring in a new coach and start winning? whoever hired Neeld should go hide under a rock if that happens.

Lyon is already hiding under a rock, his tune has changed massively over the last six weeks, as he now refers to himself repeatedly as viewing the Club "as a supporter", and not as one of half a dozen people on the sub-committee that appointed this Coach.

While there is inevitable pain that comes with appointing a new Coach, I still believe that our job was the best of the ones available at the end of 2011. A list four years into a rebuild that had shown promising signs, stacked with 1st and 2nd round draft picks, most of who had 40-60 games under their belt. The new Coach also was to receive significantly increased funding in the footy department and was going into a club that had wiped a truckload of debt in as quick a time as any club has.

Were there issues? Certainly. A need for a more consistent defensive mindset was the most pressing one. But with a young list a teaching Coach could introduce that side and built on an already solid attacking area.

Unfortunately the Neeld appointment was the result of a deeply flawed process and has clearly produced a deeply flawed Coach.

The biggest issues, most of which have built on each other:

- Sacking the Leadership Group before having Coached a game (no doubt on the advice of those who the Leadership Group wanted removed before 186)

- Appointing two young Captains way before they were ready

- Introducing a robotic game plan not suited to the list that had been recruited

- Mixed messaging in public (hardest team to play against vs rebuilding a rebuild)

- Mixed messaging in recruiting and list management (Sellar/Pederson/Rodan/Byrnes In for Moloney/Rivers out vs rebuilding a rebuild)

- Reduced levels of fitness since the start of 2012

- Reduced levels of skill since the start of 2012

There has been enough evidence to suggest major problems both on and off field when it comes to the Coaching. I've had reservations since last year which were made bigger by what we saw in Round 1 but today was just completely unacceptable. And to hear in a post match press conference that the "body strength" of Gold Coast got us - please. 100 less disposals, 30 less contested possessions, around half as many tackles. Unacceptable. The easy answer is to wait until the end of the year, but a change must be made immediately, our club cannot continue without any accountability for the massive drop in the last 18 months.

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Along with Neeld delist the following players at years end

Davey, Rodan, Byrne, Sellar, Pederson, Jamar, Spencer, Fitzpatrick & Nicholson

Keep - Gawn, Sylvia, Blease, Evans, Tapscott, Frawley, Garland, Tom Macdonald, Viney, Toumpas, Howe, Clarke, Dawes, Hogan, Grimes, Trengrove, N Jones, M Jones, Terlich, Kent, Mc Kensie, Dunn, Barry, Bail & Strauss

If anybody thinks the above players which should be delisted think they will teach our younger players how to perform or play they are deluded they are washed up has beens and a couple of kids not up to afl standard

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The added disappoint has been a return to Baileys "brusie free football". Our last few weeks have been a change in game plan, back to run and carry, but with very poor zone defence, rather than one on one used during the Bailey years.

A Bailey style game plan but delivered with no confidence, no flare, no comitment and added confusion. I have never seen a game plan so consistantly and effortlessly opened up by the oposition.

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At this point it's about improvement, i can cope with losing as long as we see it every week, right now we are terrible, we creep back up to something like the minimum performance we should be dishing out then we slip back to terrible again.

we are going nowhere under Neeld, we are going to have a player walk out and rightly so, he surely can't survive this week.

we lost to gold coast by 10 goals at the MCG for god sake! a gold coast without Hunt, risca, dixon, warnock, bock..

what a disgrace.

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Along with Neeld delist the following players at years end

Davey, Rodan, Byrne, Sellar, Pederson, Jamar, Spencer, Fitzpatrick & Nicholson

Keep - Gawn, Sylvia, Blease, Evans, Tapscott, Frawley, Garland, Tom Macdonald, Viney, Toumpas, Howe, Clarke, Dawes, Hogan, Grimes, Trengrove, N Jones, M Jones, Terlich, Kent, Mc Kensie, Dunn, Barry, Bail & Strauss

If anybody thinks the above players which should be delisted think they will teach our younger players how to perform or play they are deluded they are washed up has beens and a couple of kids not up to afl standard

McKenzie and Bail would be one of the first on my list.

And it's TrenGOVE. TrenGOVE. Not Grove, Gove. G. O. V. E.

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McKenzie and Bail would be one of the first on my list.

And it's TrenGOVE. TrenGOVE. Not Grove, Gove. G. O. V. E.

Bail maybe. But you be nuts to get rid of Mckenzie who is one of only about 5 midfielders on our list to ever play a good game even if he is a midfielder
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I'd rather you got rid of Lyon.

Probably should be just Norm and Ron, then add anyone else when they win something....but it's always good to see Robbie there.

I've told this story a few times but a premiership player from the Lyon era always thought Melbourne players of the time were arrogant and up themselves. Couldn't understand it because as he said they'd won nothing.

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Everything at Roos.... EVERYTHING! I'll even pay what I can.

And for something completely unexpected, how about Voss as a midfield coach. Was one of the best, played in and amongst the best. Won't be around Brissy much longer and I would never suggest him for the head spot but as a midfield coach alone I think he would be ok

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I havent had much to say on our 2013 season...up until now.

Like many I watched the players go through their paces pre-season. We all agreed they looked fitter,but we were also noting our disposal by foot and hand was below standard. The worst offenders,were pulled up for it. The main goal was running,and giving off to a player running or in a better position. All looked rosy for a better 2013. Easy draw to start off with. We get a few 'cheap' wins, and we build some confidence,and expect the odd blow-out.

The wheels on the reality bus got the wobbles during the NAB cup, I wasnt seeing much of an advancement in the skills.

But its NAB cup ,right? A bit rusty, the game plan still not being carried out as required. It will improve. *wrong*

1st game Pt.Adelaide, at home (I use the word home ,loosely). we get blown out of the water.

Well I went from expecting a decent win, to feeling numb.

Then our coach, tells the world HE didnt see that coming. Well ffs Neeld, you are supposed to be on top on these things.

It seemed clear to me, you were caught off guard. So were the players. Not acceptable!

If that address we got to see live on TV was an indication of putting the fear of 'god' into the players, and having them

wanting to run through brick walls. I was left stunned. The tough talk we all heard when appointed coach went out the window

in my world. Perhaps behind closed doors, it was fire and brimestone. (doubt this is happening too)

At some point, its about getting the players in the right mindset, have them fired up, and willing to tear teams apart, as they

are about to run onto the ground. IF they do that, and lose, then it might be a good time, after the lose,to encourage and

express to them, they did their best. We know we can do better,and we know we can fix it ... in time.

When doing a presser, I like to hear what went wrong, how YOU plan to sort it out.

I dont expect to spill your guts so the opposition knows all the nuts and bolts. But hearing the players will be made to train harder

until they improve the areas that hurt us the most during the lose, would be a good start.

Instead all we get is stats on this and that, and we are young, need more games... blah blah blah

Been in this game, well before you were a tinkle in your dads eyes. I dont want to hear the stats from a database. I want

your opinion, on what YOU plan to do, and get a feeling you know what you are doing.

If you cant inspire me to believe, then I have grave doubts you can do it with the playing group.

Until now all we get is the dribble about stats, stats arent the be all and end all of it. I can sit in front of the tele,and spilt

out figures from a computer, and sound like its under control.

You arent exactly filling anyone with any confidence you are on top of team that is (has) spiralling out of control.

I jumped on the reality bus, some didnt, I expected the bus was heading to the station,where the train wreck was

and the train gets repaired, and we wont be far from having the trip of a lifetime.

Well the bus has run off the road, and passengers bewildered, the driver is not taking the responsiblity and we are in no-mans land

The bus driver has jumped into a boat,that doesnt have paddles, and is fast heading down shite creek.

I dont like giving coaches the flick mid season, or before he has had a chance to see out their contract, but if I were you

I would have a taxi on standy, because the reality bus, aint going nowhere, the train is a worse wreck then ever before.

When a coach doesnt take the blame for a lose, but prefers to shove it back on the players. I get really worried.

We know the playing list has shortfalls, we grant you that. Being competive is all we ask, then a coach to man up and take

some of the blame, Give the supporters some indication you are the right person for the job.

Anyone can come in ,talk tough, and slash a team list. We expect players replacing them, will improve that list.

So far on all counts you are failing. My footy club is at the lowest ebb I have ever witnessed.

If its comes to the crunch. its cya later Mister Neeld. My footy club of 50+ years is a shambles, I dont see you improving it.

While I'm here.....

Whoever is making the call to kill off any chance of Casey having their best chance of winning a final (flag) could you

please put an end to this crap as well. The foundation of a strong club is build on the lower league, getting players to gell

and have that sense of achievement, sharing the glories of playing together (bonding)

Its damaging to Casey and any chance of growing a supporter base,as everyone likes a winner.

We need all the support we can muster, or we wont have a club.

Right now I dont care who Jackson gets rid of, I want to see results, and on off the field.

And I could go on. Just had a gutful right now.
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Along with Neeld delist the following players at years end

Davey, Rodan, Byrne, Sellar, Pederson, Jamar, Spencer, Fitzpatrick & Nicholson

Keep - Gawn, Sylvia, Blease, Evans, Tapscott, Frawley, Garland, Tom Macdonald, Viney, Toumpas, Howe, Clarke, Dawes, Hogan, Grimes, Trengrove, N Jones, M Jones, Terlich, Kent, Mc Kensie, Dunn, Barry, Bail & Strauss

If anybody thinks the above players which should be delisted think they will teach our younger players how to perform or play they are deluded they are washed up has beens and a couple of kids not up to afl standard

You missed Gillies!

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Whoever is making the call to kill off any chance of Casey having their best chance of winning a final (flag) could you
please put an end to this crap as well. The foundation of a strong club is build on the lower league, getting players to gell
and have that sense of achievement, sharing the glories of playing together (bonding)
Its damaging to Casey and any chance of growing a supporter base,as everyone likes a winner.
We need all the support we can muster, or we wont have a club.
Right now I dont care who Jackson gets rid of, I want to see results, and on off the field.
And I could go on. Just had a gutful right now.

For the last 3+ years, MFC has treated Casey (and Sandy? before them) with total contempt.

The VFL side has finished at or near top, only to have all eligible MFC pulled for the finals. VFL side goes out in straight sets. I, and many on these boards, have banged on about it. All to no avail.

German quit as coach one year because of it.

The arrogance of it is just numbing.

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[censored] sack this moron now.

I am so [censored] over it.

We are in jeopardy of a player walkout at seasons end unless we get a big name coach to offer some optimism.

I personally know of one big name player with bags packed if Neeld is at the Demons next year.

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[censored] sack this moron now.

I am so [censored] over it.

We are in jeopardy of a player walkout at seasons end unless we get a big name coach to offer some optimism.

I personally know of one big name player with bags packed if Neeld is at the Demons next year.

I have no doubt there'll be more than one gone if that's the case and their minds may well be made up already. We're going to end up paying guys like Strauss & Nicholson $400k just to meet the cap minimum.

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Can't see how Neeld can last much longer, but replacing coaches mid season will not fix a thing. Our pathetic situation is far more than just the coach. We'd kill the career of Roos, Clarkson or Woosha, the way we are ATM.

I've tried to maintain a calm head throughout this, but yesterday was bloody pathetic.

I'm not in the emotion charged, reactionary camp, but clearly something needs to change. A 10 goal loss at the G against the Suns in front of 13,000 supporters is about as low as it gets.

My instinct is that the club/player group is very fragile at the moment - accordingly, things need to be handled sensitively and astutely. Perhaps conducting an urgent, independent AFL sanctioned review of the football department might be the go - if only to give supporters a line of sight as to what the situation actually is in there. I can't see how Neeld can justify these performances/results - not being competitive against the Suns at our home ground would be a death knell for any coach in the land.

Absolutely depressing stuff - I didn't see that loss coming, certainly the size of it anyway (nor the loss against Essendon for that matter, or Port to be honest - both games in which we had a reasonably full squad to choose from - Dawes and Clark excepted - following a pre-season that Neeld and Craig said was really good).

As an aside, it's also a real pity Freo trumped us on Hannath too. We got smashed in the ruck.

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