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THE WILSON FILE - the arrogance at the heart of the innuendo


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Yeah because the Catholic Church issue is being completely driven by The Age. It has nothing to do with decades of abused children coming out, and its so media driven the government has decided to perform a vague, easy, short-time and low cost Crown Investigation.

Get real

I was going to respond to ADC but i just couldn't work out what to say , it was such an obscure post!!

You did well..

Edited by why you little
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A point often overlooked is the the role of "The Age" newspaper in recent times in particular after Ms Reinhardt's meddling. The paper is in trouble and looking for ways to bump readership. They have gone more tabloid recently and are basing their strategy to focusing on long standing social and other issues that have been swept under the carpet for far too long. Now they are targeting child abuse within the church on the social front and tanking and corruption in sport namely football and to a lesser extent horse racing. The Catholic Church like us gets the worst of it because not surprisingly thats where the worst smell is currently at. Nothing much new added as what has been said in a lower key for years with corresponding little action. The pressure is on.

Or, to put it another way - ambulance chasing.

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I disagree with a lot of this binman. I think that if you look at discussion on the forums over a long period that people who criticise the club (rightly or wrongly) are often shut down on pretty flimsy reasoning. I'm guilty of it and I suspect many many here would be.

To call anything on DL a "campaign" is a gross overstatement (not just an overstatement), Really, calling any discussion on a fan forum a "campaign" and imply a sense of organisation and effectiveness (that would effect a club & board) does not bare up to scrutiny. And then there is that idea of 'tearing into" the club. How can any comment on an anonymous fan site "tear into" anything in reality? But you link comments about the board to 'a campaign' and 'tearing' into stuff...into a sorry tale of disunity. Really? What disunity? .

So, in one post you claim there is no problem questioning the club, imply that questioning the board is dirty club politics, state that is fosters "disunity" and then excuse the board. You have decided that questioning is only ok about topics broadly considered ok and that to depart from that is dangerous and disloyal. You can only question what you think is ok and you can ignore and dismiss all other complaints. But there's no problem with questioning?

I'll make this as clear as I can: the board is not the club; the players are not the club; the admin are not the club. As a fan, supporter and member of this club I have the right to question any and all of the decisions made by the administration, goals, objectives startegy and tactics employed by the club. I will not be told by you, Robbie or anyone else what I can think or ask about this club and its operation. My loyalty is to the club and my questioning is motivated first and foremost by this interest. This club is big and strong enough to stand up to great scrutiny; if it is not, then the weaknesses that exist will only be addressed through scrutiny. The club should pride itself on its ability to withstand scrutiny, change when needed and embrace its members, new and old.

Those who seek to shut down discussion are acting (deliberately or otherwise) to shield the club from examination and protect the status quo regardless of the adequacy of such. Dismissing people who question as "dissenters" or as part of some shadow conspiracy is convenient & complacent. It rationalises ignores the substance of a concern through questioning the motivations of the authors. That can only be trully achieved by addressing the facts, which perversely, brings us back to why Caro's attacks suck so bad.

I never attempted to do that.

I have no objection to the club facing scrutiny, I just don't want it played out in the media fed by those that have interests that don't necessarily coincide with those of the club's. Someone is feeding the media with information and it certainly isn't helping the club. I'm sure that some of the new recruits wonder what the hell they've got themselves in to and I hope the Sponsors don't feel the same.

If you feel that we should air our dirty laundry in public, so be it, but I would prefer we do it in house through elections and through internal discussion. Let the results speak for themselves.

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I think the words that particularly grated many, and that were perhaps unnecessary, came in your first post in this thread where you concluded by saying, "Keep up the good work Caro". I accept it was an all encompassing "thank you" on your part, but it was also clearly designed to inflame. It served its purpose.

You're a very good poster BH. One of the few. I always read what you say, I giggle at some, I learn from some and I enjoy it all.

But it's interesting that of the 20 or so people who post on Demonland and who know me personally and know my background you are the only one who finds it necessary to mention it regularly.

Keep posting mate, I enjoy it; although for obvious reasons I can't respond as you've asked.

If it's any consolation I also feel like I'm stalked by RPFC. It's pretty inoffensive really. I put it in the category of "comic relief" and just attend to it as necessary.

I am loathe to get involved in all of this for obvious reasons

Not obvious to me Dandeeman. The last time we exchanged posts you resigned in embarrassment at your groundless allegations but I see the lure of Demonland was too strong.

I don't mind what you think of my motives or me. You've no idea who I am or what my motives are but for some reason you think that you are the protector of the MFC defending it from the real and present danger of "Fan" of Demonland who is waging a vendetta of destruction upon the Club you love by posting dangerous propaganda at least 6 times a year. But thankfully we have you to save us from almost certain destruction if "Fan" were left unchecked.

Have you any idea how silly that is?? Do you realise that by my posting most of Demonland has mainly galvanized itself in support of the very targets of my comments and against me? Have a look at the support I've garnered. MFC must be shaking in its boots.

Anyway enjoy your crusade.

I'll make this as clear as I can: the board is not the club; the players are not the club; the admin are not the club. As a fan, supporter and member of this club I have the right to question any and all of the decisions made by the administration, goals, objectives startegy and tactics employed by the club. I will not be told by you, Robbie or anyone else what I can think or ask about this club and its operation. My loyalty is to the club and my questioning is motivated first and foremost by this interest. This club is big and strong enough to stand up to great scrutiny; if it is not, then the weaknesses that exist will only be addressed through scrutiny. The club should pride itself on its ability to withstand scrutiny, change when needed and embrace its members, new and old.

What a wonderful comment. Thanks TimD. The most worrying thing in this thread for me is the panic that a single reporter has struck into the hearts of many who think our whole club is so exposed that it could be seriously damaged by her articles and then don't ask themselves "why am I worried".

I've enjoyed the banter, I like Caro and hope she continues her career and I hope most of all we fail to give her any ammunition to put us to the sword.

It's actually up to us and it's about time we took responsibility.

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I was going to respond to ADC but i just couldn't work out what to say , it was such an obscure post!!

You did well..

Cheers wyl, yeah there have been some seriously obscure posts on DL recently.

When we get in the media it really brings the trolls out of the wood works... well at least I hope thats the case!

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You're a very good poster BH. One of the few. I always read what you say, I giggle at some, I learn from some and I enjoy it all.

But it's interesting that of the 20 or so people who post on Demonland and who know me personally and know my background you are the only one who finds it necessary to mention it regularly.

Keep posting mate, I enjoy it; although for obvious reasons I can't respond as you've asked.

If it's any consolation I also feel like I'm stalked by RPFC. It's pretty inoffensive really. I put it in the category of "comic relief" and just attend to it as necessary.

Not obvious to me Dandeeman. The last time we exchanged posts you resigned in embarrassment at your groundless allegations but I see the lure of Demonland was too strong.

I don't mind what you think of my motives or me. You've no idea who I am or what my motives are but for some reason you think that you are the protector of the MFC defending it from the real and present danger of "Fan" of Demonland who is waging a vendetta of destruction upon the Club you love by posting dangerous propaganda at least 6 times a year. But thankfully we have you to save us from almost certain destruction if "Fan" were left unchecked.

Have you any idea how silly that is?? Do you realise that by my posting most of Demonland has mainly galvanized itself in support of the very targets of my comments and against me? Have a look at the support I've garnered. MFC must be shaking in its boots.

Anyway enjoy your crusade.

What a wonderful comment. Thanks TimD. The most worrying thing in this thread for me is the panic that a single reporter has struck into the hearts of many who think our whole club is so exposed that it could be seriously damaged by her articles and then don't ask themselves "why am I worried".

I've enjoyed the banter, I like Caro and hope she continues her career and I hope most of all we fail to give her any ammunition to put us to the sword.

It's actually up to us and it's about time we took responsibility.

Having worked in a newsroom for 10 0r so years through the 80's & 90's i think Caroline Wilson is a very dull journalist.

Yes she does break some stories but never in a colourful way...it's always drab writing.

Sheahan was the same..

Wilson could never write anything in the style of Flanagan....Flanagan could write her stories on Bog roll in 10 minutes.

If the MFC was Guilty of the crimes i have read about over the last month then we fully deserve to be Belted in the nuts hard-Match Fixing is a disgrace.

But what have we been charged with.....Nothing, But Wilson has taken the liberty to have unchallenged Slams on the Back Page.....then it all went quiet.

I am not concerned about CW...I do not respect her or much of her writing..and when all the information is out i sincerely hope the MFC or employees of such are able to return fire under legal conditions.

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Guest NoMoreMrNiceGuy

Whatever happens, it's good to know we have Mr Finkelstein standing at the end of the trail and he will drag the AFL and every other club he possibly can down into the muck with us if they choose to go down that path.

He'll be having two cans, thanks. One of Worms, the other of Whoop-Ass.

Edited by NoMoreMrNiceGuy
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What i dislike is that there are forces at work that are clearly attempting to have CS sacked, that is obvious. I'm not talking about DL - who cares about DL. I'm talking about the real world. People with an agenda have obviously leaked information to CW about the evidence they gave to the AFL investigators, in order i assume to make CS position untenable. To be honest i am ambivalent about CS, but i simply don't have enough knowledge to make a judgment. I assume the board do and they have reappointed him.

Surely one of the features of Wilson's latest campaign is that it is based on information obtained from people who have left the club. - McLean and the infamous unnamed former player. In times past we leaked like a sieve - from the inside !! We need to take care to ensure that we don't fall back into aggressive debate about divisions the club - of today - is desperately trying to heal.

CS has survived because he has worked assiduously outside the footy department to ensure that the debt we demolished doesn't reappear and CC is trying to rebuild his career in the marketing/community relations space. You can't change a culture and establish unity overnight - but it seems to me that today's board, admin and footy departments are having a pretty good crack at it.Just as the club's own efforts to clean things up are gaining traction - along come a few bitter outsiders - out comes Wilson's personal agenda - and then in go a couple of investigators with no understanding of the workings of a footy club - and bang Melbourne is "pathetic and disgusting".

We are having this little debate on the concept of dissent because - with the heat now on Adelaide - we've forgotten the fact that today's hardworking club might just get blown out of water - because of a biased investigation into the actions of a different organisation over three full seasons ago.

If we get hit with draft restrictions - and/or financial penalties - because of the bitterness of Wilson's sources - I trust I won't see any posters arguing that it serves Craig, Neeld and Misson right!

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I don't mind what you think of my motives or me.

I am not going to get involved in an exchange of insults as that is your domain ...ie as a diversionary tactic by politicians and such.

As for my personal crusade, you were called out by a number of the more intuitive people here, I didn't have to type a word.

For the sake of people reading your posts, so that they know that you are objective and all that, please answer these questions

What was your role at the club during these events?

What are your personal ambitions regarding the MFC?

NB: Please answer as Fan if you can please..

Edited by dandeeman
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I love the way Fan 'sucks up' to BH as if he will then 'change his mind if I am ever so nice'...

And if I am stalking a Moderator surely I would be banned by now?

What don't we all leave the self-righteousness at the door, hmm?

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it's interesting that of the 20 or so people who post on Demonland and who know me personally and know my background you are the only one who finds it necessary to mention it regularly.

Ten years is a long time and you know how I've regarded your contributions over the journey, but it's been of more recent times that I've noted how political you are and it makes you lose that sense of balance I always admired. Perhaps you express it in areas I no longer access.

Nonetheless, my support for the club far outweighs any individual friendships I once might have had. I don't like destabilising influences when there's nothing to be gained. And right now there's nothing to be gained. Right now it's a situation of let's all pull together and I'll smack you in the mouth when no-one is looking. You're smacking the club in the mouth when it's under a blowtorch.

It gets my back up.

As for the other bloke ? He has his lightweight fans and covert self-importance. I'll leave him to it.

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Jesus. I cannot believe some of the shite I read on this site. Ther are obviously intelligent people here but things like - my sister's boyfriend saw such and such on a whiteboard or, I know via my cousin,s friend, someone who was in the vault and etc I get a little disturbed. That is, I get disturbed when people take such claims seriously. This is a websites FFS, you can claim to be whatever you like and then some silly dick takes you seriously. I find such gullibilty astounding.

I enjoy this site for its sensible footy discussion. I enjoy this site for the wit of Daisycutter, Biffen and others. But some posters hers are guilty of the greatest "sin" of all - taking yourself seriosly.

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The most worrying thing in this thread for me is the panic that a single reporter has struck into the hearts of many who think our whole club is so exposed that it could be seriously damaged by her articles and then don't ask themselves "why am I worried".

I wouldn't call it "panic": the word "contempt" springs to mind.

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Jesus. I cannot believe some of the shite I read on this site. Ther are obviously intelligent people here but things like - my sister's boyfriend saw such and such on a whiteboard or, I know via my cousin,s friend, someone who was in the vault and etc I get a little disturbed. That is, I get disturbed when people take such claims seriously. This is a websites FFS, you can claim to be whatever you like and then some silly dick takes you seriously. I find such gullibilty astounding.

I enjoy this site for its sensible footy discussion. I enjoy this site for the wit of Daisycutter, Biffen and others. But some posters hers are guilty of the greatest "sin" of all - taking yourself seriosly.

I have just returned from a brief sabbatical BBO.

It's amazing how much aggro builds up over what is only a game.

Some of the you tube comments are hilarious reading if ever you like watching nine year old intellects battle it out at 3 million paces.

I myself have been guilty of arguing on here and the best way to win the batlle is still "You are".Hands down the most withering comment of all time to which there is no adequate reply .

"I know you are but what am I " is also a beauty .

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Having worked in a newsroom for 10 0r so years through the 80's & 90's i think Caroline Wilson is a very dull journalist.

Yes she does break some stories but never in a colourful way...it's always drab writing.

Sheahan was the same..

Wilson could never write anything in the style of Flanagan....Flanagan could write her stories on Bog roll in 10 minutes.

If the MFC was Guilty of the crimes i have read about over the last month then we fully deserve to be Belted in the nuts hard-Match Fixing is a disgrace.

But what have we been charged with.....Nothing, But Wilson has taken the liberty to have unchallenged Slams on the Back Page.....then it all went quiet.

I am not concerned about CW...I do not respect her or much of her writing..and when all the information is out i sincerely hope the MFC or employees of such are able to return fire under legal conditions.

ABC News WYL? Did you have anything to do with this >



seems it was on 7, so your excused WYL.

Hah Robbo, pity he wasn't a Dees supporter.

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ABC News WYL? Did you have anything to do with this >



seems it was on 7, so your excused WYL.

Hah Robbo, pity he wasn't a Dees supporter.

yes ABC NEWS during the halcyon times of Andrew Fraser. When News meant something!
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