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Caroline Wilson's descent into gutter journalism


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As Stevens says, this is the key clause in the AFL regulations:

The AFL regulation pertaining to the Demons allegations, (19 A5), is clear: "A person, being a player, coach or assistant coach, must at all times perform on their merits and must not induce, or encourage, any player, coach or assistant coach not to perform on their merits in any match - or in relation to any aspect of the match, for any reason whatsoever."

They are not allowed to induce or encourage any player not to perform on their merits for any reason whatsoeve. Therefore I take this to rule out playing players out of position, as this has been done to develop players and deemed successful. So the behaviour of the players should have the all-clear.

Question is have the coaches performed on their merits? That one remains to be seen, and could prove to be the stumbling block. Lets hope not...

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I can't help but keep thinking that these morons have absolutely no idea about the concept of a vault- once it goes in, it stays in!

When you put something in a vault it is understood that that information stays with you for eternity. Why have a 10 person vault? This [censored] is ridiculous and if this was happening to another club I would be laughing my arse off.

We are a laughing stock. It's going to take years of on field success to turn around our reputation now! Thanks a lot you vault wankers!!!

I was getting excited about next year with Viney and all the new recruits now this vault bulltish is ruining it, just let me enjoy football for a little bit football gods seriously! 5 years of pain, give me something!!

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The Age is currently running 5 articles on the subject:

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/senior-demons-drove-tanking-20121030-28h3c.html#ixzz2AnP0cJBo

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There is one thing that is noticeably absent from this conga line of accusations against the Melbourne Football Club.

Despite all of the material presented, there is not one single piece of evidence pointing to the fact that Melbourne tanked. Not a single suggestion that the players were told by coaches and/or officials to go out and not try their best in a game of football.

Moreover, there's no doubt that the Melbourne team was a weak side that year but the three games used to illustrate suspicious conduct of games were against the Swans at Manuka where we couldn't win even when we had stronger teams, the Richmond game where we led when the siren sounded and the last game of the season when we played against the top team. You wouldn't believe it but we were the bottom side. The article makes it sound as if we were the red hot favourites to win!

If this vault is supposed to be some secret venue for a sinister cabal of plotters, how the hell did they get pictures of those blokes inside the place with smiling faces? Is it a crime to discuss the club's position or the fact that its supporters were discussing what we all knew as fact? That you win five and you don't get a priority pick? It was the major talking point at the club at that time just as the same thing was the major talking point at Carlton in 2005, 2006 and 2007 and at various other clubs during the decade.

Holy [censored] Batman - if they presented this speculative crap in a court of law as proof of tanking, the case would be thrown out in five minutes.

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Carro shouldve never been an AFL journo. There is no room for a female who has never played the game and only spectates and speculates from the comfort of her lounge room to be writing AFL stories. Seriously go write an artical on "how I can look good"on the Local Broadmeadows Newspaper.

I hope Garry Lyon Smashes that ugly mouth of hers next year or better yet get rid of her. I dont ever watch that show Footy Classified cos I cant stand her and Grant Thomas.

Brock Mcwho is a scumbag, Dean Bailoss is just a [censored] coach and Josh Mahoney shouldve never walked into the footy club.

This deserves a Christopher Walken WOW.

It's 2012 you do realise its no longer cool to hate women.

Quite possibly the most sexist thing I've seen in a long time.

MFC admin and board members is where your ire should be directed.

Don't shoot the messager.

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Ahhhhhhhhh offseason (aka trollseason) is kicking off earlier than normal this year...

If you can't understand what the current admin have done for us, then there's no way you'll be able to comprehend the subtleties of dealing with the AFL when you're not one of the 3-4 powerhouse clubs.

Dont forget the at least two of the "powerhouse clubs", both starting with C, did whatever it is that we are alleged to have done: use the AFL's own rules to maximum advantage.

Which AFL rule have we allegedly broken anyway? Please quote.

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I haven't seen a squib like that since


A squib is an anonymous forum slimebag that is silent and well hidden when all is well only to appear like an excitable meerkat when trouble is brewing.

And typically they have a predilection for asking questions while never providing any answers of substance, or having any intention of seeking balance. I don't care whether you were a past board member, or a relative was, but your modus operandi is tedious and without a skerrick of goodwill towards the club.

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A squib is an anonymous forum slimebag that is silent and well hidden when all is well only to appear like an excitable meerkat when trouble is brewing.

And typically they have a predilection for asking questions while never providing any answers of substance, or having any intention of seeking balance. I don't care whether you were a past board member, or a relative was, but your modus operandi is tedious and without a skerrick of goodwill towards the club.

dean bailey
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Bev returns fire. Loving the reference to McLean's ironic move to Carlton. So this is what balanced media feels like.

Go Bevvvvv !!

An almost lone voice .

So much of this being leveled against us is hysterically driven by a few.

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Go Bevvvvv !!

An almost lone voice .

So much of this being leveled against us is hysterically driven by a few.

what i would like to now is are they going to defend themselves over these accusations, because it wont be easy if weak links like Josh Mahoney have given evidence considering he still works there, if there ex employees you could have a better argument, but if people are giving statements and they still work there were screwed. Now i now why Freo supporters on BF despise CS and his partner in crime CC.
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Those who are now hysterically worrying over players playing "out of position " please consider this.

Who the f#*k decides or governs where a player can or cant play. Theres no absolute, this player can ONLY play here or there. They , all play wherever at the behest of the selectors and fd/coach essentially its arbitrary. No player is locked into or limited to a set course of play.

Theres something mighty screwy about all this and the good old MFCSS are buying into it. In fact any numbat without an ounce of ability to decipher the misinformation. is only adding to the fuel.

Wilson ought to win some Goebbels award for fiction.

Love to know what this is REALLY about ..

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Those who are now hysterically worrying over players playing "out of position " please consider this.

Who the f#*k decides or governs where a player can or cant play. Theres no absolute, this player can ONLY play here or there. They , all play wherever at the behest of the selectors and fd/coach essentially its arbitrary. No player is locked into or limited to a set course of play.

Theres something mighty screwy about all this and the good old MFCSS are buying into it. In fact any numbat without an ounce of ability to decipher the misinformation. is only adding to the fuel.

Wilson ought to win some Goebbels award for fiction.

Love to know what this is REALLY about ..

you really think this is a joke?
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The board took sides; when kiddies fight they both get sent to their rooms. Both sides of this fight should have been sacked immediately, then at least we could have moved on. So bloody angry about this mess that should have been sorted out in 2011.

In his book Jimmy says he wanted to get rid of CS as well as DB after 186 but Garry talked him out of it, saying the club couldn't withstand the fallout from sacking both the coach and CEO. We are now seeing the consequences.

On DB now squibbing...I felt he had to go but not in the way it happened. At the time DL was awash with good wishes for him and how he had shown a lot of dignity. He is that sort of guy. He is still acting with dignity. I don't think he has a vendetta against the MFC. He is an honest guy telling the truth. He probably held out as long as he could with the 'experimenting with players' stand. We shouldn't blame him.

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In his book Jimmy says he wanted to get rid of CS as well as DB after 186 but Garry talked him out of it, saying the club couldn't withstand the fallout from sacking both the coach and CEO. We are now seeing the consequences.

On DB now squibbing...I felt he had to go but not in the way it happened. At the time DL was awash with good wishes for him and how he had shown a lot of dignity. He is that sort of guy. He is still acting with dignity. I don't think he has a vendetta against the MFC. He is an honest guy telling the truth. He probably held out as long as he could with the 'experimenting with players' stand. We shouldn't blame him.

well said. Sadly Garry Lyon got this one wrong.

It would be sorted by now.

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From the age


Less supportive, it is understood, were some Melbourne players who spoke up at three-quarter time and vowed to try to win anyway, which they nearly did. What a sorry affair.


If (if) this is true, those running the club then, if they're still around,have to walk out the door. It's sickening to think that the players would have to speak up. In opposition to something (directive, culture, whatever) that made losing the desired outcome.

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In his book Jimmy says he wanted to get rid of CS as well as DB after 186 but Garry talked him out of it, saying the club couldn't withstand the fallout from sacking both the coach and CEO. We are now seeing the consequences.

On DB now squibbing...I felt he had to go but not in the way it happened. At the time DL was awash with good wishes for him and how he had shown a lot of dignity. He is that sort of guy. He is still acting with dignity. I don't think he has a vendetta against the MFC. He is an honest guy telling the truth. He probably held out as long as he could with the 'experimenting with players' stand. We shouldn't blame him.

are you for real, DB should have coached to win, now hes backed into a corner and hes singing like a canary, yeah hes as an honest guy. Hes the worst coach the clubs ever had and now we have to go through this crap, what coach loses by 31 goals. He deserved to be sacked.
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are you for real, DB should have coached to win, now hes backed into a corner and hes singing like a canary, yeah hes as an honest guy. Hes the worst coach the clubs ever had and now we have to go through this crap, what coach loses by 31 goals. He deserved to be sacked.

You missed the point. I said he had to go. Read the rest of the paragraph: is about not blaming Dean about now squibbing, if he has.

Edited by Lucifer's Hero
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From the age


Less supportive, it is understood, were some Melbourne players who spoke up at three-quarter time and vowed to try to win anyway, which they nearly did. What a sorry affair.


If (if) this is true, those running the club then, if they're still around,have to walk out the door. It's sickening to think that the players would have to speak up. In opposition to something (directive, culture, whatever) that made losing the desired outcome.

This is the most heartening thing about this sordid affair. They stood up for the integrity of the club. And no doubt many of these guys are the ones pushed out the door.

Edited by america de cali
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you really think this is a joke?

you think this is REAL ??

This is a farce masquerading as 'concern for the game " or some such shite

A group, with vested interests are taking something and moulding it into their own version of history for their own gain/revenge.

yeah..it borders on a joke

Try engaging you thinking cap for at least a minute. Where and whom are publishing most of this rubbish. ?? its Caro and her mates . The Hun is only running with anything as 'me too me too" trying to suggest it too has relevance as a tome.

Curiously though the AFL site, in the past a vehicle for quiet digs at us , is somewhat more circumspect.

I'll revise...it IS a joke. Just not a funny one

Edited by belzebub59
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you think this is REAL ??

This is a farce masquerading as 'concern for the game " or some such shite

A group, with vested interests are taking something and moulding it into their own version of history for their own gain/revenge.

yeah..it borders on a joke

BB This is a very serious problem that is growing.

If meetings took place with board members and coaches to compromise results then the MFC is in big trouble.

I do not see how you view it differently.

Do not blame the journo's this time.

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What a lot of this does expose I will concur is just what a shambles this club WAS for a while. Full of namby pamby sooki la la players who though adequate was just turning up to the game. Too much that they play 110% Shows what a weak person Bailey turned out to be also.. Obviously couldnt coach the wrapper off a fantale.

What a dysfunctional outfit it was til some stepped in.

Look to those i reckon given the flick to find the source of much of this vitriol.

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BB This is a very serious problem that is growing.

If meetings took place with board members and coaches to compromise results then the MFC is in big trouble.

I do not see how you view it differently.

Do not blame the journo's this time.

Did I say it wasnt a problem ? No..I just said its a joke. it is

Are you naive to the ways of the world ?


Theyre hardly journalists !!

Edited by belzebub59
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