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Training - Friday 3rd February, 2012


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A mostly sunny day with temperatures in the low 30s is predicted for today as the boys head out to Casey Fields for training. Unfortunately for me, work commitments have intervened and I must miss out again so, like many others, I'll be looking out for reports from those who can make it out there today for the first training session under the post Jimmy regime.

Wednesday night's AGM was a pretty lacklustre affair (especially for those expecting fireworks after the controversy surrounding the sacking of Dean Bailey) but the highlight for me was the football part of the night and in particular Mark Neeld's speech which is available on the melbournefc.com.au website.

Neeld said that his pre-season challenge to the players was an elite work ethic and elite compliance. I think this has been reflected in many of the reports here but perhaps those who go out there today could concentrate on the new faces?

When introducing them on Wednesday night, Neeld spoke of Mitch Clark who he said some consider a ruckman but Neeld has a specific role for him as a key forward. He spoke of Tom Couch's strong legs, James Magner's big arms, how James Sellar was a tall, big, mature age player, of Jai Sheehan, a tall youngster who went to the same school as Neeld (and strongly touted by new midfield coach Aaron Greaves), that Leigh Williams was a strong aggressive forward line player, mid size Josh Tynan was a hard at it defender with an interesting hair style who took on taller players in the TAC Cup and of the great first impression made by Rory Taggert at the draft camp. 

There's a definite thread there and it was clear when they stood together on the stage. Strong bodies that you don't mess around with so I wonder if today's observers could check out how that translates on the training track.

I've left Taggert last because I haven't previously seen mention made of what impressed Neeld at draft camp. He explained that he gave his interviewees his email address and asked them to send him an email of what they wanted to get out of themselves in football. Sure enough, when Neeld returned to work the following Monday there was a comprehensive email from Taggert (Neeld expects him to be an inside mid) setting out why he wanted so much to get drafted to an AFL club. 

If Norm Smith would have done that in the 50s & 60s he might have received some messages too but they probably would have come in by carrier pigeon.

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Thanks for the report, WJ. A good read.

I love Mark Neeld's approach to coaching and recruiting. I realise a shot hasn't been fired in anger yet, but I reckon recruiting this guy is the best thing that's happened to this club in years.

That he invited interviewees to email him and set out the reasons as to what they wish to get out of football is fantastic. Clearly he loves the bigger bodies, but the underlying character of players seems to be fundamental to this guy.

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I will go along to training this morning - Casey Fields is only 20 minutes from my home. I will type a report later in the day.

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I will go along to training this morning - Casey Fields is only 20 minutes from my home. I will type a report later in the day.

Thanks Maldonboy38. I always look forward to your reports with great interest.

Love Maldon too but you'd have to be flying to get to CF from there in 20 minutes! ^_^

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I trekked out to Casey this morning; my first chance to see training for a long time. As previous reports have stated, there is a huge change in the training techniques.

Training is now, way more structured and with a purpose, whereas in previous years’ training drills, it was all a bit ho-hum. Not any more, now that I’ve seen it with my own eyes, nobody out there can get away with making mistakes. All eyes seem to be focused and they pull up the offender and the mistake is made known to the player, and the whole group knows about it.

One example was in a simulated game, on a kick out from a behind being scored. The game was halted, everyone told to hold where they stood and then they did a player check to see who was on who, and they singled out who should be elsewhere and manned up. Some players got caught out, for NOT being in a position to block, or man up.

I can admit, it’s not very often I struggle identifying players, but did this morning it took me awhile to narrow down who I didn’t know.

Training started out with a warm up lap and then some drills, lots of sprints and ball skills. In the rehab group from where I stood, there was Tappy, Pencil, Jurrah and a couple I didn’t know

As far as I could tell, everyone on the list bar this group, were involved in around the ground kicking, running and handballing, It was very intense and probably lasted for 10 mins each time before they had a short break, split into groups and explanations and instructions were spoken about in each group, What they should do, and where to positions themselves that lasted for 5 mins, then it was started all over again, This went on for approx 30 mins

In the simulated game standouts for me, were Jamar, Won nearly all the hit outs. Nicholson is going to be a gun, Martin did some nice work and Howe is going to be unstoppable in the air. He has a nice leap and a great grab in contests. Bennell seems to be the go-to-man down back all I kept hearing was JB go here go there.

I am not about to go through all the players, but as a group, there was a lot of upside, but work in progress. i.e. on kick outs and ball ups. Teammates repeatedly were yelling to teammates where they should be positioned. To me this came across, some were still adapting to a new structure. In a real game they won’t have this luxury, so it might take awhile before it all becomes second nature to them. But at least they have a plan,

Still some skill errors (unforced being made by some) Conditions were perfect, the real test will come under pressure and in a real game, but we are in good hands from what I saw.

If anyone is wondering about fitness, this WONT be an issue this year, they were being flogged.

All were just about out on their feet after running more sprints, after the game.

James Sellar is one that needs to work on his stamina, he was slowing dropping off the pace in his group. One of the fitness guys was urging him to go harder, every lap he was falling further behind so the fitness gut had his elbow in his back and telling him to keep up next time around the same guy had his elbow in Sellars’ back, yelling him to keep up. Sellar returned fire, with "You are not F**king helping." Todd Viney laughed

At the end, he was almost at a walk, but got encouragement from the same fitness guy, So there weren’t any hard feelings when it ended, but they are being flogged out there.

Not one player looks out of trim, all are well defined in their own way

I now know why Wona pulled the pin, he must have seen the writing on the wall, and he wouldn’t have lasted more than 30 mins out there!.

That’s my view on training this morning,

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I've noticed a lot of comments about training being more "structured", which I agree with but it helps that there are now twice as many coaches as previous years to ensure that every second is utilised.

The one thing I have noticed is that they no longer do that drill where they throw a tennis ball around, I never really understood that.

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Thanks for that.

Did anyone else think that Deevoted wrote that training report like it was lyrics?

It's the first time Bob Dylan has ever sung about our kick out plan...

Sorry but when I read that I had to step in and repair the post for Bob's sake. After all, he's a legend.

Hope Deevoted doesn't mind. :lol:

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Like Deevoted, I attended training and saw about 1½ hours of it.


After some warm ups and run-throughs, they split into two groups.

1 - the main group did some short leading and running with handballing that you see at any suburban club but one thing was interesting. One of the assistant line coaches gave instructions before this drill, saying he wanted to see the players changing pace. So, when they led, or marked, or gave off they then had to alter their pace. I am guessing this has to do with unpredictability around packs but am unsure.


2 - the rehab group that consisted of McKenzie, Tappy, Evans, Spencer, Jurrah, Bartram and Clark. They did some enclosed handball drills. I am not sure why Bartram was with this group but considering his promotion to the leadership group it may have been more about that.


After this the main group did some kicking, and then a drill using the whole ground. Basically, the backs kicked one short pass, then a long one onto the wing where the player calling for it was running with the flight of the ball, who then played on and was encouraged by team mates to run as far as he could before delivering to  a leading forward. The skills were very sharp and I saw most players do the drill twice, and a few three times. It was great to see and would have functioned at about 90% effectiveness. However, Davey, Fitzpatrick and Bail all used the ball badly. Davey was heavily strapped and left the field soon after with a definite limp. He looks a long way from match fitness to me.


After this, some payers went inside and the rest split into two teams and played a full ground match simulation. However, Neeld was in control and at certain times he would stop the play and say "back pocket stoppage" or "kick-in from goals" or something similar. If it was not perfect, he made then do it again. At stoppages there were specific instructions about positioning and they had to be followed. Everyone was accountable. When the forwards were trying to hold it inside the attacking 50, there were instructions about a ring of players making a horseshoe shape about 40m away from the ball to hold the ball in.


Bennell was definitely doing a tagging job. He had touch on Trengove for most of the match and was annoying the tripe out of him.


I can understand the bigger recruited bodies of Magner, Sellar, Couch etc ... but during the match-play simulation, these players were overshadowed by the ability of Trengove, Gysberts, Bennell and even Morton  to actually read the play and get to where to where the ball was. It will be interesting to see whether Neeld prefers the big bodies or the ball skills players.


A few times at the centre bounces only one man went up, but when it was fully competitive, Jamar slaughtered all comers. His tap work was a delight, and Moloney just seems to know where it is going when Jamar is rucking.


Gotta love the way Jones trains. He must be a coach's dream. He has two switches - off or on - and when he crosses the white line he switches into gear. I put Nicholson in this same category. He trains at full intensity.


Bennell was very clean by hand and foot, as was Lynden Dunn.


I agree with Deevoted - fitness should not be an issue this year. Every pre-season is hard work but there has been a real edge this year in comparison to the last three.

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Maldonboy, i am reporting you for implying that Morton has anything resembling a positive quality.



PS: Thanks for the writeup!

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I can understand the bigger recruited bodies of Magner, Sellar, Couch etc ... but during the match-play simulation, these players were overshadowed by the ability of Trengove, Gysberts, Bennell and even Morton  to actually read the play and get to where to where the ball was. It will be interesting to see whether Neeld prefers the big bodies or the ball skills players.

"Queens Birthday , Swan is smashing us in the middle. Who do we go with?

I'm going with the Grunt ."

- Mark Neeld

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cheers for the reports

any word on how williams went in the match simulation?

did anyone see who josh tynan was manning up on in the match drill? might be an indicator of potential roles (obviously a fair way down the track)

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He did nothing to enhance his AFL footy for Years getting soft kicks.

Now it seems he needs to be ridden 'Hands & Heels' to get him to Improve, so for me, thats what it takes for him.

And others like Flash of course are the master of the hard ball.

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Just stuck a report up on 'Ology with photo's.....

There was an intereresting session held in front of me with Rivers, McDonald, Frawley & Morton under the eyes of Rawlings.

Two nominated to contest and ball kicked high toward them. The object was to make sure that you either marked the ball or stopped your opponent from doing so. Rivers and Frawley were simply the masters of this game, but it was interesting to watch Tom and Cale. Tom is just raw and got out positioned by our gorillas and boy was he frustrated. However, he stuck with it and pulled down a strong contested mark toward the end. He would have learnt lots.

Cale got off to a bad start with Frawley, when the initial body contact saw him sprawled on the ground. However, and this did surprise me, he then got up quickly and got back in the contest as the ball came in. I doubt that the 2011 Cale would have done that.

He struggled the whole exercise, because he just doesn't have the body or strength but he stuck with it, and denied the opponent the mark if he couldn't get it. If he is prepared to continue to show this willingness to get into the contest and make a contest, then the attitude of the fans will change.

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Thanks to all who have posted training summaries........

Being up here in Sydney, all the reports are great to read to get some understanding of what is going on down there.

Cheers guys!!!

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Thanks to all who have posted training summaries........

Being up here in Sydney, all the reports are great to read to get some understanding of what is going on down there.

Cheers guys!!!


That goes for us too up here in Qld.. we rely on you guys to keep us up to date and you all do so very well... we really appreciate it.

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And others like Flash of course are the master of the hard ball.

Yep, your right, but he's another, then there was bruce as well & back, even Yze & White, likewise. Survival above daring to Win!

This is the Culture that must be smashed, IF we are ever to become a Power Again.

Edit: I think I nearly missed the undertone of your post? Scapegoating? Morton? No!

Davey is nearly dunn, & Morton still has a chance to be pushed into more effort, even IF he has developed some bad training & playing habits, we can still push him to succeed. So, my post is not negative criticism but hopeful that someone will save him before he's a total waste. His time (Morton) is running short.

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Go with grunt if you want to continually chase, Pressure on opposition comes in many forms, and one of the greatest is having the ball and long accurate kicking or good ball carry.

Yes, because that is obviously the choice Neeld was making.

Grunt > Long accurate kicking or good ball carry

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