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Narrowing in on either Grimes or Trengove for Captain


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This wasn't tweeted by Mitch Clark, it was by Jay Clark, the journalist. This has already been established in this thread.

Read above.

It was a different Clark, people.


Im glad Mark Neeld has come in and basically said this is my team and a fresh start. As they said on radio if it is green still then why wait until feb. Green couldnt dealwith the captaincy and still perform well. Lets face it we havent had a lot players standing out for the captaincy. We did have one but past people ditched him a season or 2 to early. Yes im talking about McDonald.

Grimes would be the obvious choice if he had managed to actually play for the last few seasons.

Trengove would be my choice. He is a great speaker, comes across as educated and friendly and is a good player. Dont worry about his age. He can cope with it. Our club has enough staff and mentors to help him. I also think Mark would help him a lot to.

Frawley wouldnt be a bad option either and Moloney would be another obvious standout. I hope its out of these 3 although Jones could handle it as well.

Anyway I guess whoever it is has impressed the coach and cant wait for the announcement.


Read above.

It was a different Clark, people.

My humblest apologies to Mitch and all concerned.

I will delete forthwith!!


I'm going to trust the decidedly new coaching staff to make the right decision. It certainly isn't an easy or obvious one though.


you can't help bad luck of injuries....below is what neeld has said. If you were to argue grimes against that how does he fair?

Neeld has said "We want guys to deliver through actions," he said. "We want guys to be consistent in their performance and we want players who are going to be a positive influence on their teammates and their whole club.

"We want players who can consistently show it's not just about leadership of a footy team, it's about (leading) a club and it's a sporting code."

Fits pretty well for me. The only bit he does not demonstrate is performance consistency which is purely due to injury. He ticks every other box.


I love Moloney, but Jones is a mental giant in comparison!

That's why I say no to both those options.

Not that I think an AFL captain needs to be a genius but insert Chip Frawley here.


Jamar has never been in the leadership group.

That tells you something, or at least it should...

Jamar just doesnt seem to me Captain material - no valid reasoning...just leaves me hollow on that front..A bit like I never wanted to go Fiji and had no explanation as to why...I did go there and now i know


A captain for the future with the runs already on the board, hard to look past Frawley.

Except he is sitting in the backline....does not rule him out, but makes it harder...


Except he is sitting in the backline....does not rule him out, but makes it harder...

Maxwell ? Harley ? Glass ?


Not that I think an AFL captain needs to be a genius but insert Chip Frawley here.

My favourite player by far, but I have to agree.

Grimes, with Trengove deputy.

Garland a smoky.


My favourite player by far, but I have to agree.

Grimes, with Trengove deputy.

Garland a smoky.

Yep, you certainly are 'smoking' if you think Garland will be captain.


Well, maybe it depends on the situation, but at the Shanghai game where he was Captain, I saw him schmoozing with various officials from Kaspersky and local dignitaries and he appeared quite comfortable, and they appeared quite attentive to what he had to say... of course I couldn't hear what the conversations were about, but he didn't appear uncomfortable at all.

It's funny how we all view what happens on a footy field quite differently. I don't overly rate Moloney as a footballer and reckon we've been beset with his type for decades, which is one of the reasons that real success has escaped us. Like others, I feel that he's found wanting when pitted against elite midfielders, but holds his own against lesser lights. Imo, he would have hardly got a game at Geelong over the last 5 years. In other words, I don't want him to captain our club as I feel the station to be above him. For this same reason I don't want Jones.

Btw, I know people will point to his top 10 finish in the Brownlow this year as well as a win in the B&F, etc, but these accolades aren't nearly as meritorious when you're the best and one of the most most senior of a pretty ordinary lot. As mentioned, we all have differing opinions of players that represent this club.


Captains of some of the best teams in the AFL in recent seasons...

Don't really care what other clubs do....i just remember David Neitz saying that sitting in the goal square was not ideal for captaincy, particularly when the side was being challenged.


Jamar just doesnt seem to me Captain material - no valid reasoning...just leaves me hollow on that front..A bit like I never wanted to go Fiji and had no explanation as to why...I did go there and now i know

whats so bad about fiji??


My take on the prospects ...

Trengove - Captain in waiting or, if we choose to be bold (not an MFC strong suit), a captain now who can grow into the role.

Watts - Very good communicator for his age but still has two more years to grow into his body. That rules him out for mine.

Jamar - As stated by others, has never seriously put his hand up for a leadership role. No.

Green - Should only be considered as a one-year seat-warmer for the next generation leader. Not ideal IMO. Green is on his last legs.

Jones - Fantastic trier, world class tweeter ... but MFC captain? No way. Will have his work cut out getting a start in the best 22.

Moloney - Sorry to be blunt, but just doesn't have the communications skills. A great deputy in the trenches, but not the top job.

Grimes - Has all the attributes but struggles with his body are well documented. Happy for him to get it if they reckon he's at full fitness.

Frawley - For the same reasons as Moloney, no to the top job.


Jamar just doesnt seem to me Captain material - no valid reasoning...just leaves me hollow on that front..A bit like I never wanted to go Fiji and had no explanation as to why...I did go there and now i know

Fiji is one of the best places in the world, island paradise with some of the friendliest people you would want to meet. If you didn't like it there that says more about you than the country. The only thing wrong with it is the tourists but what can you do?

Agree with you about Jamar though. :)


Don't really care what other clubs do....i just remember David Neitz saying that sitting in the goal square was not ideal for captaincy, particularly when the side was being challenged.

Maybe you should - Neitz may have been a great player, but he never won a flag...

And it's an irrelevant comparison anyway - the game has changed drastically in a relatively short time.

No player sits in the goalsquare in today's game.


I still believe that if it isn't Green it will most likely be Moloney with Jones as VC. I doubt Neeld would be so immovable as to believe that Moloney's single indiscretion would preclude him from the captaincy... in fact I would think he would view Moloney's resolve to improve himself post-incident, that it may even improve Moloney's chances. If not Jones, then I would not be at all surprised to see Rivers fill the VC position.

Didnt Maxwell get up to some mischief as Captain? I dont think Moloney's indiscretion invalidates him and isnt his Warnambool boxing camp (thats him right?)demonstration of his off field leadership? The other piece is his 'charm" for stakeholders and the media any viewer of Beamers Bumps and Brusiers would see an unpolished gem - granted no Tom Harley but blue collar straight up. I see him as multi year captain with loads of respect from the playing group.


Maybe you should - Neitz may have been a great player, but he never won a flag...

And it's an irrelevant comparison anyway - the game has changed drastically in a relatively short time.

No player sits in the goalsquare in today's game.

no they don't but chipper is rarely in the midfield heat which would be my only concern.

Don't really care what other clubs do....i just remember David Neitz saying that sitting in the goal square was not ideal for captaincy, particularly when the side was being challenged.

i say bugger successful clubs - what the hell would they know.

Best person for the gig irrespective of position


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