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New Midfield in 2012


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Melbourne's woes in 2011 centred around a dysfunctional midfield that lacked consistency and class. As is it in psychology, diagnosing the problem is always easier than solving it. The loss of Tom Scully for me was most disappointing for the fact that he loomed as the figure most likely to lift the mids in 2012, and with trade week over, it appears Moloney, Sylvia and Mckenzie are once again the likely canditates for first crack at the pill come round 1 next year. I can't help but feel un-inspired.

Whether Neeld is inspired by that trio is another story. Here are a few things I would love to see him trial in 2012 as a means of seeing whether we can manufacture a more inspiring midfield with the current crop, at least until the Jacks (Viney and Trengove) reach their full potential.

1. Rotate Jeremy Howe through the midfield.

While Howe is an excellent marking forward and good set shot, he also has outstanding hands on either side of his body, quick reflexes and general football nous. After watching him at training and in games, his ability to dish to the ball off in traffic and to hit up targets with left and right boot is should not be underestimated. He also comes to the club boasting a high beep test (dunno of top of my head). At 190cm he adds good height. I want him in the forward line, but if fit, would be interested to see how he went further up the ground.

2. Put Morton on the ball.

Cale Morton is a strange bird. Unlike many footballers who respond well to a good kick up the arse, I reckon Cale needs a behavioural psychology approach - that is, get him to learn through experience, combined with positive reinforcement. He is not learning while watching the ball from 80 metres away on an empty wing. Watching Cale flailing around like a rabbit in the headlights against the Doggies this year was depressing. He had lost all confidence, and constant sprays and looks of disgust from James Frawley only made him play worse. I can understand Frawley's grievances, Cale was letting a good backline down. However, he is a confidence player who needs different forms of motivation. Putting him on the ball - not at the beginning of the game - but in the later stages of the quarters - will give him an opportunity to utilize a key weapon - elite running. The great mids get to more contests - if Cale help the team by getting to contests, rather than getting forward of the contest, he has a better chance of winning back the support of his teammates and growing in confidence.

3. Get Grimes in the Centre.

While Jack Grimes has found a niche as a half back flank, the loss of Scully could become the making of Grimes as a mid. While I love Jordie Mckenzie, he has not yet become an elite tagger (certainly an elite tackler) and must become more potent by foot to assure himself a spot in the midfield when competition for spots heats up. Some will remember that Grimes was used to tag Bryce Gibbs in the Vic Vs SA under 18s championships. While his kicking is not quite that of Luke Hodge, as a tagger his foot skills would be considered excellent. He inspires those around him with his courage and is a gut runner. I would like to see Grimes trialled as a tagger who must be respected by the opposition as someone who can use the ball well.

4. Get Watts and Jurrah on the wing more often.

LJ was smashed by Jimmie Bartel earlier in the year when he lined up against him on the wing at Skilled stadium. But the whole team was smashed and LJ shouldn't be given up as part time winger. Both he and Watts have such beautiful skills by foot, are excellent marks and have dynamic speed that playing off a wing for parts of the game could be used to great effect. Considering they are still undersize, and there are now more appropriate players to line up for contested marks in the forward line, it might be a valuable strategy.

I might be clutching at straws - but we can't go into 2012 with the same midfield squad hoping they'll just improve.

Happy to hear where I've gone wrong, and what others might choose to do.

Edited by Bhima
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I might be clutching at straws - but we can't go into 2012 with the same midfield squad hoping they'll just improve.

Happy to hear where I've gone wrong, and what others might choose to do.

I've put a few thoughts into the other midfield thread on the JT board.

But I'll add this contribution. We'll go into the 2012 season with the same midfield less T$. Although a tad more mature under a different coaching regime. So we're hopeful in that an injury free year will prove to be a season with some improvement or a little less inconsistent.

But if we have any key injuries like the start of 2011 in McKenzie, Scully, Frawley and Grimes, I'm likely atm to forecast a bit more pain. Until I see our initial performances under the new coaching panel, that's my forecast.

I think Blease into the midfield can offer some pace dynamic. I look forward to that. Grimes may be given a go too and Bail will be back into the fold.

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Melbourne's woes in 2011 centred around a dysfunctional midfield that lacked consistency and class. As is it in psychology, diagnosing the problem is always easier than solving it. The loss of Tom Scully for me was most disappointing for the fact that he loomed as the figure most likely to lift the mids in 2012, and with trade week over, it appears Moloney, Sylvia and Mckenzie are once again the likely canditates for first crack at the pill come round 1 next year. I can't help but feel un-inspired.

Whether Neeld is inspired by that trio is another story. Here are a few things I would love to see him trial in 2012 as a means of seeing whether we can manufacture a more inspiring midfield with the current crop, at least until the Jacks (Viney and Trengove) reach their full potential.

Happy to hear where I've gone wrong, and what others might choose to do.

Really good thoughts as usual, Bhima.

Right there with you on getting Grimes and Morton into the thick of it. And Watts and Jurrah on the wing. I think that they will find themselves all over the ground - moreso with Watts. And a traditional winger did go end-to-end.

Howe will find himself iin the middle, no doubt. But I think it will be as a target rather than as another runner. But I agree he could be a shot at it.

What I would like to see is some more muscle on Morton (yeah, I know) and Gysberts and for them to be persevered with in the middle.

I would also give Bate, if his pre-season form is good enough, the first 6 weeks of the season as a midfielder to see whether he can cut it there. He was obviously not a favourite of the previous match committee but is obviously desired by the new FD judging by the ludicrous demands we had on him at trade week.

I wanted to get a bigger body for our midfield during trade week but we didn't so Bate should be given a chance - we get pushed off the ball too easily.

Bate's junior years were in the midfield and I know his glacial speed is a worry, but the way the game is today - the only place for him is in the midfield and out of the forward line where defensive pressure is paramount.

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until jurrah can chase and tackle i cant see him on the wing. His foot skills suggest he could but he just seems to only show his best in the forward line but it may be possible. I think our biggest problem is the forward line. Too many times last year we would get the rebound out of our back 50 and we would have to stop our run because we simply had no one in our half of the ground. We would then have to kick or handball backwards to hold posession and then we would turn it over It made davey in particular look stupid if you were watching on tv but at the game I would scream for someone to stay in our forward half.

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I think our midfield (even if it stays as per 2011) will benifit from a better structure / game plan.

I am hopefull we will see a few new faces added to the mix too, but i think a decent forward set up / game style will allow our midfielders to get the ball, look up and have options to kick to

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Excellent post Bhima. Interesting thoughts that are extremely well reasoned and I see the logic in all you say. Just a few observations:

1. Howe just seems to be a natural forward to me. Although you point out many assets he could bring to the midfield, his number 1 strength is still his pack marking and the only way he will make full use of that is in the forward line

2. Agree whole heartedly with your belief about the way Morton needs to be treated. Some people are motivated by criticism but others require constant praise and for Morton to get the best out of himself he needs alot more confidence than he holds now. However, can't seriously play on the ball with his size.He'll be smashed out of the way by the bigger bodies and this'll just crush his confidence more. Needs to play on the wing for now at least

3. Absolutely must happen. Only concern is fitness, everytime he plays in the midfield he appears to be injured next minute! If Nisson gets him up and running he MUST play midfield. Especially with the likes of Tapscott and Blease having the ability to play his backline role. These two could also be important to out midfield, get them switching between backline and mid roles

4. As high half forwards I think this will naturally happen. They should both be rotated between forward and mid with plenty of flexibility to go to either regardless of position

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Tapscott, Jetta, Blease, Bennell and Grimes are all players who never really spent time in the middle, but I would like to see them at least given an opportunity.

We're all aware of our lack of 'elite' talent, and whilst I don't think the mentioned players will be 'elite' it gives us a few more options. However the problem with the mids is that it's quantity over quality and I can't really see us matching it with the best (in the middle) anytime soon.

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Great thread with some deep thinking. I'd prefer Morton & Garland on the wings & Howe in the forward line.However Howe is not a silly choice.It reminds me of the old Richmond centre line of Wood/Barrott/Clay.

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Watts could be given roles on the wing and flanks but now its time to let him cement the CHF spot in the team, 4th year in the team Killer Watts will have a great year 2012.... i hope

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Great thread with some deep thinking. I'd prefer Morton & Garland on the wings & Howe in the forward line.However Howe is not a silly choice.It reminds me of the old Richmond centre line of Wood/Barrott/Clay.

I dont understand why anyone would want to move Garland from the backline. With Frawley we have a really solid backline pairing which IMO doesnt need to be tinkered with. Guys like Grimes, Tapscott and blease, yes try them else where if you want, but dont break up Garlo and Chip!

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If Blease gets fitter and stronger I see he and Tappy on the flanks.

That frees up Bail and Grimes to play through the middle more.

I'm a big fan of Gysberts and with more muscle and endurance I reckon he is still capable of elite status in the future.

I also like the idea of Morton playing through the guts in patches.

Getting these young kids fitter and stronger will still take time and we may still struggle at times this year, but by playing these Gus more through these positions they can still learn and improve until they get the requisite strong bodies.

And good post Bhima....

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The only reason to move him out of the backline would be to make room for McDonald and Davis, but surely you'd still be robbing peter to pay paul?

Yep, at some stage we will need to slot McDonald in, and Davis as well.

So IMO, some one will be on the wing.

I'm not against giving Watts a crack @ CHB or a back flank for part of the season, to let him get a bit more responsibility and Pressure football in his experience. I think his game would benefit from chasing others a bit, and then be able to setup the rebound.

This would allow others to fill the half forward areas to play high, like Jurrah and Howe, or even Morton. Having Clarke on board, allows us to structure differently up front.

Can't wait for the Draft.

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Reply to Bhima:

Melbourne's woes in 2011 centred around a dysfunctional midfield that lacked consistency and class....it appears Moloney, Sylvia and Mckenzie are once again the likely canditates for first crack at the pill come round 1 next year. I can't help but feel un-inspired.

Agree entirely - I don't believe we can aspire to much with that. Add in Jones and it's even less inspiring.

1. Rotate Jeremy Howe through the midfield.

Definitely potential here. He played a few games in defence at Casey and performed well. His attack on the footy and skill level should stand him in good stead, not to mention the rate at which he can adapt.

2. Put Morton on the ball.

I'm a little bit more dubious about Morton - he's shown zero capacity to operate in traffic and this would require a back flip. Neeld has his work cut out for him, but it's possible. I don't doubt his ability for a minute but found him to be a massive casualty of the forward press - space clearly at a premium.

3. Get Grimes in the Centre.

No argument there - get him in there and fingers crossed he doesn't break down

4. Get Watts and Jurrah on the wing more often.

If we don't have a preseason that introduces the concept of defence to more than half our side then I'll go he for chasey. It will be defence, defence defence. So Jurrah on the wing is possible.

5. I'd like to see if Jetta can make an impact in the middle, with a preseason (his first) under his belt.

Hoping you're there on 31st and look forward to your report Bhima

Edited by Roger Mellie
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Really good thoughts as usual, Bhima.

Right there with you on getting Grimes and Morton into the thick of it. And Watts and Jurrah on the wing. I think that they will find themselves all over the ground - moreso with Watts. And a traditional winger did go end-to-end.

Howe will find himself iin the middle, no doubt. But I think it will be as a target rather than as another runner. But I agree he could be a shot at it.

What I would like to see is some more muscle on Morton (yeah, I know) and Gysberts and for them to be persevered with in the middle.

I would also give Bate, if his pre-season form is good enough, the first 6 weeks of the season as a midfielder to see whether he can cut it there. He was obviously not a favourite of the previous match committee but is obviously desired by the new FD judging by the ludicrous demands we had on him at trade week.

I wanted to get a bigger body for our midfield during trade week but we didn't so Bate should be given a chance - we get pushed off the ball too easily.

Bate's junior years were in the midfield and I know his glacial speed is a worry, but the way the game is today - the only place for him is in the midfield and out of the forward line where defensive pressure is paramount.

Would it help if he lost about 5 kgs?

Bate played in the midfield at Casey late last season and got a stack of it. He also spent some time rotating thru the middle in 2010. Losing 5 kilos would bring him back to about 87 kgs - the average weight for an AFL footballer.

It doesn't sound much, but try carrying 5 extra kilos around a big paddock for 3 hours on a sunday afternoon.

This could be one of the re-design projects for Misson and Craig.

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Interesting. Prefer to keep Howe forward but would be happy to see Ricky P in the mids. Ricky slacks off too much as a forward. Sure, 13 inside 50 tackles one week but jack the next. Seems to easily get on very good terms with himself. THE harder Ricky has to work, the better he plays. Understand your reasoning though, Howe does look to be one of our better distributors of the footy.

McKenzie needs a big year. While we all admire his effort & defensive pressure, he doesn't do much with the footy. And has a few like mates. God we need class in there.

Morton, for the entire summer when he's not lifting weights, devouring steaks & protein shakes should be studying video of Daisy Thomas who works his arse off running end to end. Reckon Morton could be damaging in that role, particularly if he's allowed to deliver the ball long & deep into the forward 50. If he gets bored with Daisy he can dust off an old VHS of Matty Febey as he patrolled the members wing. Just worked up & down the ground all day.

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I was wondering if anyone would pick up on this old chestnut...

I like Tom McDonald and think his inclusion opens the door for "the Undertaker" (Garland) to move up the field (wing or even as lurking tall forward) which would have the added bonus of him playing a negating/defensive role in these attacking positions, and provide the team with more flexibility. I also think he would thrive on the challenge and possibly show us that he is a better player than we thought.

Edited by PaulRB
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I would have thought the midfield will rotate more this year under the new coaches. I can see it being a more 'horses for courses' approach. I think we have a good mix of guys who can run through the midfield. Some may forget the form of Bail and to a lesser extent Nicho before their injuries.

For me the midfield could consist of any of the following guys:














and just maybe....


At least we have options. I think Neeld will be looking very closely at these guys over preseason to see what he has to work with. Should be an interesting time come rd 1 NAB cup.

Edited by Tingay02
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