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The Terrorist Bombers were shouting "God is great" as they took concert goers out with M16's

Is this not mind control?

And does it matter which God is great as they are all cartoons of the mind?

There is going to be one huge Religious war in the coming years. These spot fires are getting more prevalent.

For what? My God is better than yours...

May they all disappear but sadly the will not...


Be careful of the Essendon God, he may return someday.


Please share this video with your friends. This is how we stop ISIS:

''How We Stop Isis - Waleed Aly (The Project)''


Moneyeater-you are a victim of your times.

My ideas are simpler:

Kill extremists in their peace loving Australian homes

and let moderating voices who are influenced by the idiotic Koran talk about Richmond FC.

I've never been a fan of puppet shows.


You also stop the money getting to ISIS

Who is funding them?

Any retard who puts a coin in the box for the next Mosque.

It is the violent text behind the ideology that fuels the simpletons who wish to follow this text.

Islam follows poverty and ignorance like a lost dog.


Moneyeater-you are a victim of your times.

My ideas are simpler:

Kill extremists in their peace loving Australian homes

and let moderating voices who are influenced by the idiotic Koran talk about Richmond FC.

I've never been a fan of puppet shows.

Biff, here's another option, use a bit of humour to cure Cystisis. From Adam Hills page :

Ive been called a lot of things in the past few days, many of them deserved. Leftie [censored]. Islam apologist. Unfunny ****. Ive also been called a traitor and even worse, un-Australian.

Heres why I dont think those last two apply.

Earlier this year I was invited to an Australia Day drinks function at the Australian High Commission in London. As the beer flowed and the lamingtons were passed around I found myself in deep conversation with a variety of governmental experts on The Middle East and in particular, Syria.

As this was a few weeks after the Charlie Hebdo attacks I took the opportunity to find out all I could about this so-called Islamic State group.

I learned a lot of things that night, but the one that stood out was this: Islamic State need recruits and they have two steps to get them.

1) Create an uprising against Muslims in the West by carrying out attacks in the name of Allah.

2) Then when young Muslims feel rejected by Western society, make ISIS look like a cool alternative.

Please remember, this was all expressed to me by officials of both the Australian and British Governments.

It seemed to me that a good way of combatting this would be 1) be nice to non-ISIS related Muslims (ie the vast majority of Muslims) and 2) make ISIS look like idiots.

I ran this past my friends at the High Commission, who agreed that this was indeed a good thing to do.

Now there arent a lot of things a one-legged comedian can do to combat a bunch of pricks like ISIS, but when experts in the field from your own government tell you what you can do you damn well do it.

The next week on the show I host - The Last Leg - we ran an on-air competition to rename ISIS. The winner was a lady who tweeted Cyst-ISIS: cos theyre irritating twats. From that day forth we only ever referred to them as Cystisis.

We then ran a weekly segment called The G-Hadi Spot in which we attempted to ridicule them whenever we could.

We played Cystisis training videos with the Benny Hill music over the top. We celebrated the young girls who defrauded them out of thousands of dollars. We made our own ads for the caliphate, in which we clearly mocked them.

We also increased security at the studios. A live TV show would be the perfect target for these [censored], and to this day my Mum still pleads with me not to provoke them each week.

In amongst all this, I did my best to remind our viewers that Cystisis are interpreting the Islamic faith in a highly extreme, and self-serving way, and that the vast, vast, vast majority of Muslims around 99.997 per cent disapprove of them.

I did all this, not because I am a hippy dippy idealist who believes that fairy wings and puppy dog farts can change the world. I did this because I was advised by representatives of my government who are way smarter than I am, that it was the right thing to do.

I might be an unfunny leftie [censored], but Im no traitor.

And the thing is you can do it too. There are countless memes going around at the moment decrying Islam; there are people saying their businesses are closed to Muslims; there are jokes going around making Muslims the punchline.

All you have to do is use the word ISIS instead of Islam. Mock the [censored] who are really causing the damage. Cos they hate that. Call them Cystisis. Say your business is closed to any Cystisis member who wants your services. Make a meme about how deluded Cystisis are.

Its what your government wants you to do.

And what could be more Australian than taking the [censored] out of those who deserve it, while giving a fair go to those who need it?

  • Like 1


Moneyeater-you are a victim of your times.

My ideas are simpler:

Kill extremists in their peace loving Australian homes

and let moderating voices who are influenced by the idiotic Koran talk about Richmond FC.

I've never been a fan of puppet shows.

Any retard who puts a coin in the box for the next Mosque.

It is the violent text behind the ideology that fuels the simpletons who wish to follow this text.

Islam follows poverty and ignorance like a lost dog.

Great posts, Pauline. We need all the simplistic contributions from all the addlebrained keyboard warriors we can find before this war will be won.

  • Like 1

Please share this video with your friends. This is how we stop ISIS:

''How We Stop Isis - Waleed Aly (The Project)''


There's not much point, Moneider. Biff loathes: (i) Muslims; (ii) anyone he deduces to be smarter than he is; and (iii) anyone he fears to be wittier. While it's easy enough to find plenty of people in each category, Waleed Aly has the misfortune of belonging to all three.

  • Like 1

There's not much point, Moneider. Biff loathes: (i) Muslims; (ii) anyone he deduces to be smarter than he is; and (iii) anyone he fears to be wittier. While it's easy enough to find plenty of people in each category, Waleed Aly has the misfortune of belonging to all three.

Quote Adam Hills ,Waleed Aly or whoever you wish.

Once again you misrepresent me.

I have not suggested murdering peaceful Muslims.

If you have ever read the Koran or the Hadiths you might realise that the text is mostly about killing Jews,Christians(Kaffirs),trading slaves,and making an enemy of those who refuse to convert.

I loathe nobody Dr.

I actually don't mind Aly either .

Comedy is a powerful weapon I agree-one you might acquire one day if you watch enough Channel 10.


Great posts, Pauline. We need all the simplistic contributions from all the addlebrained keyboard warriors we can find before this war will be won.

My Drag name is actually Paulette,not Pauline The complexity of your posts ,the references contained therein -usually over reach.

Not this one!!!!!!

Good for you-you've learnt to dumb it down.


Biff shut up now. Or stand by keyboard bigotry.

You are either cowed by extremism or too Pi55weak to decry the barbarians who would take literal meaning from the Bible,Koran or Mein Kampf.

I'm not that afraid .(Although criticism of Islam is fairly dicey).

My loathing of Islamist extremists,radical Mullahs,Southern Baptists,Racist preachers are all one and the same.

Peaceful people aren't my enemy-and I would think you know me better than that.

  • Like 2

My Drag name is actually Paulette,not Pauline The complexity of your posts ,the references contained therein -usually over reach.

Not this one!!!!!!

Good for you-you've learnt to dumb it down.

Don't try to patronise me Biff, you've already shown yourself an abject failure at that.

BTW I've never used a word or reference whose reach I haven't understood, but I can't take responsibility for any that might fall outside the confines of your narrow and prejudiced little world.

  • Like 1


Nothing beats a good ol' chin wag emanating from religion to to facilitate the cream rising eh :rolleyes:


as religion is so topical, here are a few corny funnies (don't blame the messenger)


A guy joins a monastery and takes a vow of silence: he’s allowed to say two words every seven years.

After the first seven years, the elders bring him in and ask for his two words. "Cold floors," he says. They nod and send him away.

Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throats and says, "Bad food." They nod and send him away.

Seven more years pass. They bring him in for his two words. "I quit," he says.

"That’s not surprising," the elders say. "You’ve done nothing but complain since you got here."


StuieI was walking across a bridge one day, and saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off.

So he ran over and said "Stop! Don't do it!" "Why shouldn't I?" he said.

"Well, there's so much to live for!" "Like what?" "Well... are you religious?" He said yes. StuieI said, "Me too! Are you Christian or Buddhist?" "Christian." "Me too!

Are you Catholic or Protestant ? "Protestant." "Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?" "Baptist" "Wow! Me too!

Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?" "Baptist Church of God!" "Me too!

Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you reformed Baptist Church of God?" "Reformed Baptist Church of God!" "Me too!

Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915?" He said, "Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915!"

Stuie said, "Die, heretic scum", and pushed him off.


A Jewish grandmother is watching her grandchild playing on the beach when a huge wave comes and takes him out to sea.

She pleads, "please God, save my only grandson. I beg of you, bring him back."

And a big wave comes and washes the boy back onto the beach, good as new.

She looks up to heaven and says: "He had a hat!"


  • Like 4


Quote Adam Hills ,Waleed Aly or whoever you wish.

Once again you misrepresent me.

I have not suggested murdering peaceful Muslims.

If you have ever read the Koran or the Hadiths you might realise that the text is mostly about killing Jews,Christians(Kaffirs),trading slaves,and making an enemy of those who refuse to convert.

I loathe nobody Dr.

I actually don't mind Aly either .

Comedy is a powerful weapon I agree-one you might acquire one day if you watch enough Channel 10.

Where exactly did I misrepresent you by saying/suggesting/implying/insinuating that you'd said any such thing?

This, of course, is a standard manoeuvre of yours. Maybe it's time to put up or shut up.

Quote Adam Hills ,Waleed Aly or whoever you wish.

Once again you misrepresent me.

I have not suggested murdering peaceful Muslims.

If you have ever read the Koran or the Hadiths you might realise that the text is mostly about killing Jews,Christians(Kaffirs),trading slaves,and making an enemy of those who refuse to convert.

I loathe nobody Dr.

I actually don't mind Aly either .

Comedy is a powerful weapon I agree-one you might acquire one day if you watch enough Channel 10.

Why? It hasn't done you much good.

  • Like 1


my shares in Raytheon have skyrocketed.

I knew being an ethical investor would pay off.


and whooda thunk it?

BHP are bottoming out!!!

Guns ,Steel,Germs and Chemicals-you can never lose.

War is cool.

I want to have a money bath with Tikki Fullerton and who cares about age.

I love this life.

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