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If he wants to go then he will go. And we will receive another number 1 draft pick and probably another first round pick as compensation.

Then what I would do is on-trade both these picks to GWS in return for Scully - no..wait....ummmmmmm

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America de cali: Your approach is not only a massive fail, it ensures his departure.

Everytime some media flack wants to whip up a story all he has to do is get the supporters in a frenzy, pit player against supporters, coach and management.

This only becomes an issue if we let it be an issue. Lets not get sucked in by this nonsense.

What else can his mangement say?

Why shouldn't we believe them there is NO evidence to the contrary.

Its our club not the media's club. Lets not forget that.

We have a Board and management who have shown themselves to be top rate.

The approach they are adopting is one which improves our chances.

We can improve our chances by getting behind Scully not into some debate with him. On its face his position is entirely reasonable.

Like you I'd like to have him tied up now but thats not the situation nor is it the situation for many players in the AFL.

Note to Barratt, Sheehan, Eddie and others, "We will negoatiate with our players in private, yes it sucks there is no story in that for you. We respect our players rights to negotiate with us in that manner as well. We understand you are going to drag out this story week in and week out but thats tough luck. Take note Demon supporters stand shoulder to shoulder with our club and each and every player. Take your wedge elsewhere."

Bravo and well articulated.

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Guest 36DD

I understand what E25 is saying though fickle may not be the best choice of words.

There are those who waould say things to undermine us as a club in an attempt to improve thier position.

When our supporters etc begin panicing they achieve thier aims. And panic is never the best way to attack a problem.

Those who have supported the club through our poor seasons, those who have backed Stynes and Bailey when we were't getting results, those who trusted the club wih the Chris Johnson, Brock Mclean, Trav Johnstone, Cam Bruce decisions, they will be the same ones who will trust the club through this and show courage and unity.

I hear you mate, but posts labeling a certain set of supporters fickle is likely to be divisive and destabilise the supporter base. I think we must come to the conclusion that some supporters have faith in the club to retain Scully whilst others feel that he is as good as gone. Points can be argued for both sides.

I for one would be concerned if panic wasn't an emotion exhibited by supporters given the situation at hand, FFS we could possibly lose one of our best young talents. Given the panic it has caused myself, I am glad we have "Poker Faced" Bails as our coach and an experienced football administrator in Cameron Schwab conducting negotiations.

Additionally, this rubbish about the syndrome, never heard so much carp in all my life. Supported the Dees for 33 years, been on hand to witness all the highs and lows and will continue to do my bit as a supporter to help the club achieve ultimate success. Those that seek to label, attribute and denounce viewpoints based on the supposed existence of this syndrome help perpetuate the myth the so despise.

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No, he isn't right.

We are not doomed to do as 'we always have done' for that is a pathetic and self-involved stance that doesn't fit fans of this club.

The Melbourne footy club has won 12 flags, has survived and thrived through 153 years and has the makings of a very successful near future.

This pathetic handwringing is below this club.

rpfc you seem to have a fixation on all this mfcss and handwringing stuff. Instead of trying to be demonlands's resident psychologist maybe you need to see a counsellor about your own fixation B)

at this stage I don't know who or what to believe, but it does seem that this will not be resolved for months and months. This means (no matter what you and your ilk counteract with) that I'm going to have this sour taste in the back of my mouth for a long time. It may not be too rational but i'm a passionate supporter and at the end of the day i'm more ruled by the heart than the mind. It really is going to ruin or at least take the edge of what was looking to be a very enjoyable and anticipated season.

"It's my footy club and I'll cry if I want......cry if I want" (apologies to LG)

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Yes, true.

So where's the MFC's take in your proposal? I know where it seems you are suggesting we take it.... :o

I suggest we do as we are doing - negotiate behind close doors and not make it a public spectacle. Work to try and get a good outcome - not throw ultimatums into the mix that will do nothing but push the outcome in one direction only.

Ricky Petterd was GC17 bound last year and Nathan Jones was all but wearing the black and red. We panicked about Jack Watts not signing.

We negotiate and put our best case forward - he will stay or he will go. We have to sell the dream not send him to bed with no supper because he wont tell us what he is doing.

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The second we let the media influence any decison we make we a re fecked ("we" being the club).

Would be nice to see this fire and outrage in the stands during the season, focused on supporting ouyr players and putting the opposition off their game, instead of directing anger at our own players or on these forums.

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rpfc you seem to have a fixation on all this mfcss and handwringing stuff. Instead of trying to be demonlands's resident psychologist maybe you need to see a counsellor about your own fixation B)

at this stage I don't know who or what to believe, but it does seem that this will not be resolved for months and months. This means (no matter what you and your ilk counteract with) that I'm going to have this sour taste in the back of my mouth for a long time. It may not be too rational but i'm a passionate supporter and at the end of the day i'm more ruled by the heart than the mind. It really is going to ruin or at least take the edge of what was looking to be a very enjoyable and anticipated season.

"It's my footy club and I'll cry if I want......cry if I want" (apologies to LG)


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"It's my footy club and I'll cry if I want......cry if I want" (apologies to LG)

The day I cry because of something that Eddie said will be the day I become a eunuch.

I hope Scully stays, his management says he has signed nothing. I will trust the club to do everything they can to keep Scully at the club. I hope that Scully wants to play for Melbourne and I believe that he does until HE says otherwise. Regardless am powerless to influence his decision. I can however support the great CLUB that he plays for.

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I'd like to share a thought that has given me some comfort. I'm not completely convinced by it, and I should all preface it by saying that all of this is mere rumour and I think Tom will stay.

Our club plays at the home of football. We have the makings of a great side. If looking around at the likes of Watts, Trengove, Grimes, Gysberts, Jurrah, Tapscott, McKenzie, Frawley and all of the other young talent on our list does not motivate Tom Scully to stick around and win a premiership, or even create a dynasty, then he's not the sort of player we want anyway.

You've said it all in the shortest post on this debacle. Spot on...

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For some reason the morality of this situation is really bothering me, on 2 fronts. The first - on one hand we have an artificially created club (by the AFL) with bucketloads of salary cap concessions, draft concessions etc, able to offer a no 1 draft pick who has only been in the game 12 months obscene amounts of money to jump ship and take off. This just doesn,t sit well with me no matter how you look at it. The second front - priority picks are given to help clubs , who have been struggling to get off the bottom for more than 1 year, to improve their poition. No matter how you look at it this is not the intent of the system - to lose your pick after 2 seasons, just when he would be starting to flourish.In fact in my opinion it seriously undermines the intent of what the draft is for!

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rpfc you seem to have a fixation on all this mfcss and handwringing stuff. Instead of trying to be demonlands's resident psychologist maybe you need to see a counsellor about your own fixation B)

at this stage I don't know who or what to believe, but it does seem that this will not be resolved for months and months. This means (no matter what you and your ilk counteract with) that I'm going to have this sour taste in the back of my mouth for a long time. It may not be too rational but i'm a passionate supporter and at the end of the day i'm more ruled by the heart than the mind. It really is going to ruin or at least take the edge of what was looking to be a very enjoyable and anticipated season.

"It's my footy club and I'll cry if I want......cry if I want" (apologies to LG)

Word to that...

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Guest Thomo

From what I read of his managements statement yesterday, it seems pretty clear.

The AFL is negotiating a new TV rights deal, with it comes more money. The AFLPA is negotiating a new players agreement, with it will come a larger salary cap, and possibly more flexibility for payers.

Tom has two options. Sign now with either club, or wait until the facts of the new agreements are known then work out a deal.

Why would he sign a new contract with any club now when the money/conditions on offer could increase in a few months??? Good management by his people.

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The day I cry because of something that Eddie said will be the day I become a eunuch.

I hope Scully stays, his management says he has signed nothing. I will trust the club to do everything they can to keep Scully at the club. I hope that Scully wants to play for Melbourne and I believe that he does until HE says otherwise. Regardless am powerless to influence his decision. I can however support the great CLUB that he plays for.

I think you missed the point dandeeman....never mind

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From what I read of his managements statement yesterday, it seems pretty clear.

The AFL is negotiating a new TV rights deal, with it comes more money. The AFLPA is negotiating a new players agreement, with it will come a larger salary cap, and possibly more flexibility for payers.

Tom has two options. Sign now with either club, or wait until the facts of the new agreements are known then work out a deal.

Why would he sign a new contract with any club now when the money/conditions on offer could increase in a few months??? Good management by his people.

because all those factors could be built-in to the terms of the contract

e.g. a clause relating to performance in 2011 (B&F etc)

e.g. a clause relating to AFL salary cap changes in 2011 due to TV rights/aflpa bargaining etc

I'm not saying this is the only considerations to signing now but your points could be addressed within a contract now

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Why would he sign a new contract with any club now when the money/conditions on offer could increase in a few months??? Good management by his people.

Part of "good management" is also taking care of the public image of your client. By keeping people on tenterhooks they risk Tom being viewed as a player with mercenary tendencies.

It's a strategy not without risk, as the past days events have shown. Time will tell if it's sound management or not.

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A number of posters and media identities have drawn a connection between Tom Scully and Draft Preference Pick and our alleged "tanking". The inference is that we have Tom only because of these two factors.

I think this is misrepresentation.

If we didn't have the Draft Preference Pick we would have still picked Tom with our no 1 pick for finishing bottom.

So in fact if anyone is the beneficiary of the Preference Pick/Tanking it would be Jack Trengove.

Unless..... you subscibe to the notion that without tanking we would not only have won more than 4 games, but enough extra games to not finished last on the ladder. This is more debateable. Just something to ponder.

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Guest Thomo

Part of "good management" is also taking care of the public image of your client. By keeping people on tenterhooks they risk Tom being viewed as a player with mercenary tendencies.

It's a strategy not without risk, as the past days events have shown. Time will tell if it's sound management or not.

Similar agruments were made with Brad Green and Aaron Davey - Captain and vice captain now.

I think most people either understand that this is part of the bunsiness of football, or they forget this stuff as soon as the ball is bounced.

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After 24 hours of thinking, after first hearing Collingwood President NcGuire bring this to the boil on his Radio Show (a.k.a Noticeboard)

we supporters must remember one thing clearly. We have the full 2011 season, with Tom ahead of us....

We can still make a stand regarding his impending decision.

Turn up to games in force-make noise of encouragement, Make Tom want to stay.

Sure that will be easier if we are winning, but overall this year the MFC has to be a CLUB.

We have to make the MCG the place Scully wants to play the majority of his football.

My point is, we have to all pull in the one direction on this one-from now on.

McGuire may be right, but he had no right to air it as he did, as Collingwood President.

Let's just hope the heat & Karma now pay him a visit.

Tom Scully is a Melbourne Demon for 2011, let's encourage him (loudly) to stay beyond.....

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The reason for staying with Tom besides his family ties, will be his mates at the club plus how much we make him feel part of the club. The money will come to him and if his manager is smart he will point that out to Tom. As for a young man he's already very well paid.

Also his professionalism on the track and around the club, as shown through posts on here does show to me someone who is money hungry. Beside almost half will disappear in tax!

I'm sure the club has shown the players the plan and how they fit into it. He would know he's part of a debt free club, brand new facilities, growing financial resources, a very talent young group of similar ages, and a man that inspires so many at the top. He's part of a very dynamic club now and that must be exciting, and a few of the old boys I'm sure reminding him what a great legacy he'll leave at Melbourne instead of some backwater club.

I believe he will stay (and pray so :) ) time will tell.

Its important that all supporters don't badger him about going, but tell him how great it is to have him with us at Mebourne...

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Let's not lose sight of the fact that Tom Scully’s management, Velocity Sports, released a statement stating that "Contrary to media speculation, Tom Scully has not signed an AFL contract with Greater Western Sydney" They also confirmed that Velocity Sports have not had talks with GWS in relation to Tom.

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I'd like to share a thought that has given me some comfort. I'm not completely convinced by it, and I should all preface it by saying that all of this is mere rumour and I think Tom will stay.

Our club plays at the home of football. We have the makings of a great side. If looking around at the likes of Watts, Trengove, Grimes, Gysberts, Jurrah, Tapscott, McKenzie, Frawley and all of the other young talent on our list does not motivate Tom Scully to stick around and win a premiership, or even create a dynasty, then he's not the sort of player we want anyway.

Second best post in this thread. I'm still loving the Miranda Kerr post from AoB

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Unrelated, but has anyone considered the fact that in 2009, the young, non-AFL player/Richmond supporting Tom Scully was watching the round 18 Melbourne V Richmond match with his Dad? They were likely well aware that Scully would be considered for the no.1 draft selection, and that the McMahon kick after the siren could potentially be the difference between joining the Dees and his beloved Tigers.

Imagine the scene - McMahon trots in, kicks..... and goal!!! After that kick, while many Melbourne fans were celebrating, the Scully family would probably have been on the floor in agony.

Just a thought.

Now, back to your bickering folks.

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We've all been raving about Scullys character since he walked into the club . He's gone about his business with understated dedication and I would say he is the last person who wants to be in the position he's found himself in . He isn't driven by money , he is driven by the love of the game and desire to be the best player he can be . I think he'll sign sooner rather than later just to get the unwanted spotlight off his back .

There is no way his decision would largely be effected by the extra dollars offered by GWS . What young footballer would give up the chance to play in an up and coming successful side in his home town to play infront of no-one at Sydney and pitiful crowds back here . Thats NOT what he's been dreaming about since he could hold a football .

Thankfully we have great level headed people in charge of the club at the moment that won't get sucked into the whining outbursts that Thompson did last year . It's just the supporters that need to relax and let Tom do what he does best till he again signs .... with us.

Edited by Fork 'em
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Unrelated, but has anyone considered the fact that in 2009, the young, non-AFL player/Richmond supporting Tom Scully was watching the round 18 Melbourne V Richmond match with his Dad? They were likely well aware that Scully would be considered for the no.1 draft selection, and that the McMahon kick after the siren could potentially be the difference between joining the Dees and his beloved Tigers.

Imagine the scene - McMahon trots in, kicks..... and goal!!! After that kick, while many Melbourne fans were celebrating, the Scully family would probably have been on the floor in agony.

Just a thought.

Now, back to your bickering folks.

Lol jesus christ

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