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Fev does it again

iv'a worn smith

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Ha. B)

I like the expression "escape goat".

There are two important principles at play here. There's the rights of women to go about their lives unhindered by intimidatory behaviour from men and there's the presumption of innocence.

Fev has made a rod for his own back with his past behaviour and his attitude but there's a possibility that he's being set up.

The AFL has a lot to answer for here. Adrian Anderson can talk about the importance of looking after womens' interests but the AFL should have acted decisively last year after the Brownlow night fiasco. It had the ammunition then but did nothing.

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The AFL has a lot to answer for here. Adrian Anderson can talk about the importance of looking after womens' interests but the AFL should have acted decisively last year after the Brownlow night fiasco. It had the ammunition then but did nothing.

Come to think of it, I don't think I heard Adrian Anderson say the word "alleged" either. Strange by the AFL.

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I like the expression "escape goat".

There are two important principles at play here. There's the rights of women to go about their lives unhindered by intimidatory behaviour from men and there's the presumption of innocence.

Fev has made a rod for his own back with his past behaviour and his attitude but there's a possibility that he's being set up.

The AFL has a lot to answer for here. Adrian Anderson can talk about the importance of looking after womens' interests but the AFL should have acted decisively last year after the Brownlow night fiasco. It had the ammunition then but did nothing.

Totally Agree. There is far more to this story than has been let out. Daniel Harford on SEN after midday admitted he knew more but was unable to speak on it , as it is a Police Matter..

I would be just as worried if i was in charge of Brisbanes list management. My they have just killed themselves, and i feel Fev is being used as the release valve.

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Totally Agree. There is far more to this story than has been let out. Daniel Harford on SEN after midday admitted he knew more but was unable to speak on it , as it is a Police Matter..

I would be just as worried if i was in charge of Brisbanes list management. My they have just killed themselves, and i feel Fev is being used as the release valve.

There are IMO two clubs at present that need a lot more criticism than they are getting i.e. Board / Management

(1 Essendon, the group that extended Knights contract and then one year later sack him at the expense of $1million + should be shown the door.

This must go close to the worst management decision of the last ten years.

(2 Brisbane how could you give Fev that size deal without any clause relating to how he behaves while under contract.

They had two key forwards who kicked almost 150 goals in 2009, so you release one of them for a problem waiting to happen.

Lets not forget he was flung by Carlton for numerous problems over a long period. The board who agreed to this should resign.

Not to mention the size of his contract that is now destroying their list.

Never ceases to amaze me that Coaches and players get it in the neck but very seldom Board members or CEO

Edited by old dee
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There are IMO two clubs at present that need a lot more criticism than they are getting i.e. Board / Management

(1 Essendon, the group that extended Knights contract and then one year later sack him at the expense of $1million + should be shown the door.

This must go close to the worst management decision of the last ten years.

(2 Brisbane how could you give Fev that size deal without any clause relating to how he behaves while under contract.

They had two key forwards who kicked almost 150 goals in 2009, so you release one of them for a problem waiting to happen.

Lets not forget he was flung by Carlton for numerous problems over a long period. The board who agreed to this should resign.

Not to mention the size of his contract that is now destroying their list.

Never ceases to amaze me that Coaches and players get it in the neck but very seldom Board members or CEO

Yep, Get rid of Bradshaw and $2.5 million for Fev.......PLEASE EXPLAIN..It's just ludicrous and beyond.

They could be stuffed for a decade now, or the could have kept Bradshaw and Hansen (& Rischetteli)!!!

Great Business minds up there...obviously the sun and the Hangover from their 3 flags is still effecting their Brains. B)

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Bradshaw only had a year to go in AFL and is neither here nor there.

The betting the house on Fevola and an assortment of NQRs has been a disaster.

The Board/ Footy Dept management should be held accountable.

I have always wondered about Voss's judgement when one night he went drinking with Lawrence and Gehrig and kinghit a patron outside a pub and luckily escaped criminal charges.

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Come to think of it, I don't think I heard Adrian Anderson say the word "alleged" either. Strange by the AFL.

Not if Fev's being well & truly hung out to dry.

It's not just Brisbane. The AFL must be concerned about how this is playing out on the Gold Coast.

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Bradshaw only had a year to go in AFL and is neither here nor there.

The betting the house on Fevola and an assortment of NQRs has been a disaster.

The Board/ Footy Dept management should be held accountable.

I have always wondered about Voss's judgement when one night he went drinking with Lawrence and Gehrig and kinghit a patron outside a pub and luckily escaped criminal charges.

It wasn't long ago and that you and others were here arguing that Voss did the right thing, going for one last roll of the dice while he still had Black, Brown and Power.

The gamble failed, but IMO they wouldn't have been much better off this season had they not made any trades. Their immediate future will of course suffer as a result, but at least the disasterous result this season will provide them with a relatively good draft pick.

Is Voss screwed? I highly doubt it, because his board would have obviously backed his decision to go all out this season and risk future list development. Had it come off, he would have been a genius, but with no risk there is no reward.

If Fevola could keep his dick in his pants, and they didn't suffer so many injuries throughout the year, they probably could have scraped into the finals.

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Not if Fev's being well & truly hung out to dry.

It's not just Brisbane. The AFL must be concerned about how this is playing out on the Gold Coast.


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It wasn't long ago and that you and others were here arguing that Voss did the right thing, going for one last roll of the dice while he still had Black, Brown and Power.

The gamble failed, but IMO they wouldn't have been much better off this season had they not made any trades. Their immediate future will of course suffer as a result, but at least the disasterous result this season will provide them with a relatively good draft pick.

Is Voss screwed? I highly doubt it, because his board would have obviously backed his decision to go all out this season and risk future list development. Had it come off, he would have been a genius, but with no risk there is no reward.

If Fevola could keep his dick in his pants, and they didn't suffer so many injuries throughout the year, they probably could have scraped into the finals.

But that till doesn't explain why half their list want to leave. The Fall out of this whole year has been a long term disaster for the Bears.

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Seems the only ones that dont wont him gone are the bookmakers, as he owes them money.The issue is if Fev goes they can keep drummond and brennan if he stays they go. I think Brennan and Drummond are worth more to the team then Fev

There is a difference here between the Lovett and the Fevola cases apart from the fact that rape is the more serious offence. The Lovett situation was being played out just before the season was about to get under way while with Fev, the season's over. There's time for the police to investigate and make a decision whether or not to lay charges. They should be able to wrap up whether there's going to be a case to answer within a month. Until then, there's no need to be speculating and in that time Brisbane will need to sort out its contracts with players like Drummond and co without the knowledge of whether they have relief from Fev's contract being terminated.

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The tide seems to be turning in Fev's favour on this issue as more and more people who were at the function come out in support of him. There might well be no case to answer and where does this leave Brisbane and the AFL?

The plot thickens doesn't it. The AFL could have really hurt themselves with this one. Brisbane already has. If they are found to have Struck Fev off their list while he is in fact innocent, then that could be very Murky, and could cost the Bears even more than they have already committed.

I want to know who the Female is in relation to the Football club??? If she was put up to this by someone inside-Look out!!!! (make a good Film this one!!!)

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It wasn't long ago and that you and others were here arguing that Voss did the right thing, going for one last roll of the dice while he still had Black, Brown and Power.

The gamble failed, but IMO they wouldn't have been much better off this season had they not made any trades. Their immediate future will of course suffer as a result, but at least the disasterous result this season will provide them with a relatively good draft pick.

Is Voss screwed? I highly doubt it, because his board would have obviously backed his decision to go all out this season and risk future list development. Had it come off, he would have been a genius, but with no risk there is no reward.

If Fevola could keep his dick in his pants, and they didn't suffer so many injuries throughout the year, they probably could have scraped into the finals.

You need to learn to distinguish between strategy development and execution.

Seems the only ones that dont wont him gone are the bookmakers, as he owes them money.The issue is if Fev goes they can keep drummond and brennan if he stays they go. I think Brennan and Drummond are worth more to the team then Fev

I dont think thats the issue at all. I dont think that marshmallow Brennan is a must keep at all costs.

There is a difference here between the Lovett and the Fevola cases apart from the fact that rape is the more serious offence. The Lovett situation was being played out just before the season was about to get under way while with Fev, the season's over. There's time for the police to investigate and make a decision whether or not to lay charges. They should be able to wrap up whether there's going to be a case to answer within a month. Until then, there's no need to be speculating and in that time Brisbane will need to sort out its contracts with players like Drummond and co without the knowledge of whether they have relief from Fev's contract being terminated.

I am not sure there is any need to bring the Lovett case up at all. Its a completely different set of circumstances. Apparently Brown has given his public suppport to Fevola. There has been sufficient time for charges to be laid by the police on the carpark matter. All they have is one woman's testimony. And if there is no collaborating evidence then the charges will be thrown out. If it gets to Court then its her word against Fevs. However, the Lions seemed mighty willing and waiting for the opportunity to suspend Fevola.

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You need to learn to distinguish between strategy development and execution..

The Dogs took a chance on Hall and it came off. Richmond likewise with Cousins (although at the complete wrong time).

When all is said and done, Fev is still one hell of a footballer. They were obviously hoping they could control his behaviour off the field, but they failed.

The other trades were of minimal cost really, so it is either here nor there. Only the Fev trade cost them big and also meant they lost Bradshaw as an indirect result. But as I said, had Fev stayed injury free and drama free, it probably would have been a win for them.

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The Dogs took a chance on Hall and it came off. Richmond likewise with Cousins (although at the complete wrong time).

When all is said and done, Fev is still one hell of a footballer. They were obviously hoping they could control his behaviour off the field, but they failed.

The other trades were of minimal cost really, so it is either here nor there. Only the Fev trade cost them big and also meant they lost Bradshaw as an indirect result. But as I said, had Fev stayed injury free and drama free, it probably would have been a win for them.

I don't agree. They could be paying first year draftees, they are instead paying a number of injury prone and/or second raters who albeit cheaper are a lot more expensive than kids. This has hurt them...as well as the Fevola deal.

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I am not sure there is any need to bring the Lovett case up at all. Its a completely different set of circumstances. Apparently Brown has given his public suppport to Fevola. There has been sufficient time for charges to be laid by the police on the carpark matter. All they have is one woman's testimony. And if there is no collaborating evidence then the charges will be thrown out. If it gets to Court then its her word against Fevs. However, the Lions seemed mighty willing and waiting for the opportunity to suspend Fevola.

Had you read my post properly you might have noticed that is exactly the point I'm making (I started off by saying, "[T]here is a difference here"). Lovett's was a case where St. Kilda successfully terminated a player's contract and seems to have therefore removed the player payment burden from it's shoulders. In Fevola's case, that is what the cynics are saying the Lions are eager to achieve. As I pointed out, the circumstances are different and they might well not get away with the plan (if indeed, that's the outcome they wanted to achieve when the news first broke).

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Had you read my post properly you might have noticed that is exactly the point I'm making (I started off by saying, "[T]here is a difference here"). Lovett's was a case where St. Kilda successfully terminated a player's contract and seems to have therefore removed the player payment burden from it's shoulders. In Fevola's case, that is what the cynics are saying the Lions are eager to achieve. As I pointed out, the circumstances are different and they might well not get away with the plan (if indeed, that's the outcome they wanted to achieve when the news first broke).

I just dont know why you brought Lovett into the discussion at all.

And I would not call StK's termination of Lovett successful at all. It ended in the hands of lawyers and was another tawdry media sideshow added to an already appalling situation.

With Fevola, a woman has blabbed to the Press but not the police. Something may or may not have happened yet the Lions acted swiftly. The same cannot be applied to Lovett at all.

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I just dont know why you brought Lovett into the discussion at all.

And I would not call StK's termination of Lovett successful at all. It ended in the hands of lawyers and was another tawdry media sideshow added to an already appalling situation.

With Fevola, a woman has blabbed to the Press but not the police. Something may or may not have happened yet the Lions acted swiftly. The same cannot be applied to Lovett at all.

Apologies. I thought you might have been able to work it out yourself. In the Lovett case, St. Kilda dumped an unwanted player with baggage whose cost would have hurt the club for the length of his contract. It has been suggested that this is what the Lions are also trying to achieve with Fev. I merely pointed out the differences between the two situations (which you acknowledge) to suggest that Brisbane are going to find it much harder to dump their player, especially if he's found not guilty or if there's no case to answer in the first place.

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