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I thought i'd just remind some people of the players not in the team atm.

AFL quality experienced players who could easily come straight back in

- Moloney

- Grimes

- Warnock

- Bate

- Pettard (injured atm)

Youngsters who could improve us as a team moving forward- future starting 18 players. Probably won't play this year because they aren't ready

- Blease

- Tapscott

- Gawn

- Gysberts (injured atm)

- Strauss (query his quality? won't write him off just yet)

Older players who have now become only depth/ at risk of being delisted

- Miller

- Bell

- Martin (yes, only 23, but for our list that's old)

Young players who, in my opinion, will only become depth/ at risk of being delisted

- McNamara

- Cheney

- Maric

- Jetta

- Fitzpatrick (??? unsure very speculative pick so could make it)

All rookies except perhaps Spenser to be delisted (McKenzie upgraded)- Hughes, Healy, Newton, Meesan

Some pretty good depth. I particularly like the 10 players in the first 2 categories. That's 32 players on the list who are/will be AFL quality. Draft in another 3-4 at this year's draft + Jack Viney the year after, and we are looking scary good

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I wish people would stop suggesting Bartram to be dropped particularly to bring in Cheney. Bartram is by far our best small defender. Cheney has had his chance and hasn't shown enough to prove he's a better option. Yes he's a stronger overhead mark but his disposal is no better than Bartram's (which is Bartram's biggest weakness), but he's slower and less effective in spoiling in contests against smaller defenders.

Cheney is a decent defender, but there is no-one currently on our list as being able to supplant bartram from our current line-up on current form.

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Moloney I doubt will be right to go, but if he is he gets selected straight away, no buts about it.

IMO, the 22nd player yesterday was McDonald. I highly doubt he's going anywhere, but to me that's the spot Moloney would take if he was fit.

I'd go with no change. No need for Miller, we need PJ more than him if only to help Jamar in the ruck, and no other forward was bad enough to warrant a change. In defence Rivers wasn't superb, and Warnock starred at Casey and would help out on Roughead, but I'd stick with the defence that has done so incredibly well for us over the last 5 weeks.

If Moloney comes in I think it will be for Bail.

No. Bail was great again yesterday. Some crude tackling, sure, and he needs to work on that, but his run is undying (he was running harder than anyone in the fourth quarter) and his pace is invaluable off half back. Not going anywhere.

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IMO, the 22nd player yesterday was McDonald. I highly doubt he's going anywhere, but to me that's the spot Moloney would take if he was fit.

I agree, but I think the club really wants to get McDonald to 250 games. Would be a great way to send off a great clubman. Doubt our captain will play on next year, I think he should go out while he's still a fine player and not end up retiring half way through next year.

This year we really needed his leadership and example off the field. Next year I would question his spot in the best 22 players.

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We were slow against the tigers today. Harsh as some see it but James MCD does little for the team now. Jones is better than McKenzie at this time as he has some outside to his game. McKenzie has little in this area. Jurrah and Watts need to grow in confidence therefore will continue. With Green and Dunne doing so well up forward, its wasting space playing Miller. (Bate, Morton Warnock Maric must come in before Miller) It's been a long year PJ has to stay. One ruck asks too much of the one remaining ruck. If by chance we did get to the finals, Jamar would be pooped. We need two rucks. The club is ruining Morton. They have got to find a spot for him as he is too good to mess around. Unhappy players go else where and Bailey has shown he doen't cope well with unhappy players. (EG C Johnson, S Buckley) He prefers to get rid of them. Morton is not the only young player unhappy with their treatment by the coaching staff. ( inside information)

Mate, if that is the stuff that Cale Morton is made of then he seriously needs to have a look at himself. If that was true I say the FD have got it spot on in having him go back and work on the defensive side of his game. Maybe his entire mindset needs a re-think.

Name me one young player besides Cale that would be unhappy with their treatment? Using C Johnson & S Buckley is a terrible example, they are getting the same treatment at their current clubs, probably because they aren't quite at the required level to consistently play AFL football.

Morton missed games early because of injury then came straight into the side after getting some match fitness, this suggests the FD hold him in high enough regard. To say anyone is ruining him is crazy.

He has the talent. Get over yourself and bring it!

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It's interesting to hear that so many rated Bail's game yesterday. I presume those applauding him were at the game live - I wasn't. Stuck in Sydney, I watched it on telly.

I'd have him as first out of the side, if any changes were to be made. Not only did he fail to curb his crude tackling style, his opponent (Chris Newman) was just about Richmond's best. Nor did Bail have a huge influence when the game was hot in the first three quarters. I'll agree he was good in the last, but he had a lot of ground to make up.

I like his running ability and his penchant for moving the ball quickly and accurately by foot, but he needs to learn a few things about accountability if he's going to play half-back.

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IMO, the 22nd player yesterday was McDonald. I highly doubt he's going anywhere, but to me that's the spot Moloney would take if he was fit.

You clearly didn't watch him teach Martin a lesson. Martin is a gun but had his colours lowered yesterday..

And Jnr will play on Mitchell nxt week. He is our Captain and will NOT be going out!

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It's interesting to hear that so many rated Bail's game yesterday. I presume those applauding him were at the game live - I wasn't. Stuck in Sydney, I watched it on telly.

I'd have him as first out of the side, if any changes were to be made. Not only did he fail to curb his crude tackling style, his opponent (Chris Newman) was just about Richmond's best. Nor did Bail have a huge influence when the game was hot in the first three quarters. I'll agree he was good in the last, but he had a lot of ground to make up.

I like his running ability and his penchant for moving the ball quickly and accurately by foot, but he needs to learn a few things about accountability if he's going to play half-back.

Bail was moved to Newman in the second half. A lot of Newman's stats were cheapies out of the backline. Yes he did some good things but I don't believe he was damaging.

And Bail's attack on the footy in the last quarter was terrific. His pack split. pirouhette, run and perfect pass to Watts for a goal was outstanding.

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We were slow against the tigers today. Harsh as some see it but James MCD does little for the team now. Jones is better than McKenzie at this time as he has some outside to his game. McKenzie has little in this area. Jurrah and Watts need to grow in confidence therefore will continue. With Green and Dunne doing so well up forward, its wasting space playing Miller. (Bate, Morton Warnock Maric must come in before Miller) It's been a long year PJ has to stay. One ruck asks too much of the one remaining ruck. If by chance we did get to the finals, Jamar would be pooped. We need two rucks. The club is ruining Morton. They have got to find a spot for him as he is too good to mess around. Unhappy players go else where and Bailey has shown he doen't cope well with unhappy players. (EG C Johnson, S Buckley) He prefers to get rid of them. Morton is not the only young player unhappy with their treatment by the coaching staff. ( inside information)

Unless you have confirmed information dont print it here. I dont know about Buckley but I do know that Chris Johnson was asked three times over a space of time whether he wanted to play with MFC and each time he couldnt answer and said that he would have to ask his Dad. After the third time Dean told him that if he didnt know then it probably means that his heart wasnt with the Club. Dean doesnt have a problem with any of the players. He is a very open and approachable person. If a player like Morton feels that he knows more than the coaches his game is never going to improve. Until Cale accepts there are flaws to his game he should stay with Scorpions and learn some discipline.Can anyone confirm why he didn't play at the Scorps on Saturday.

As far as Bate before Miller. Did you see the game on Saturday. Bate could hardly get out of his own way. Miller's kicking was very good with only a couple of strays and his marking was characteristically strong. I agree that Watt improved in the last quarter but there was an incident just in front of the race in the third quarter where he shirked a confrontation. There was another Melbourne player there and he let him go in. It was disappointing but I still feel with a hard preseason he will be more confident in the packs. Again he did not give up the chase. My worry was Garland. He let his player run off him a couple of times.I don't know about his kickouts. They make me nervous. I think Joel McDonald came off injured does anyone know what was the injury.Both Tapscott and Blease showed some form at the Scorps. Great for Blease's confidence and I would hope that with another good performance next weekend that Tapscott will play at Port Adelaide in front of all his family.

Edited by longsuffering
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I don't quite understand the desire of some to drop Bail. He's a great link

player with a good footy head on those shoulders. For sure he hasn't won a game off his own boot ( and may never) but with each game I think he's stepping it up a little. All have off days but his aren't expensive to us. A couple more pounds, a good preseason and I think he will pleasantly surprise those not already impressed. As he gains games I'm thinking he'll back himself even more.

I like his game... Yes it can improve ... And won't that be a useful bonus

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Don't get me wrong, I like Bail very much. As others have said, his blind turn and pass to Watts was exquisite. His running is outstanding, and I like the way he thinks when he has the ball.

But I just reckon he wasn't that great yesterday, apart from the final term. As I said earlier, it was a good thing he was productive in the final quarter because he was coming from a long way back after his first three.

You know, it IS possible to simultaneously admire a player and be critical of them.

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I like his running ability and his penchant for moving the ball quickly and accurately by foot, but he needs to learn a few things about accountability if he's going to play half-back.

He's played about 6 games, so obviously he does have plenty to work on, but he is so important to our style of play because he can run, break lines, hit great passes and is very courageous and a good overhead mark.

He'd be one of my first selected each week for the forseeable future, because he gives us exactly what we need... dash. Love him and love his efforts, especially in the last quarter.

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Bail for me is breath of fresh air . In an era of beep tests and the like here's a bloke with actual skills . He can kick

it PROPERLY . He exhibits poise , balance AND purpose. He actually seems to know not only what to do with the ball but how to do so to advantage... And all that and a relatvie newby to AFL ranks. He doesn't play like that !! I can see his stature growing next year. Maybe Robbie could take him aside and teach / hone a few moves. It's great to watch them :)

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Bail for me is breath of fresh air . In an era of beep tests and the like here's a bloke with actual skills.

I would have thought Bail would go pretty well on a beep test anyway.

A friend of mine from Queensland who follows Bail's old club said he was "one of the fittest blokes he had ever seen" with "incredible endurance". He was "always the one giving the ball back to the umpire from the bottom of packs".

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Maurie , was simply putting it that so much these days is about beep tank jump etc etc that it seems actually footy skills takes a back seat. Bail seems skilled.. Not meaning to question his fitness

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Spoke to Nev Jetta on Sunday, he has been told to learn more about a midfield role, busting a gut to get back in, but realises he has to just keep trying.....

On Jetta, How was his shoulder ?

Hurt his shoulder late in the Casey game having been tackled to ground awkwardly. Final siren - there was vision of him with it iced up and his arm in a "jumper sling" to minimise movement.

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On Jetta, How was his shoulder ?

Hurt his shoulder late in the Casey game having been tackled to ground awkwardly. Final siren - there was vision of him with it iced up and his arm in a "jumper sling" to minimise movement.

It still looked a bit tender by the way he was protecting it, he was in a suit and there was no evidence it was all bandaged up ie the shoulder looked no bigger than the other one, he said it popped out and they popped it back in, he said he was ok to go this weekend but then again they always do........was champing to get another go, but is working on his midfield stuff......said he doesn't mind the bash and crash in the middle, good sign.....was really pleased that his cuz finally got a goal

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I think any changes this week would be tough but i think one or two will be made.

Firstly While Miller was BOG, through the stats on saturday, but i would argue that Warnock was the most influencial during the game. When we were being smacked in the first half, he kept casey in it with some amazing defending. Due to the fact we are playing Hawthorn this week who have two very very strong and tall forwards i would say that warnock would be invaluable. I just feel that Garland would get teared to shreds by Rougheads strength, and i feel Rivers is better at playing the third tall and coming in to help out. So while Garland would be unlucky, for the sake of the match up and warnocks good form i would make the change.

The other possible change is if Moloney is fit. If he is he is a must against the big bodied Hawks, with maybe Wona out (thought he looked tired and in the end didn't give us much run).

Edited by Triple Jack
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I think any changes this week would be tough but i think one or two will be made.

Firstly While Miller was BOG, through the stats on saturday, i would argue that Warnock was the most influencial during the game. When we were being smacked in the first half, he kept casey in it with some amazing defending. Due to the fact we are playing Hawthorn this week who have two very very strong and tall forwards i would say that warnock would be invaluable. I just feel that Garland would get teared to shreds by Rougheads strength, and i feel Rivers is better at playing the third tall and coming in to help out. So while Garland would be unlucky, for the sake of the match up and warnocks good form i would make the change.

The other possible change is if Moloney is fit. If he is he is a must against the big bodied Hawks, with maybe Wona out (thought he looked tired and in the end didn't give us much run).

Garland won't miss, he'll be seen as having the agility to go to Franklin.

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I think any changes this week would be tough but i think one or two will be made.

Firstly While Miller was BOG, through the stats on saturday, i would argue that Warnock was the most influencial during the game. When we were being smacked in the first half, he kept casey in it with some amazing defending. Due to the fact we are playing Hawthorn this week who have two very very strong and tall forwards i would say that warnock would be invaluable. I just feel that Garland would get teared to shreds by Rougheads strength, and i feel Rivers is better at playing the third tall and coming in to help out. So while Garland would be unlucky, for the sake of the match up and warnocks good form i would make the change.

The other possible change is if Moloney is fit. If he is he is a must against the big bodied Hawks, with maybe Wona out (thought he looked tired and in the end didn't give us much run).

Garland played very well on Buddy during his 2008 100 goal year. Kept him to 3 goals which given the run he was having ad the fact we were shiite was seen by all as a tremendous effort. From memory they might have been talking Rising Star nomination??

Warnock has been playing very well but not sure he can jump like Roughy or compete with Franklin's athleticism.

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Anybody who thinks Miller comes in for Watts........ have a look at Watt's last quarter. The kick across the ground to end up in a Brad Green goal, and the kick to Dunn who was left unmarked in the goal square after a great faked kick.

There is no way Miller makes either play. The kid has vision. and our vision is the future.


(Scully out, ummmmmm no.)

Too true.... Watts has excellent vision.

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I too am sick of reading ignorant opinion that he doesn't use the ball. I was there today and can remember one disposal, left foot pass, that was intercepted by the opposition. I'll watch the replay to double check. No changes for next week. The only players who were down ie Jam, Syl, Bartram have been our better players of late. Leave the team as is.

This is exactly right about Jones.....I've searched the logic centres of my brain to work out why some posters are down on Nathan Jones. The only possible thing I can come up with is that they are thinking about 2 years ago, and have issues with remembering anything that has happened in the last 4 months. His ball-getting, decision making, and line-breaking are, with Moloney and Sylvia, the best in the team, and integral to our improvement. To have the 3 of them fit in the same starting line-up frankly makes me salivate.

Moloney in, Bail out. Trengove was the weakest link in the midfield yesterday, but will obviously stay for future building reasons, and I agree with that. Somebody has to go for Beamer however.

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Garland played very well on Buddy during his 2008 100 goal year. Kept him to 3 goals which given the run he was having ad the fact we were shiite was seen by all as a tremendous effort. From memory they might have been talking Rising Star nomination??

Warnock has been playing very well but not sure he can jump like Roughy or compete with Franklin's athleticism.

Fair call, would be a big call i know, but you might be right with garland to Buddy and Chip to Roughy. But i think that Garland doesn't have the strength.

But anyway the battle needs to be won in the midfield, in order to suffocate the hawks forwards. Lets hope we can win that midfield battle.

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