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poor negativity

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Getting sick and tired of the supporters negativity on this website! I have sat and viewed this site for the last three years, and after last week, it made me sick. The coach and many players were slagged after our 56 point humiliation to Hawthorn. Just to let you know who I am, I moved to melbourne at the start of last year and went to 16 MFC games. Have been a D for 31 years! I continue to be a loyal supporter, and will go to the 16 games this year.

Today, Yes I came home gutted and even had a cry, and still feel "what if?"

Blaming Petterd for dropping that mark, or talking about him not being good enough, WTF. Who went to the game today thinking Ricky was going to kick 4 goals?

Talking down Jamie Bennell for making a few costly mistakes. Ouch, What about the running and versatility the young boy gave us?

Jonesy, I thought he gave us a good run through the midfield and much improvement from last week.

And again, slagging the skipper, well done Macca, ya awesome.

Listen to the President, listen to the assistant coaches, and more importantly listen to the players. DEAN BAILEY is the man for the job, and after today, I agree. He made changes, he read the game and how it was playing out. We as a club stood up today, coaches, players and some supporters. Yes we lost, but never gave up. There were no negative sign's today, and if you think there were, well thats just you! Good tackling, good pressure, good movement of the ball. Well done dees. And yes, I am hurting. But theres always next week!

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Getting sick and tired of the supporters negativity on this website!

It's endemic within the supporter base; decades of irrelevancy have left many bitter and pathetic, faithless and unreasonably cynical.

The only thing you can do is not give in to their comfortable pity parade and tell them off when they say the stupid things they say.

Welcome to Demonland - Somewhat confused since 3/4/2010 (the Collingwood game that saw 'the Bailey narrative' challenged).

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My first post.

Getting sick and tired of the supporters negativity on this website! I have sat and viewed this site for the last three years, and after last week, it made me sick. The coach and many players were slagged after our 56 point humiliation to Hawthorn. Just to let you know who I am, I moved to melbourne at the start of last year and went to 16 MFC games. Have been a D for 31 years! I continue to be a loyal supporter, and will go to the 16 games this year.

Today, Yes I came home gutted and even had a cry, and still feel "what if?"

Blaming Petterd for dropping that mark, or talking about him not being good enough, WTF. Who went to the game today thinking Ricky was going to kick 4 goals?

Talking down Jamie Bennell for making a few costly mistakes. Ouch, What about the running and versatility the young boy gave us?

Jonesy, I thought he gave us a good run through the midfield and much improvement from last week.

And again, slagging the skipper, well done Macca, ya awesome.

Listen to the President, listen to the assistant coaches, and more importantly listen to the players. DEAN BAILEY is the man for the job, and after today, I agree. He made changes, he read the game and how it was playing out. We as a club stood up today, coaches, players and some supporters. Yes we lost, but never gave up. There were no negative sign's today, and if you think there were, well thats just you! Good tackling, good pressure, good movement of the ball. Well done dees. And yes, I am hurting. But theres always next week!

Welcome to the internet mate.

The key is to sort through the opinion to get the info your after and leave it at that, don't stay to feed the animals. ;)

Dees are in a better place than we've been in a very long time, on and off the field.

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Who's blaming Petterd? If he didn't kick 4 goals we wouldn't have been in the game.

What about Scully's and Green's missed goals from 30m out?

What about Warnock's handball to Davis who kicked the winning goal?

What about Jamar kicking out on the full from 35m out?

What about Bennell crapping his pants when it was his time to go?

What about Junior's stupid 50m penalty then goal?

What about Bruce's dropped mark in the goalsquare,Medhurst goal?

Hmmm,we made a few other mistakes and a team as young & inexperienced as ours always will!

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Who's blaming Petterd? If he didn't kick 4 goals we wouldn't have been in the game.

What about Scully's and Green's missed goals from 30m out?

What about Warnock's handball to Davis who kicked the winning goal?

What about Jamar kicking out on the full from 35m out?

What about Bennell crapping his pants when it was his time to go?

What about Junior's stupid 50m penalty then goal?

What about Bruce's dropped mark in the goalsquare,Medhurst goal?

Hmmm,we made a few other mistakes and a team as young & inexperienced as ours always will!


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You can't blame anyone for this loss. It could have gone either way and it just wasnt us today.

cruel game ... can we blame the umps ???

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My first post.

Getting sick and tired of the supporters negativity on this website! I have sat and viewed this site for the last three years, and after last week, it made me sick. The coach and many players were slagged after our 56 point humiliation to Hawthorn. Just to let you know who I am, I moved to melbourne at the start of last year and went to 16 MFC games. Have been a D for 31 years! I continue to be a loyal supporter, and will go to the 16 games this year.

Today, Yes I came home gutted and even had a cry, and still feel "what if?"

Blaming Petterd for dropping that mark, or talking about him not being good enough, WTF. Who went to the game today thinking Ricky was going to kick 4 goals?

Talking down Jamie Bennell for making a few costly mistakes. Ouch, What about the running and versatility the young boy gave us?

Jonesy, I thought he gave us a good run through the midfield and much improvement from last week.

And again, slagging the skipper, well done Macca, ya awesome.

Listen to the President, listen to the assistant coaches, and more importantly listen to the players. DEAN BAILEY is the man for the job, and after today, I agree. He made changes, he read the game and how it was playing out. We as a club stood up today, coaches, players and some supporters. Yes we lost, but never gave up. There were no negative sign's today, and if you think there were, well thats just you! Good tackling, good pressure, good movement of the ball. Well done dees. And yes, I am hurting. But theres always next week!

I agree all the way. Far too many grizzle guts and doomsday posters in Demonland. After ONE round they had written us off!!!!!! Now look at them jump on the bandwagon and salute our great performance today. Next week we lose, maybe, and they will get out their little hatchets and once again will chop up the team they are supposed to BARRACK for!!!!! I saw a big , clear picture of our FUTURE today and it looked BLOODY GOOD. Young guns starting to fire supported by the old heads in the team. Talking to supporters of other clubs today, we gained a hell of a lot of RESPECT. Come on Dees we are ready to roll.

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I agree all the way. Far too many grizzle guts and doomsday posters in Demonland. After ONE round they had written us off!!!!!! Now look at them jump on the bandwagon and salute our great performance today. Next week we lose, maybe, and they will get out their little hatchets and once again will chop up the team they are supposed to BARRACK for!!!!! I saw a big , clear picture of our FUTURE today and it looked BLOODY GOOD. Young guns starting to fire supported by the old heads in the team. Talking to supporters of other clubs today, we gained a hell of a lot of RESPECT. Come on Dees we are ready to roll.

Next week The MFC will win, it was a great effort today-But if we want to be respected the effort must be just that little bit better.

Fantastic Game-The coach knows he is doing a Good Job now. Next week will be better.

We must win next week, otherwise today means little.

i have just got home from the game-my voice is shot & i am so proud to be a Demon supporter watching those young kids having a crack.

Great to see Jamie Bennell up forward

ROHAN 44 BAIL...welcome B)

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We went in today and the pies shat themselves. They were lucky to come out with the points but we were easily the better side.

For those who started doubting after one week, just be glad you're a part of the mighty red and blue.

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Welcome to demonland.

In our defence, I think it's worth noting that there is still a LOT of work to do. Given how we played, with some decent skills, we would have smashed them. As a number of Pies supporters have said, and correctly, the game was there to be won by us... we just didn't know how.

We will... and that's great. But in the jubilation of all the big steps we took last night, I think it's fair to keep on point here. We actually DIDN'T win, after all.

That said... Getting stuck into Petterd for dropping the mark. Fair go, he did enough.

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The criticism is a necessary component of the improvement process. Yes, some of it gets a bit over the top but we have to develop a ruthless attitude if we are to achieve the ultimate success.

Yeserday was fantastic by the boys, but we didn't win. And we shouldn't be satisfied with that.

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After last week, I think we should be enormously satisfied with it. The fact the margin was closer than expected and that we were probably the better side doesn't alter the fact that we got we wanted from this game - a lift in intensity and desire for the footy.

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I agree all the way. Far too many grizzle guts and doomsday posters in Demonland. After ONE round they had written us off!!!!!! Now look at them jump on the bandwagon and salute our great performance today. Next week we lose, maybe, and they will get out their little hatchets and once again will chop up the team they are supposed to BARRACK for!!!!! I saw a big , clear picture of our FUTURE today and it looked BLOODY GOOD. Young guns starting to fire supported by the old heads in the team. Talking to supporters of other clubs today, we gained a hell of a lot of RESPECT. Come on Dees we are ready to roll.

And because we were the only game in town on an easter saturday all the true football supporters would have been watching or listening to the game. These days too, the Dees seem to be everyone's second team. Our performance today in terms of gaining respect from the wider football community should not be underestimated, a very important factor in terms of making our club attractive for both fans and players. Pity it was not on free to air television. Why wasn't it by the way? Anyone know?

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Actually, I have concerns about the effort. It was great and everything, but does anyone seriously think this list can put in that much heart week-in-week-out? My concern is that we will bring that A-game of man-on-man footy to the top sides, and go to sleep the week after in the winnable games.

I'm desperate to see us get off the bottom of the ladder, and to do that we're going to need to sneak a couple of wins against good/very good sides. Yesterday would have been one we could cross of the shopping list early on.

If we go into next week all bruised and battered, and drop our heads as we did in round 1... then another wooden spoon is on the cards. Adelaide at the G in the state they're in... this is a VERY winnable game.

I see us having one HUGE tangible priority this year. To avoid the indignity of back-to-back-to-back wooden spoons. Obviously improvement is a big thing too, but that's in the eye of the beholder.

This coming weekend is huge for this year.

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Actually, I have concerns about the effort. It was great and everything, but does anyone seriously think this list can put in that much heart week-in-week-out? My concern is that we will bring that A-game of man-on-man footy to the top sides, and go to sleep the week after in the winnable games.

I'm desperate to see us get off the bottom of the ladder, and to do that we're going to need to sneak a couple of wins against good/very good sides. Yesterday would have been one we could cross of the shopping list early on.

If we go into next week all bruised and battered, and drop our heads as we did in round 1... then another wooden spoon is on the cards. Adelaide at the G in the state they're in... this is a VERY winnable game.

I see us having one HUGE tangible priority this year. To avoid the indignity of back-to-back-to-back wooden spoons. Obviously improvement is a big thing too, but that's in the eye of the beholder.

This coming weekend is huge for this year.

Agree this is important.

Selection will be critical this week, although it is arguable whether the dissappointment of not winning, OR the comaplacency from winning, is the more difficult to manage on such a young group.

I think the effect this will have mostly will be on the group's self respect and the confidence that will flow from that. It will be important this week to bring in some fresh experienced bodies such as Sylvia, Rivers and maybe Garland to supplement that confidence.

It will require careful management, but I think that is probably one of Dean Bailey's strengths

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Hmmm,we made a few other mistakes and a team as young & inexperienced as ours always will!

Add Strauss not manning up on Anthony in the last 10 minutes and Anthony took an uncontested mark and goaled from short range.

You can't blame anyone for this loss. It could have gone either way and it just wasnt us today.

Absolute Rubbish. We lost it yesterday through silly errors. As another poster said we were a couple of goals better than them.

Terrific effort by the team but geez they have to nailed the opportunities that arise (re Leon Davis).

cruel game ... can we blame the umps ???

Ultimate cop out. The bleating about umpires on this site and by Collingwood is misplaced and naive.

Whatever dude. You have to put things into perspective. It's Round 2 after a season of being belted, and we've taken a top 4 contender to the brink of defeat.

We should have beaten them. You can be pleased with the performance but satisfied... no.

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100% Correct

Agree also. Our defending from kick-ins is so atrocious that I'd prefer we try to make goals easier to kick by spotting up lose men while in the forward fifty if at all possible, rather than taking a shot and risking the rebound that inevitably occurs after we score a point.

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I think to expect no mistakes from such a young, inexperienced side is a little harsh. They played their guts out on Saturday and it was good to watch. The skills and decision making will come in time, but you can't teach determination. Sure, be upset with a loss, but take heart in the fact that even at the start of our rise, we're taking it to the better sides. I can't wait for next week.

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I think to expect no mistakes from such a young, inexperienced side is a little harsh. They played their guts out on Saturday and it was good to watch. The skills and decision making will come in time, but you can't teach determination. Sure, be upset with a loss, but take heart in the fact that even at the start of our rise, we're taking it to the better sides. I can't wait for next week.

Good post, Powser85. Couldn't agree more. Like everyone else I was gutted at the end result. BUT, what I saw yesterday gave me great heart. What killed us was the basic, skill errors. But, that will come in time. And, to think, even with the skill errors, we still out-played the early premiership favourite for pretty much the entire 4 quarters!

The boys gave their all yesterday, and showed a great deal.

I also feel Bennell has been treated harshly. He added a lot to our forward line yesterday, and that incident where the "experts" claim he shirked it is a rough call. Could just as easily be put down do a skill error. He went for the ball, and he failed to mark it. Shirking or a basic execution error? Personally, I'll give the kid the benefit of the doubt.

Anyway, as I posted last week, we have a LOT to look forward to...!

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