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I dont understand what happened to all the fans ?

Guest DemonDefined

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Guest DemonDefined

Now I know the simplest explanation is a low amount of success has been had all through 70's 80's and although there were some good teams in the 90's which culminated with an appearance in the 2000 Grand Final since then the team has seemed somewhat bipolar having one good season, one bad season etc.

But where are the fans witch the success Melbourne has had how is that even teams like North Melbourne and St Kilda have more fans than us it cannot just be success. Collingwood has had limited success since the 1958 grand final as well but they are still out and out the highest supported club in the country. Where have the Melbourne folk gone, sometimes I suspct disloyalty. The vote to merge our club with Hawthorn only to be rejected by the Hawks back in the 90's is nothing short of disgusting.

With our current seasons I indeed saw the omen of Fitzroy appearing in Melbourne (SURELY another original club cant die)


-abominably bad on field

-very low crowds

Thank god for the MCC giving Melbourne a steady home or it would have been more bad signs.

Melbourne were the hottest thing from the 40's to the 60's an could routinely pack out the MCC to capacity now days routinely less than 20,000 show up. It cant all be due to low success where is the loyalty! Thoughts?


I've often wondered this myself, and I think it ultimately comes down to our lack of success. I remember reading an article a few years ago that said we've lost the most supporters to rival clubs, which isn't all that surprsing.

We complain about the last 3 years, but after the 1964 we didn't make the finals again for another 23 years! That's one hell of a draught, and a generation of potential supporters who would have passed over the Dees as their club.

On top of that, we've never had a suburb to represent and to foster that community support. We're just... Melbourne.

It's been a long and slow decline, but I'm interested in WHY we were so unsucesfful over that time? I've heard it was a combination of poor coaching and inferior recuiting zones. If that is the case, I feel more than comfortable picking up Scully and Trengove. We deserve a few breaks.

I've often wondered this myself, and I think it ultimately comes down to our lack of success. I remember reading an article a few years ago that said we've lost the most supporters to rival clubs, which isn't all that surprsing.

We complain about the last 3 years, but after the 1964 we didn't make the finals again for another 23 years! That's one hell of a draught, and a generation of potential supporters who would have passed over the Dees as their club.

On top of that, we've never had a suburb to represent and to foster that community support. We're just... Melbourne.

It's been a long and slow decline, but I'm interested in WHY we were so unsucesfful over that time? I've heard it was a combination of poor coaching and inferior recuiting zones. If that is the case, I feel more than comfortable picking up Scully and Trengove. We deserve a few breaks.

I did not know that. That is a staggering statistic.

I don't doubt that in five years we will have 5,000+ extra people to watch us per game, i.e. home game v Port at the 'G might get 20,000. It is an interesting thought for me to 'change clubs'. I just could not imagine doing that for any of my favourite clubs in any of the codes that I love (you'll see most of my favourite sporting teams in my signature below). The only time it ever happened was when I went off the Crows, but that was never real anyway as I had no choice in supporting them, and I decided to go back to having Melbourne as #1 as it was before 1991. I can understand people not showing up or taking much of an interest when we are crap, but I can't understand going "Oh well, I'm gonna support the Saints from now on".

Now I know the simplest explanation is a low amount of success has been had all through 70's 80's and although there were some good teams in the 90's which culminated with an appearance in the 2000 Grand Final since then the team has seemed somewhat bipolar having one good season, one bad season etc.

But where are the fans witch the success Melbourne has had how is that even teams like North Melbourne and St Kilda have more fans than us it cannot just be success. Collingwood has had limited success since the 1958 grand final as well but they are still out and out the highest supported club in the country. Where have the Melbourne folk gone, sometimes I suspct disloyalty. The vote to merge our club with Hawthorn only to be rejected by the Hawks back in the 90's is nothing short of disgusting.

With our current seasons I indeed saw the omen of Fitzroy appearing in Melbourne (SURELY another original club cant die)


-abominably bad on field

-very low crowds

Thank god for the MCC giving Melbourne a steady home or it would have been more bad signs.

Melbourne were the hottest thing from the 40's to the 60's an could routinely pack out the MCC to capacity now days routinely less than 20,000 show up. It cant all be due to low success where is the loyalty! Thoughts?

Collingwood have had lots of success since 1958, depends on how you measure success?

They have played in 11 losing Grand Finals and 1 premiership. When looking back, they have been in at least 1 grand final every decade. If MFC had done this, there would be more supporters/members.

North melbourne were the 90's team of the decade. (they have won 4 premierships since 1958).

the saints have been in the finals for the last couple of years, and this year made the grand final.

Every club has fair weather supporters..

when MFC have success, they will have lots of hungry supporters...


There's an important factor to this - attendence figures at games overall boomed in the 90s. This was largely due to the reshuffle of AFL/VFL, the introduction of interstate clubs, the closing of small venues and the killing of small clubs.

The comparison - in the mid to late 80s overall average attendance was in the low twenty thousands, even slipping to 21,000 in 1987. Ten years later the overall average was up to over 34,000.

Unfortunately, despite a preiod of success of sorts, or at least a return to competitiveness on the field, the Club failed to press itself in the new 'marketplace' and simply didn't ride that wave.

I'd suggest that not having any recent history and glory to point to was part of the problem - it's all well and good winning games in a given season or even having a run of good seasons, but clubs like Essendon, Cartlon, Collingwood and Richmond, the 'Big 4', all had recent glory to carry their image. Throw that together with a pretty amateur club management style, and there you go.

Over time, some of the other clubs which didn't quite ride that wave for whatever reason have put it together to varying degrees of success, like Hawthorn and St Kilda. It is very clearly our turn to push up now.

But the key thing to remember is that there is no question on loyalty - the trouble has been lack of growth.


We need to win Games in September, it's Simple.

The 23 year Finals Drought from '64 to '87 put a huge hole in our credibility. We failed to attract 2 full generations. Particulaily in the '70's when the FootBall Replay on Saturday night Took Hold.

I could count on one hand the amount of times as a kid i saw melbourne on the Ch7 Football Replay.

We were almost invisible. The Effects of all that Finally Hit us 2007-08.

I'm Glad it did, because the club is now going to be run as a modern business.

We need to win Games in September, it's Simple.

We need to win Games in September, it's Simple.

The 23 year Finals Drought from '64 to '87 put a huge hole in our credibility. We failed to attract 2 full generations. Particulaily in the '70's when the FootBall Replay on Saturday night Took Hold.

I could count on one hand the amount of times as a kid i saw melbourne on the Ch7 Football Replay.

We were almost invisible. The Effects of all that Finally Hit us 2007-08.

I'm Glad it did, because the club is now going to be run as a modern business.

We need to win Games in September, it's Simple.

Remember that as a kid and remember mum and dad commenting on it too.

I HATE channel 7 for this and other reasons. Havent had them programmed in any TV ive onwed, since they lost the footy to ch.9 in 2002. I get the footy and V8s on Fox..

They always neglected MFC, for as long as i can remember.

Agree with the above

Also, think that our lack of Genuine Stars has played a big part. Can only think of 2 offhand, from recent times, that could REALLY pull a crowd. J.Farmer pre-2000 and b4 that, G.Lyon (who was injured half the time anyway)

Even in the worst of times, there was always a Buckley, Hird or Carey - for their respective teams - to put bums on seats.

Your 'Generational' comment is spot on.

I Can only think of ONE other person- family, friend or acquaintance, in my whole life that has been a fellow Dees supporter.. :blink: (Some kid I knew in year 7 or 8 at school in 1988- whos name i couldnt remember in 1000 years!)

Now I know the simplest explanation is a low amount of success has been had all through 70's 80's and although there were some good teams in the 90's which culminated with an appearance in the 2000 Grand Final since then the team has seemed somewhat bipolar having one good season, one bad season etc.

Occam's razor.

We were sh!thouse for 23 years.

But where are the fans witch the success Melbourne has had how is that even teams like North Melbourne and St Kilda have more fans than us it cannot just be success. Collingwood has had limited success since the 1958 grand final as well but they are still out and out the highest supported club in the country. Where have the Melbourne folk gone, sometimes I suspct disloyalty. The vote to merge our club with Hawthorn only to be rejected by the Hawks back in the 90's is nothing short of disgusting.

This again?

You better have the where-with-all and knowledge to back this up.

I had family working for the merger group. They knew what they were doing and it wasn't disloyalty to the MFC.

With our current seasons I indeed saw the omen of Fitzroy appearing in Melbourne (SURELY another original club cant die)


-abominably bad on field

-very low crowds

Thank god for the MCC giving Melbourne a steady home or it would have been more bad signs.

Melbourne were the hottest thing from the 40's to the 60's an could routinely pack out the MCC to capacity now days routinely less than 20,000 show up. It cant all be due to low success where is the loyalty! Thoughts?

Were they?

We played in huge finals but maybe you should look at the H&A attendances when we were 'the hottest thing.'

No year in the 50s brought an average crowd larger than the 39.9k we averaged in 2005. Only 1961-64 and 1998 brought average crowds in the 40,000s with the highest being 49.5k in 1964.

In fact, the 2008 average of 30.8k was higher than any year from 1920 up to 1954 with the exception of 1950 (which was 32k).

Numbers are numbers but I stand by my vague epithet - They will like us when we win.

Re-Build it and they will come.


It's hard to know how many "barrackers" we've lost over the years but we're better off without them and if their new club won a flag,they wouldn't feel part of it like someone who's supported their team forever,just bandwagoners.

After Hawthorn won the flag 12,000 brand new members signed up,people who wouldn't support the Hawks when they were on the bottom of the ladder just 4 years earlier!!!

Premiership members i call them.

Hawthorn had their record membership after they won their flag,Dees had our record membership this year after we won the spoon.

Which club has the more loyal supporters?


We do share the record for the highest ever home and away attendance.

It's hard to know how many "barrackers" we've lost over the years but we're better off without them and if their new club won a flag,they wouldn't feel part of it like someone who's supported their team forever,just bandwagoners.

After Hawthorn won the flag 12,000 brand new members signed up,people who wouldn't support the Hawks when they were on the bottom of the ladder just 4 years earlier!!!

Premiership members i call them.

Hawthorn had their record membership after they won their flag,Dees had our record membership this year after we won the spoon.

Which club has the more loyal supporters?

Yeah pretty spot on. I will enjoy the Premiership all the more knowing that the number next to "Years of consecutive membership" on my membership card has a nice little figure next to it like 5 or 6, obviously that is nothing compared to some members but at least I can fully enjoy the good times knowing I've been there 100% for all of the bad ones.



If you look at our crowd figures before the 'glory era' it was hardly league leading either. In the 1926 flag season we were 5th of 12 (http://stats.rleague.com/afl/crowds/1926.html) and ten years on we were still only fourth by a whisker (http://stats.rleague.com/afl/crowds/1936.html) by 1946 (post glory era #1) we were down to 7th of 12 (http://stats.rleague.com/afl/crowds/1946.html)

Yet fast forward to '56 and we were first by a country mile (http://stats.rleague.com/afl/crowds/1956.html)

The decade from 54-64 skews everything. The fact is that we're simply not a well supported team and really never have been. The lack of any real home area doesn't help - which is why the Casey thing is so vital. If it wasn't for the MCC there would have been no base and no reason to exist. Those of us who aren't MCC have found our way to the club along various paths but there wouldn't be more than a handful who could say that it was because the Dees were their local club.

Having said that we all know that the moment we're in a final every man and their dog will be coming out of the woodwork to declare how big a fan they are.

The post about the finals drought not helping is valid. Look at the memberships from 1985 onwards (http://wiki.fcmelbourne.com.au/tiki-index.php?page=Memberships)

1985 5,801

1986 4,511

1987 3,122

1988 10.078

1989 8,184

1990 10,111

1991 10,153

1992 8,681

1993 10,097

I'd say that by '87 people were really starting to lose the plot after all that waiting. Thank christ for Geelong somehow finding a way to botch that R22 match and get us into the 5 or god knows what would have happened.

ut where are the fans witch the success Melbourne has had how is that even teams like North Melbourne and St Kilda have more fans than us it cannot just be success. Collingwood has had limited

Thank god for the MCC giving Melbourne a steady home or it would have been more bad signs.

Melbourne were the hottest thing from the 40's to the 60's an could routinely pack out the MCC to capacity now days routinely less than 20,000 show up. It cant all be due to low success where is the loyalty! Thoughts?


this has been a "BANE" of mine for years- but it is what it is.the .M.F.C.came from THE ESTABLISHMENT CLASS._

ie; large proportion of professionals -lawyers-doctors- businessmen.etc.

they have other interests if their football side is not going well or not playing too flash-

they go away on w/end trips or other social activities.

( REMEMBER -gardners comment that he has other interests & footy is not his priority )

COLLINGWOOD- stems from the lower classes as is shown by the suburb itself where lower working class or criminal class is prevalent in abundance.

and as such their footy team is all they have an interest in good or bad.

every club is represented by a governing demographic. from the admin. and footy dept side to the supporters and how they react and act to achieve success.


with that comes certain positives and A LOT negatives. !!

our club has always been administered by top end of town like it or not.

POSITIVES early on when run by the the MCC.( no great financial probs.) UP to the great "JIM CARDWELL" who was the "MAN" secretary of the mfc. until 1975.

his recruiting decisions are legendary..

but the NEGATIVES SET IN WHEN UNFORTUNATELY after their actions of the "NORM SMITH "SACKING."came about- due to unbelievable arrogance ,ego, selfishness INCOMPETANCE & down and out bullying from the committee who failed miserably TO BACK WITH HONOUR AND LOYALTY THE MAN MOST DESERVED.-..

The rot set in and when all these negatives are shown from up the chain it is inevitable that they permeate down to the players and finally "SUPPORTERS"

character ,integrity and loyalty starts at the top of any business. if you aim for any kind of success..!!!

and we have been paying for it ever since-( until jimmy stepped in)

personally going to most games in the 60's 70's & 80's was a challenge of mind and spirit..

all stemming from admins. with only interest "A FREE LUNCH & BRAGGING RIGHTS AT THE CLUB"



ZERO real estate INVESTMENTS- OR a strategic plan to create a future.after separating from the M.C.C.


thinking the only way to fix a problem was to create another bigger one.

and actually thinking they r doing whats best for the clubs future ..

not giving a damn about the supporters "HEARTFELT LOVE OF THE THE CLUBS HISTORY".

or god forbid acting professionally and using the untapped wealth of a hidden supporter base.!!!

and setting about changing & fixing a problem from within.

(remember board member"GUESTS" COMMENT that supporters who voted against the merger were just "PLEBS")thank goodness for -don scott- joe gutnick & brian dixon.

as far as ch.7. they r the same as all channels. -only interested in -ratings=advertising= dollars.

a losing melb. side does not bode well for getting coverage...

and kids only get excited about what they see on tv and as such its hard create exuberant support

from unattractive players & teams.

jimmy has taken it upon himself to finally fix a long ill of the M.F.C.& find and put into place PEOPLE WITH A PROFESSIONAL WORK ETHIC THAT CARE !!!

without the incumbent arrogance -ego's and work as a collective

we have a lot to thank "jimmy" for as this is the first unified board i can remember.and as such

-there is sunlight at end the of the tunnel..

so only knowing from where u have come can one move forward .

by learning from the mistakes of the past...

so proud to say



I just have to add to the demographics comment.

Being a "lower" working class supporter base Collingwood supporter families will have more kids than "Upper" class Melbourne supporting families.

For example:

Collingwood family 70's - 6 kids

Melbourne 70- 2.5 (avg)


Collingwood girls get pregnant in middle teens :) - 80s - (*avg down to 4) 24 kids

Melbourne educated kids Study and go to Uni - 80's NO kids


Collingwood supporters, things are a bit better for them, some finish high school so the kids don't start popping out until the late 90's/ early 2000 -

Still have 4 kids though - 96 kids

Melbourne supporters start to ge married etc: (avg 3 kids, as Costello said, 1 for one for mum one for dad and one for the country) 7.5 kids

So really in a generation and a bit the respective support bases could be, by now:

Collingwood: adults: 32

Kids: 96

Melbourne: Adults: 4

Kids: 7

The basis for this scientific calculation is the movie "Idiocracy" about the decline of the human race. Given the nature of collingwood supporters their will be little loss of kids supporting a different side. This high scientific formula can be applied to all other clubs except maybe Carlton :)

So in reality the MFC should provide financial support for us great supporters to have more kids for their future.

But Seriously:

Basically melbourne has a lot of supporters the problem is very few of them are active supporters/members. You can see this when the team is travelling well and in the finals as you look at the crowd makeup's from the finals Melbourne have played in since 87' there is a lot of red and blue there. And I remember when we played in the 2000 GF, there were complaints for the first time by MCC members not being able to get their GF ticket easily.

If jimmy can keep up his good work (Which we all hope to god he can) he will eventually get those supporters back to the club and combine this with our rise up the ladder starting next year we'll only get stronger. The club that will struggle is North, as it has no latent supporter base to build on despite its success. While Hawthorn had the same problem in the 90's it was able to engage with them as we are doing now. As for them picking up 12k GF members wouldn't we love them too.

The golden period was when the club had a few strong leaders at the top, Norm Smith and our Secretary Jim, while Jim was not a president etc, he was more influential than the committee during his tenure in bringing success to the club. While I don't expect another golden era and time os sustained success with only a short downtimes is something we are building to.


Heard a comment from an associate on the weekend after the conversation invariably turned to football, as it does, and when the trade and draft talk turned to Melbourne, one bloke quipped if it wasn't for the name of "Melbourne" the football club wouldn't exist. This from a Bulldogs supporter. I quickly got on the front foot and after reminding him of 12 Premierships, said that if it wasn't for the Federal Government and to a lesser extent the State Government, the Bulldogs would be on their knees.

Whilst travelling home, this thread topic did cross my mind. All I can put it down to is what has already been mentioned. Which basically is a combination of 1) sustained non-success for over 23 years (virtually a generation of supporters); and 2) Non-link to a suburb of growth.

Just remember though, we have over 31,500 members and have had 2 increases in membership following 2-3 "rock bottom" years. That's pretty good. In fact we have more members than the Bulldogs, North Melbourne as it stands (last year) and challenged the St.Kilda Football Club. We're also on the up.

The same associate had also quipped that the Gold Coast team would win a Premiership before Melbourne did. I thought the alcohol was taking over his mind by then. I'd like to think so, anyway. But I was convinced he was brain dead, when he continued and said Melbournefc will not win a Premiership in his lifetime - I was hurt. To which i stated, "if the Bulldogs don't win it next year, good luck witnessing a Bulldogs Premiership in your life-time."

I then cooled my temper with a cold beer and thought. I cannot wait until draft day. I cannot wait until 2010.

I just have to add to the demographics comment.

Being a "lower" working class supporter base Collingwood supporter families will have more kids than "Upper" class Melbourne supporting families.

For example:

Collingwood family 70's - 6 kids

Melbourne 70- 2.5 (avg)




Continued averages: -

based on teeth

Average Melbourne supporter at 27.5 years of age: Full set of teeth

Average Collingwood supporter at 27.5 years of age: 3 top teeth top; 2 bottom teeth - random


Further to the Collingwood v Melb suggestions is the nature of the demographics as well.

For a long long while the precinct surrounding Victoria Park was extremely hostile to all things non black/white. You lived there you barracked for Collingwood. Has to be one of the most parochial and territorial histories within the VFL/AFL. Yes other 'burbs had clans but Collingwood had the most insular of all. This probably fostered too via a lot of success..it fed the fires.

Melbourne had the G ( and now has it properly again :)) but the audiences and followers of Melbourne despite the mythology of its upper crust pedigree came from all walks of life and from all points of the compass. We were everything and nothing...whilst teams like 'wood had its specified turf. Others have mentioned the nature of 'families' etc and this does have a say in the history of the clubs respective followings. My own partner is one of nine.. the whole family are black and white. Half of their respective offspring are black and white.

Of recent times the factor which for me defines the difference between the clubs is the strength and determination that Collingwood have portrayed as compared to say the more feeble efforts on and off the ground that we have endured. It is changing though.. and no before time.

What jumper does Collingwood play in....its black and white or white and black. Its somewhat unchanged and they absolutely defy the AFL to try their hand at dictating to them ..In all honesty...good on ya Collingwood. They show by their stance they are not to be trifled with.. They emminate strength.. people like to follow strong leaders etc. Compare that to us in all but recent months/year.

If we want the fans...we need to be worthy of following. That is now about to happen in my estimation. The club is refocusing on what it is to be not just Melbourne...but a Demon Melbourne. Going are the pansie like multitude of soft colourings and in their place our 'real' self. Dark dark blue and 'blood' red. Some may see these subtleties and non events but any numerous studies will show the results of the effects of colours.

If we want fans we need to play exciting and determined football. We need to take them all on ..and on our terms. ...and on our ground. We need to get teams fearful of the days they meet us at the G. Then we need to show them all we dont really care who or where we play...because we are Demons and we will take you on at 110% comittal.

Suburbs are no longer exclusive to any club. But we can reclaim the G and our heritage...but we have to back it up once we cross that white line.

The players, currently and soon to embark upon this battle for our hearts must know and understand who and where they are, not just geographically but historically.

We lost fans because we became a non defined blacmange of sorts. Everyone knows what Collingwood is...we now need to let them know exactly who and what Melbourne is. Its already underway... 2010 will be a truly defining moment in this clubs history. When we're back on the map, they , the uncommitted will rally to the call, it will be iresistable :)


Agree we need to do better, in fact I would love for us to be number 2 or 3 in Melbourne for attendances. I don't really want to challenge Collingwood becuase that would inevitably change the type of supporter we would have...

However as I commented in a thread some time back we aren't as bad as the press make out and we should do what we can to change perceptions. We are equal 5th for attendances since 2000 of the Victorian clubs and equal 6th overall.

See Correcting Misconceptions for details.


There is so much pseudo-sociology nonsense in this thread.

I hope no-one takes any of this and runs with it in public, you'll sound like a crank.

Basically melbourne has a lot of supporters the problem is very few of them are active supporters/members.

I don't think that's true. My understanding (I think there was a survey done a year or so ago) is that MFC has the highest percentage of supporters that are members. Something like 30k out of 300k MFC supporters Australia-wide are also members, which is higher than any other Vic club. Happy to be corrected though.


I think as an allied topic what we need to do is get a lot more people even interested in Melbourne, if nothing else than as a spectacle. we need to get paying bums through the turnstiles and on seats. We have to make it people WANT to watch our games.

We may well get another record membership this coming season on the back of our young kids making some waves and the expectations of new recruits to make an impact. I know a mate of mine just wants to see a couple of "Jurrah" games..and he's Collingwood of all things. But there's some excitement building.

If we are now going out to get serious and play real "winning" footy with full gusto and real determination then people will see it..and want to see it more..and see it live..and the Telly peoplel wil lpick up on it.,. and so it snowballs..

Yes we have a high hit rate on those that follow us.... quite simply not enough follow us..we have to grow them.

Yes we have a high hit rate on those that follow us.... quite simply not enough follow us..we have to grow them.

In order to do that....we must "entertain" them. We're not going to do it based onto the last couple of years. It will be the current youth and new draftees that does this and it will take time. In the meantime I think the likes of Jurrah and Grimes will be a major component of the entertainment.

edit: Of course by entertainment, I also mean "winning."

In order to do that....we must "entertain" them. We're not going to do it based onto the last couple of years. It will be the current youth and new draftees that does this and it will take time. In the meantime I think the likes of Jurrah and Grimes will be a major component of the entertainment.

couldnt agree more...and it needs to be around these guys ( and similar) that the club promotes itself.

god...could you imagine Jurrah giving a clinic to a 100 ( or more ) kids !! .. have the promotions caravan there.. etc etc etc..

In order to do that....we must "entertain" them. We're not going to do it based onto the last couple of years. It will be the current youth and new draftees that does this and it will take time. In the meantime I think the likes of Jurrah and Grimes will be a major component of the entertainment.

edit: Of course by entertainment, I also mean "winning."

I agree, although teams can still win and be boring.


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    PREGAME: Practice Match vs Fremantle

    The Demons hit the road for what will be their first of 8 interstate trips this year when they play their final practice match before the 2025 AFL Premiership Season against the Fremantle Dockers in Perth on Sunday, 2nd March @ 6:10pm (AEDT). 2025 AAMI Community Series Sun Mar 2 Fremantle v Melbourne, Rushton Oval, Mandurah, 3.10pm AWST (6.10pm AEDT)

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    Melbourne Demons 186

    RETURN TO NORMAL by Whispering Jack

    One of my prized possessions is a framed, autographed guernsey bearing the number 31 worn by my childhood hero, Melbourne’s champion six time premiership player Ronald Dale Barassi who passed away on 16 September 2023, aged 87. The former captain who went on to a successful coaching career, mainly with other clubs, came back to the fold in his later years as a staunch Demon supporter who often sat across the way from me in the Northern Stand of the MCG cheering on the team. Barassi died the

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