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What is Sylvia worth now?


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We've done the hard yards with Col now, and are just starting to see a return on that patience and effort.

There is no way known we should be moving him on now...........he's shown how important he can be at his best, and we've seen that more often than not this season.

I think we can start to get genuinely excited about Col's future with the MFC, and the next few years him delivering some top football for us!

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic
12 months ago most on here were happy to trade Sylvia provided the right deal came along. there were those that aimed high and thought a second rounder was possible, and those from camp that thought he was worth little more than a packet of potato chips. i'm

I was in firmly in the "potato chip" camp but I was after a jar of vegimite. I'm more than happy to be wrong on that one, and very happy Col is showing us the talent that we knew he had.

So: What is Sylvia worth now? He's worth keeping.

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Sylvia isnt going anywhere.. hes shown by application and effort where he wants to be. Hes earnt his place in a future Demon Premiership side.

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Some are a bit harsh on Sylvia but that is understandable from what he has shown so far

I believe we havent seen the best of Colin Sylvia yet

If played between centre and half forward he can hurt the opposition on the scoreboard with both kicking and goal assists

An excellent penetrating kick and looks much more effective when he backs himself

Will be very important part of our team going forward in 2010

I really hope he keeps his nose clean off field

To me he is a must keep

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I believe we have seen the best of Coling Sylvia.

Round 9 this year, easily enough in my book to keep him when coupled with his other decent performances this season - along with another standout on QB.

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He plays 2 good games a year,what's he worth after 6 wasted years?

No club would pick up a 24yo with a lazy attitude,too much risk,better off taking a 17yo that is dying to play AFL,not someone who has never had the hunger and required work ethic.

Everyone's hanging on to his BOG earlier in the year,what's he done since???

Yes,he can play like that,he proved it,problem is he can't play like that consistently enough to become a topliner,you need to play like that at least 8-10 times a year.

It won't happen,his attitude won't allow it.He'll just be another footballer with a lot of potential but didn't want to work hard enough for it.

Dime a dozen.

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He plays 2 good games a year,what's he worth after 6 wasted years?

No club would pick up a 24yo with a lazy attitude,too much risk,better off taking a 17yo that is dying to play AFL,not someone who has never had the hunger and required work ethic.

Everyone's hanging on to his BOG earlier in the year, what's he done since???

Yes,he can play like that,he proved it,problem is he can't play like that consistently enough to become a topliner,you need to play like that at least 8-10 times a year.

It won't happen,his attitude won't allow it. He'll just be another footballer with a lot of potential but didn't want to work hard enough for it.

Dime a dozen.

Stirring the pot, surely Jack7.

Pft. Where have you been this season? I reckon he's met your criteria of 8-10 times this season fwiw. The Carlton game being one of them. I'm sure I'd get some support on this now. I think he's footy this season speaks for itself.

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Some of his footy HT.

You're forgetting his woeful early season form (a view backed up by the coach and seemingly everyone else at the club) and his dumb act against W.C which cost him 3 weeks.

In my view he's had two ripper games, one very good game (Carlton) and 4-5 decent games.

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Some of his footy HT.

You're forgetting his woeful early season form (a view backed up by the coach and seemingly everyone else at the club) and his dumb act against W.C which cost him 3 weeks.

In my view he's had two ripper games, one very good game (Carlton) and 4-5 decent games.

Well yes, some of his footy 45h16. And no, I haven't forgotten your reminders. Thanks for holding Sylvia accountable.

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Here come the stats ;) :

Sylvia's best games this year, statistically speaking:

R9 V Haw - 37 disposals, 9 marks, 4 goals

R21 V Carl - 34 disposals, 7 marks

R11 V Coll - 32 disposals, 11 marks, 3 goals

R13 V Bris - 24 disposals, 8 marks, 2 goals

R8 V WB - 24 disposals, 8 marks, 1 goal

R10 V StK - 24 disposals, 6 marks, 1 goal

'09 Totals: 16 games, 354 disposals @ 22.12 (75% efficiency), 104 marks (15 contested), 16 goals 9 behinds, 14 goal assists.

Interestingly, other than his three 30+ disposal games, has not gotten over 24 in any other game. That said, he has only had under 20 disposals once in his last 10 matches since round 7 (19 & 1 goal against WC, R14*). Started the year slowly, averaging just 16 disposals from his first 6 games in 09, but has averaged around 26 since.

Prior to this season, he had only gathered 20+ in a game on 10 ocassions (from 70 matches), with his previous best of 25 disposals. This season, he has got 20 or more in 9 matches, and finished on 19 in a further 3 games.

He is a goal-scoring mid, and has scored goals in 9 of his 16 games, including multiple goals in 4 of those.

Stats can never tell the whole story, but one thing they do tell me is that Sylvia is working harder and is fitter than ever before, and hence has been able to play more midfield minutes and get more footy. While the gap between his best (which is elite) and his worst is still quite wide, he has worked hard to narrow that and is no longer playing "poor" games (15 disposal or less matches where he goes missing for long periods of time). I'm happy for him to get 20 disposals and a goal on most weeks, with the occassional 30+ game. He's far exceeded the expectations i had of him prior to the year, that's for sure.


* R14 is when he got suspended for 3 matches.

source: http://stats.rleague.com/afl/stats/players...lin_Sylvia.html and AFL website.

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Grimes has had one game very close to a ripper, the same match of colin's brain explosion. He hasn't got close to col's sipper match yet, but mind you, only a couple of players on our list have - bruce, green, mclean - and two of those had their last one years ago.

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he has worked hard to narrow that and is no longer playing "poor" games (15 disposal or less matches where he goes missing for long periods of time). I'm happy for him to get 20 disposals and a goal on most weeks, with the occassional 30+ game.

source: http://stats.rleague.com/afl/stats/players...lin_Sylvia.html and AFL website.

could not agree more.

his numbers since he has turned the corner have been excellent, now he needs to try to maintain and build on it over a longer period. i really think as the side improves he will become an elite footballer if he can keep his consistency on track.

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Here come the stats ;) :

Sylvia's best games this year, statistically speaking:

R9 V Haw - 37 disposals, 9 marks, 4 goals

R21 V Carl - 34 disposals, 7 marks

R11 V Coll - 32 disposals, 11 marks, 3 goals

R13 V Bris - 24 disposals, 8 marks, 2 goals

R8 V WB - 24 disposals, 8 marks, 1 goal

R10 V StK - 24 disposals, 6 marks, 1 goal

'09 Totals: 16 games, 354 disposals @ 22.12 (75% efficiency), 104 marks (15 contested), 16 goals 9 behinds, 14 goal assists.

I mildly agree HT

Obviously, stats don't say all but let me indulge with a comparison with Mclean, because after the rubbish day I've had there's nothing better to do.

Sylvia has had 7 matches of 24 touches or more. Mclean has had 9. Games over 20 touches, Mclean has 12 Sylvia has 9.

In two extra matches, Mclean has had 40 extra touches going at 73%.

Sylvia has had 3 30+ matches, while Mclean has had 1. Sylvia only has two matches below 15 touches (14 and 13) Mclean also has two but much lower stats of 10 and 7. Putting these together and then comparing their average stats - Mclean with only .2 less per match, it is evident that Mclean has been consistently getting more ball.

Now, obviously being played largely through the middle, Mclean should get plenty of footy. But in my view he has been doing this and it must not be forgotten that Sylvia has spent plenty of time through the middle and off half back (where there has been plenty of ball this season.

Goalscoring is one area Mclean must certainly improve - having kicked 7 this year.

Sylvia also has 20 score assists and 25 scoring shots agaisnt Mclean's 13 assists and 8 scoring shots.

Brock has also had only 75% time on the ground in his matches versus Sylvia's 86% - which is something worth keeping in mind.

I know it's not a direct comparison, and stats don't tell all, but I seriously do not believe Mclean has been anywhere near as bad as some on here would claim.

Edited by 45hotgod16
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I mildly agree HT

Obviously, stats don't say all but let me indulge with a comparison with Mclean, because after the rubbish day I've had there's nothing better to do.

Sylvia has had 7 matches of 24 touches or more. Mclean has had 9. Games over 20 touches, Mclean has 12 Sylvia has 9.

In two extra matches, Mclean has had 40 extra touches going at 73%.

Sylvia has had 3 30+ matches, while Mclean has had 1. Sylvia only has two matches below 15 touches (14 and 13) Mclean also has two but much lower stats of 10 and 7. Putting these together and then comparing their average stats - Mclean with only .2 less per match, it is evident that Mclean has been consistently getting more ball.

Now, obviously being played largely through the middle, Mclean should get plenty of footy. But in my view he has been doing this and it must not be forgotten that Sylvia has spent plenty of time through the middle and off half back (where there has been plenty of ball this season.

Goalscoring is one area Mclean must certainly improve - having kicked 7 this year.

Sylvia also has 20 score assists and 25 scoring shots agaisnt Mclean's 13 assists and 8 scoring shots.

Brock has also had only 75% time on the ground in his matches versus Sylvia's 86% - which is something worth keeping in mind.

I know it's not a direct comparison, and stats don't tell all, but I seriously do not believe Mclean has been anywhere near as bad as some on here would claim.

The thing about Brock is he's played his best matches against weaker oppositions (a trait of the Dainher era, IMO). If you look at all those top games from Colin, he's done them against the best teams in the comp. Brock has played well against the likes of Freo, West Coast and Port.

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I mildly agree HT

Obviously, stats don't say all but let me indulge with a comparison with Mclean, because after the rubbish day I've had there's nothing better to do.

Sylvia has had 7 matches of 24 touches or more. Mclean has had 9. Games over 20 touches, Mclean has 12 Sylvia has 9.

In two extra matches, Mclean has had 40 extra touches going at 73%.

Sylvia has had 3 30+ matches, while Mclean has had 1. Sylvia only has two matches below 15 touches (14 and 13) Mclean also has two but much lower stats of 10 and 7. Putting these together and then comparing their average stats - Mclean with only .2 less per match, it is evident that Mclean has been consistently getting more ball.

Now, obviously being played largely through the middle, Mclean should get plenty of footy. But in my view he has been doing this and it must not be forgotten that Sylvia has spent plenty of time through the middle and off half back (where there has been plenty of ball this season.

Goalscoring is one area Mclean must certainly improve - having kicked 7 this year.

Sylvia also has 20 score assists and 25 scoring shots agaisnt Mclean's 13 assists and 8 scoring shots.

Brock has also had only 75% time on the ground in his matches versus Sylvia's 86% - which is something worth keeping in mind.

I know it's not a direct comparison, and stats don't tell all, but I seriously do not believe Mclean has been anywhere near as bad as some on here would claim.

Some interesting stats there 45h. Sylvia has kicked 16 for the season.

Interesting to note the Time on Ground stats you have included. 75% to 86%. I wonder if that can be put down to McLean spending more time involved in rotations through the midfield - therefore coming off more than Sylvia (ie Sylvia spending some time at half forward).

With respect to McLean's season and some opinions on here. Tbh when we have guys like Davey having his best season to date, Moloney having his most consistent season to date, Sylvia having his best season to date - at times on here there will always seem to be a 'fall guy' rightly or wrongly. So when we look at the midfield especially in a side that is 4-17, following a 3-19 season, some will take pot shots and hold them accountable. Some will stick by him and want him to 'have a good pre-season under his belt' (I'm convinced that is now a clich'e!.. :lol: ) and attack 2010 with gusto.

In their defence, at times he has looked to struggle in getting accross the ground, some have referred to carrying a niggle and/or injury, or an interrupted pre-season. I'm not so sure. Has the game gotten quicker do you think?

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He's struggling to get over the ground and still averaging 22 touches a game.

He hasn't done any speed training for two(?) seasons.

I'd put the gun away until next year.

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I think in a good to great side Brock'll be a very damaging player, as the focus obviously won't be on him. He's a keeper, IMO but lacks the damaging qualities of an A grader. Just my opinion, I suppose. :)

Edited by AdamFarr
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