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Umpires - AFL v Jeff Matchday thread


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I usually don't like what comes out of Kennett's mouth but I agree with what he's saying here. And good on him for standing up to the AFL.

I think I heard the AFL this morning say that Jeff was being sent to be 're-educated'. Whatever that means.

Either "re-educated" or the club cops a $5,000 fine. I bet he chooses the fine and if he does he should pay not the club.

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How refreshing. :) I'd like to see him go to umpire school and ask thousands of questions, take them to task and literally drive them up the wall.

Jeff is quite right. It is the AFL that keeps changing the rules and interpretations. It is the AFL that agrees to have umps miked up. It is the AFL that puts numbers on umpires backs. It is the AFL that fines Rivers for the most trivial rubbish of clipping the heel of an umpire whose flight path was unpredicatable. It is the AFL that bans umpires from speaking to the media, thereby adding oxygen to the fire. It is therefore the AFL that must take responsibility for the focus on umpires.

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Jeff is saying what the whole public is thinking. AFL is a joke. This dictatorship should be put to the test with a vote from all club members. Issues raised in the campaign should start with the rules , draw , freedom of speech , umpires being accountable...the list goes on and on.

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I wrote this over at Demonology in response to Kennett's initial comments:

"Hawthorn president Jeff Kennett claims AFL umpires should be rarely seen and not heard, and are hogging the limelight from star players."

I 100% agree with Kennett on this one.

My personal pet hates:

1)When umpires refer to players by their nicknames. I think they should go as far just referring to players by their numbers. It looks unprofessional IMO.

2) When umpires tell players what to do. For example, in a congested siutation you hear them say "get it out, get it out". If the player doesn't "get it out" then just call holding the ball or a ball-up depending on the situation. Umpires are there to make decisions on what HAS happened, not what WILL happen.

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My personal pet hates:

1)When umpires refer to players by their nicknames. I think they should go as far just referring to players by their numbers. It looks unprofessional IMO.

2) When umpires tell players what to do. For example, in a congested siutation you hear them say "get it out, get it out". If the player doesn't "get it out" then just call holding the ball or a ball-up depending on the situation. Umpires are there to make decisions on what HAS happened, not what WILL happen.

I'm with you on both of those.

What strikes me about having the umps wired up though is I don't see how it could possibly be of benefit to them in doing their job. When you consider the amount of decisions they have to make and all the new rules they get every year we should be giving them every chance to focus on umpiring and nothing more. Notwithstanding that some of them do like the theatre of it all, I am pretty sure that before they were wired up they didn't spend half the time talking to players or explaining rulings or being politically correct and remembering every players name. To me it is an unecessary position to put them in to have to worry about what they say every second of a footy game when they could just focus their energy on the footy and only say what they have to say without giving explanations for the benefit of networks and loungeroom lizards.

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2) When umpires tell players what to do. For example, in a congested siutation you hear them say "get it out, get it out". If the player doesn't "get it out" then just call holding the ball or a ball-up depending on the situation. Umpires are there to make decisions on what HAS happened, not what WILL happen.

exactly. they are not there to commentate but to make decisions when decisions should be made. its not under 9's

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I usually don't like what comes out of Kennett's mouth but I agree with what he's saying here. And good on him for standing up to the AFL.

I think I heard the AFL this morning say that Jeff was being sent to be 're-educated'. Whatever that means.

I can't stand Kennett myself, but think the AFL deserves all the flak they are getting and more over the umpire saga. The umpires have become too precious, and the AFL too overbearing. Remember Malthouse getting a 'please explain' because he gave the umpire a dirty look? How ridiculous!

Re-education sounds rather scary doesn't it? Rather like some mind control technique out of a bad spy novel. On second thought, it probably fits the AFL mind set quite well.

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My personal pet hates:

1)When umpires refer to players by their nicknames. I think they should go as far just referring to players by their numbers. It looks unprofessional IMO.

2) When umpires tell players what to do. For example, in a congested siutation you hear them say "get it out, get it out". If the player doesn't "get it out" then just call holding the ball or a ball-up depending on the situation. Umpires are there to make decisions on what HAS happened, not what WILL happen.

Agree with number 2. I can't stand the 'get it our, get it out'.

But, whilst I don't like them using nicknames, I would prefer them to call players by their real name, not by their number. I think an umpire has more of a chance of talking to a player if he can look at them and call them by their name. For some players I reckon the umpires would know their name, not their number, so it would be easier for them. But regardless, they shouldn't be calling Franklin 'Buddy', or Fevola 'Fev'.

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I actually like the Umpires being miked up. It gives me an indication as to what thought process was going through the umpires mind. I don't always agree, but I think it's much better than an unexplained desicion. I also don't mind umpires using players nicknames, it helps them create a relationships with the palyers, which is only going to improve the perceived preciousness being exhibited by the AFL.

It's important to note that none of what Kennettt complains about is the umpires fault, it is the AFL's fault. They are the people directing the umpires to alter thier interpretations and they should be held responsible, not the umpires. Also agree that umpires should not be directing players on the field with 'get it out' comments. They are there to call it as they see it, not as they would like it to be. Again, this directive has been handed down from the AFL.

FWIW thought the umpiring was alot better this weekend. Sure they made a few mistakes, but they paid far less free kicks. I'd much rather the umps pay fewer free kicks and miss the odd one than get over zealous and start to break the pace of the game up. The AFL deserve thier fair whack, but the umps deserve a bit more support.

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I actually like the Umpires being miked up. It gives me an indication as to what thought process was going through the umpires mind.

Can't agree, I get angry enough at silly decisions, yes #17 I'm still talking about you!, without having these muppets trying to explain why. Simple you made a decsion and you don't need to justify it. In rugby you don't get that player ref interaction, only captain ref interaction if it is done right and if a player does in the wrong way they can even be sent off. Make the disciplin of the players all that better IMO.

I agree, no numbers, no mikes, hopefully not noticed and they have done the job they are paid to do. Go Jeff has my support on this one! The media has a lot to blame for drumming these guys up IMO as well.

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i am with JK all the way on this one.

Why do the umpires need numbers, or names announced before the game? When they hit big milestones, let the media talk about it, but otherwise the umpires should be one and the same.

I don't care what the umpries calls the players as long as the players are happy with it. But this wouldn't be an issue if the umpires weren't miked up.

i also agree with JK about how the AFL have caused problems by continually tinkering with the rules. It is not the AFLs job to counter coaches tactics. For over 100 years there were no major problems with the rules, coaches will find a counter to any tactic given a bit of time. If after 10 years there is a serious problem then a rule change could be considered. But the umpires and the public are all confused about how to adjudicate the game. Hands in the back for example used to be simple. You could not push a player in the back, from behind, or land on a player. Now you can sometimes as long as you use your shoulder or your forearm, and you get away with it as long as you 'roll' over a player. but othertimes you can get pulled up for either.

Make the rules as simple as possible, and let the game evolve itself.

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Like him or loathe him..he does rather polarise does our ol' Jeffrey !! :lol: I cant help but admire his stance. I think for far too long the fools that run the AFL seem to think they are a law unto themselves. When things dont go their way they want to 'smack' you with a please explain followed by a fine..or punishment. Who the %$#@ do they think they are these idiots. Jeff is rightly , along with the likes of Fast Eddie and Smorgon getting justa little fed up and rightly peeved that teh tail wants to no only wag the dog but believes it has the right to. I wont call Anderson a clown as that demeans a proud and talented proffession neither of which he call his strong suits but he is a self-congratulatory tool of the highest order.

I am fervently hoping that this is just the start of a campaign by those who can to put these [censored] back in their place ( doing the beck and call of the clubs for the benefit of the clubs )

Not only do want Jeff to NOT go to that ridiculous 'school"..I dont want him to pay ANY fine..and would love to see him challenge the call in court and in so doing start the demise of Demetriou & Anderson whose agenda is solely about their power and not what is good for the clubs..I mean.... West Sydney..do I need to say anything more !!

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I'll do something I don't think I've ever done before and back the ump's on this one.

They wear microphones because the broadcasters who pay the AFL millions every year want them to. If you don't want to hear them tell 7, 10 and Fox. I don't mind hearing what they have to say when nobody's got any idea what a free was paid for. Sometimes the replay even shows they were right and something happened off the ball.

All the other rubbish the oaf spouts is clearly the fault of the AFL, so why call the ump's precious and bigger than the game? It was a completely misdirected attack and IMO he only said it to divert attention from Hobart's poor start to the year. And to be offended by the umps calling players by their nicknames, who's precious?

Malthouse and the talkin horse on the other hand are just whinging whining scumbags who think if the playing field isn't stacked in their favour it's just not fair. Petulant pussbags who are never to be agreed with or acknowledged in other fashion than with utter contempt.

The umpires should deal with this the same way they dealt with that fevered ego Grant Thomas and give Jeffrey and the Filth something to really moan about, until they realise it's in their best interests to STFU or better yet put their tails between their legs and apologise.

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They wear microphones because the broadcasters who pay the AFL millions every year want them to.

Funny thing is that that's exactly what Jeff said. His contention was that while the broadcasters wanted this to happen, it was the AFL that allowed them to do it without any consultation of the people who would be most effected.

All the other rubbish the oaf spouts is clearly the fault of the AFL, so why call the ump's precious and bigger than the game? It was a completely misdirected attack and IMO he only said it to divert attention from Hobart's poor start to the year. And to be offended by the umps calling players by their nicknames, who's precious?

Jeff went to great pains to point out that he was not targeting the umpires but rather the AFL as personified by Demetriou, Anderson and Gieschen. Every point he raised dealt with the dictatorial nature of their administration. His primary point regarding the umpires was not about their ability to call games but rather the constant unnecessary rule changes being trundled out.

Personally, I can't think of a single rule change instituted by this administration that has been of benefit to the game. The best thing these clowns can do before they resign in disgrace is to admit they were wrong and rescind the idiotic alterations. Pity it'll never happen.

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First time I Have ever agreed with Jeffrey Gibb Kennett. I never thought it would Happen.

I don't go to the Football to notice umpires at all. Nor do i watch out for them on the TV. Why are they tripping over players so much lately???)

Umpires should be paid well & employed full time, & thus be accountable for their actions & not Hidden in a Bunker during the week.

They should never tell players what to do during a game. They should umpire what they see done by the players.

I hate them being miked up strutting around like prima donas!

I hope Anderson really cops it for this one-it's getting right out of hand (the Rivers incident was my final straw. 5 Grand for that!!

No wonder Demetriou is getting multiple chins

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Funny thing is that that's exactly what Jeff said. His contention was that while the broadcasters wanted this to happen, it was the AFL that allowed them to do it without any consultation of the people who would be most effected.

Jeff went to great pains to point out that he was not targeting the umpires but rather the AFL as personified by Demetriou, Anderson and Gieschen. Every point he raised dealt with the dictatorial nature of their administration. His primary point regarding the umpires was not about their ability to call games but rather the constant unnecessary rule changes being trundled out.

Personally, I can't think of a single rule change instituted by this administration that has been of benefit to the game. The best thing these clowns can do before they resign in disgrace is to admit they were wrong and rescind the idiotic alterations. Pity it'll never happen.

Funny thing is, it's what Jeff said AFTER he was issued a please explain for his original comments regarding umpires, and noone seems to remember that. It amazes me you've all been sucked in by his populist explination. His comments on radio were that the umpires were precious and bigger than the game. Seems a strange way of saying there are too many rule changes. I agree with most of the points raised in his explination but it had absolutely no relevance to his statements.

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What really annoys me is that the AFL fines a president for this. The Presidents are elected by the members unlike any of those down at AFL house. Who is meant to represent and speak out for the members if the presidents can't.

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