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The booing of Bock


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I've seen people here saying they were proud of the Melbourne supporters for booing Bock. I thought it was low and uncalled for. Plenty of people here happily bag Collingwood, Port Adelaide and Richmond supporters, yet what went on yesterday makes us look worse. I have to agree with Neil Craig when he said that the booing was in bad taste: Bock boos at MCG in poor taste, says Craig.


some might argue what Bock did was in even poorer taste !! ;)


I thought we have Courts of law in a democracy to judge the actual evidence.

If there is a need to boo then let it be on matters on the football field. Efforts such as this really do reduce the evolutionary distance between modern man and the neanderthal.


I'm not really sure why everyone is getting upset about this.

We boo our ex-players when they leave

We boo opposition players when they whack one of our own players

Is booing an (albeit allegedly) girlfriend beater really much worse?

I'm not really sure why everyone is getting upset about this.

We boo our ex-players when they leave

We boo opposition players when they whack one of our own players

Is booing an (albeit allegedly) girlfriend beater really much worse?

When they whack one of our players that's an on-field thing. I have no problem booing someone for what they do on the field.

But we should leave their off-field problems alone.

When they whack one of our players that's an on-field thing. I have no problem booing someone for what they do on the field.

But we should leave their off-field problems alone.

Agree. Since when are the crowd judge and jury on non football matters.


I was booing our own players for letting him take 187 running bounces throughout the game. Was anyone planning to man him up?! :rolleyes:

By the way, Neil Craig needs to stop worrying about his players getting booed, and start worrying about how to play less horrendous football!


god forbid that a forum for the public could be used as a public forum !! :huh:


I didn't boo, and found it a little odd, but what's done is done.

To say what a player does on-field and off-field is different is a little reduntant, considering supporters are just as interested in hearing what a player did on the weekend as they are about how they performed, dutibly supported by the media.

When they whack one of our players that's an on-field thing. I have no problem booing someone for what they do on the field.

But we should leave their off-field problems alone.

I didn't boo him. I didn't see the point. If you want to boo someone, boo Craig or Trigg who failed to uphold societies values. Guilty or not, Bock has damaged the image of the game and deserved a longer penalty, Craig and Trigg did the game, women and Bock a disservice by making the penalty 1 week.

By the way, Neil Craig needs to stop worrying about his players getting booed, and start worrying about how to play less horrendous football!

Craig had the audacity to blame us for the game style. I was happy to hear Grant Thomas give him a whack around the ears for saying that.

I was booing our own players for letting him take 187 running bounces throughout the game. Was anyone planning to man him up?! :rolleyes:

By the way, Neil Craig needs to stop worrying about his players getting booed, and start worrying about how to play less horrendous football!

That was very frustrating. I think it was a question by Michaelangelo Rucci to Neil Craig. All Craig did was give an honest answer. But he did add, that Bock will have to put up with this. For he has made his own bed.


I heard one witty quip from the crowd as Bock went on his merry way:

"Tackle him - he won't hurt you - you are a guy after all"


I thought it was pointless. Like everyone at the football is a paragon of decency. Sure they are.

I'd rather hear the Dees crowd get into the umpires when they screw as they did when a Crow fell into Bate's back 30 metres from goal and penalised Bate for failing to get rid of the ball.

It was outright in the back, meanwhile they penalise one of our blokes for a light back touch in a marking contest similar to those awarded Richo the week before.

Get into the muppets


I don't boo fullstop, but I didn't mind it. I like hearing a bit of passion from Dees supporters.

It's a no biggy.


Pack of hypocrites all those Demons supporters were.

If they all care so much why don't they boo Sylvia everytime he touches the ball....

Quick to forgive your own but boo Bock... the only crime Bock was guilty of was wearing a crows jumper... really really really poor form by those who booed.


I dont even both the booing bit. I suppose it is more of a way to put players off their game. However, Adelaide let this one go through to the keeper only a 1 match ban by the club. If he was not an important play to the crows, he would have got longer!

I'm not really sure why everyone is getting upset about this.

We boo our ex-players when they leave

We boo opposition players when they whack one of our own players

Is booing an (albeit allegedly) girlfriend beater really much worse?

Agree with Rhino on this. I don't boo opposition players anyway and would rather expend positive energy towards my own. That said, any booing or jeering should be kept to on-field matters. Off-field indiscretions will be dealt with appropriately by whoever. It's virtually a lynch mob mentality to be the judge, jury and executioner under the relative anonymity and cowardice of being in a football crowd.

I actually feel sorry for Bock. I do not condone his actions for a moment but apart from getting whatever may come his way legally, if it goes that far, he also needs help and support to rehabilitate himself on a number of fronts. And yes, I do feel sorry for his girlfriend. She is possibly blameless in all of this and likely very uncomfortable about having the whole thing played out both in the media and at games by uninformed opposition football fans.

I would also imagine that we would never boo one of our own for a simlar misdemeanor although we would condemn their actions privately. To then boo an opposition player for this, reduces us pretty much to the level of the lowest common denominator supporter, whom we also like to condemn. (Think the Collingwood anti-cheer squad and that Gary Ablett Snr chant and Richmond supporters spitting on their own under Danny Frawley.)

Are some of us Demon supporters also like that? I would like to think not, but we all get tarred regardless.

Just keep it to the on-field stuff if we have to vent our spleens. There is always more than enough good material there for the chronic boo-er anyway!

Pack of hypocrites all those Demons supporters were.

If they all care so much why don't they boo Sylvia everytime he touches the ball....

Quick to forgive your own but boo Bock... the only crime Bock was guilty of was wearing a crows jumper... really really really poor form by those who booed.

Neither should be booed by MFC supporters on that basis

Actually wearing a Crows jumper is fair justification IMO. :P

I've seen people here saying they were proud of the Melbourne supporters for booing Bock. I thought it was low and uncalled for. Plenty of people here happily bag Collingwood, Port Adelaide and Richmond supporters, yet what went on yesterday makes us look worse. I have to agree with Neil Craig when he said that the booing was in bad taste: Bock boos at MCG in poor taste, says Craig.

I would thought it was in just as much poor taste as belting your girlfriend to be honest. Very hypocritical thing of Craig to say. Then again Adelaide obviously don't take it to seriously with a one week suspension. Low act of Bock, should of had at least 4 weeks. I know if I were up on assault charges and they were proved my employer would give me the sack, so 4 weeks for Bock would still be nothing.


Footballers of today know that anything they do off the field (bad or illegal) will catch up with them. While I am unaware of the circumstance's surrounding the assualt, Bock needs to live with the consequences of his actions. I am not sure if booing is the right way to go, but footballers know that they are in the public eye and their actions in their privte lives will flow into their football lives...if that makes sense!


not condoning it but it propbably was an attempt to put a good footballer of their game....

there were passages of play today when he ran his full measure or he thought he was dean capabianco...

thought the umpiring was of a very low level today - totally inconsistent!! although no surprise from scmitt!!!


I booed Bock. So what? It's footy. He'll get over it.

Coming to the game I didn't even consider it. Then my brother asked me before the game if we would boo Bock. I said I suppose. To be honest I didn't expect the booing that came each time he got the ball. It's not like all the Melbourne supporters got together before the game and agreed to boo him. It was genuinely spontaneous.

And for Craig to say it was 'poor taste' is a joke. Their so called 'suspension' of Bock was in poor taste.

And why didn't we boo Scott Thompson?? Hardly murmur each time he got the ball.


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