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He'll cop plenty and take it on the chin, just like every other criticism he has to wear.

The decision he made to come home was not popular and he would have known that, but I want fully committed and mentally fit Clarke playing for the

team not one that is full of holes because of personal issues. And he is not the first to be granted time off to deal with this kind of stuff. And he won't be the last.

I didn't like the fact he came home, but I understood it, and hopefully now he can get his mind back onto the game he loves.

And hopefully he will be supported in doing that from the cheap seats......

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The Vics are in with a good show - the percentage of Shield finals won by the home team in recent times must be very high.

Agree with that.

I think plenty of employers would allow you some time off when in the midst of a relationship breakdown, particularly if you're working overseas at the time.

Absolutely. Some of the santimonious outcry on this issue in the media has been self serving and a tad hypocrtical.

Whilst he has personally gone through a tough patch, I'm sure he will receive great support from his peers and the public. Although, not so much support onfield from the opposition ( :lol: ).

Not as tough as Lara Bingle. He has had it sooo easy compared to her. The AFL/media treatment and public humiliation of her is part of the appalling lowgrade morals of a free press.

I was amused to hear (flat track bully) Mike Hussey tell all in NZ to lay off sledging Clarke on field. Ie. A no-go zone.

What a joke !

If I was a NZ player, I'd be saying it's open slather on the sledging.


Cant think of a position more hypocritical statement than an Australian cricketer saying dont sledge me over a personal incident?

Hussey is the sort of person to keep away from the media.

I am not for open slather on sledging either.

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Not as tough as Lara Bingle. He has had it sooo easy compared to her. The AFL/media treatment and public humiliation of her is part of the appalling lowgrade morals of a free press.

Well, Lara made her own bed with the help of Max Markson (Mgr. for Money). Telling "porkies" (repeatedly) and getting paid for it is not on in my book.

Clarke is awake to it.

Apart from Fevola, she only has herself to blame for having an affair with a married man (knowingly - as revealed recently, even though she denies it).

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Well, Lara made her own bed with the help of Max Markson (Mgr. for Money). Telling "porkies" (repeatedly) and getting paid for it is not on in my book.

Clarke is awake to it.

Apart from Fevola, she only has herself to blame for having an affair with a married man (knowingly - as revealed recently, even though she denies it).

I tend to agree here......

While she was, for want of a better word, exploited in regards to the publication of that photo, that is where any sympathy for her ends I am afraid.

She loses all kinds of credibility and respectability IMO by selling her side of the story (whatever that is) back to the same rag that published the photo in the first place.

And what story is there other than how I bedded an idiotic married footballer? I can't see how she or her publicity [censored] manager thinks that is going to get anyone onside or to make her look more credible.

I mean she is either going to come across in any interview where Fevola is concerned as either a liar (which seems likely) or a complete ditz.

And selling this side of that relationship, while apparently lucrative, is completely thoughtless and disrespectful to your current relationship.

Now her family want to sell their souls and berate Clarke (for whatever reason) for a couple of pieces of silver as well?

Oh yeah lets all stop and bow down to them all :rolleyes: !!!

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Well, Lara made her own bed with the help of Max Markson (Mgr. for Money). Telling "porkies" (repeatedly) and getting paid for it is not on in my book.

Clarke is awake to it.

Apart from Fevola, she only has herself to blame for having an affair with a married man (knowingly - as revealed recently, even though she denies it).

I have no sympathy for Lara. IMO she is a ditz and has been very poorly advised by Markson to speak to the WDay. She should not have had the shameful photo released and the AFL and the police should be exploring this further. I am not sure who is telling the truth and I dont care but Brereton's effort to weigh in was unnecessary and self serving from a boofhead who trolls the same smelly cesspool as Fevola. Of all people to make comments about infidelity!!

My understanding is that Clarke and Bingle have been on the rocks for some time. This incident only hastened the inevitable. He should have done it sooner. He should put it behind him and get on with spanking the Kiwis. I trust he chooses more aptly for his partners in the future.

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I have no sympathy for Lara. IMO she is a ditz and has been very poorly advised by Markson to speak to the WDay. She should not have had the shameful photo released and the AFL and the police should be exploring this further. I am not sure who is telling the truth and I dont care but Brereton's effort to weigh in was unnecessary and self serving from a boofhead who trolls the same smelly cesspool as Fevola. Of all people to make comments about infidelity!!

My understanding is that Clarke and Bingle have been on the rocks for some time. This incident only hastened the inevitable. He should have done it sooner. He should put it behind him and get on with spanking the Kiwis. I trust he chooses more aptly for his partners in the future.

Here here.

Whilst I couldn't give a continental what Brereton says or does RR, I don't think he would have anything to gain from his admission, do you ? (Btw, I do agree that on occassions he is a self-serving boofhead that trolls the same cesspool as Fevola)

However, do you think it's right if LB sells her story for a large lump sum $$ by telling phurphies to W'day that she didn't know Fevola was married ?

Surely, Brereton would be inclined to speak up if he knew otherwise and hold her to account ?

I'm sure Mrs. Fevola would agree. She is still a victim out of this mess.

Karma perhaps...

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Here here.

Whilst I couldn't give a continental what Brereton says or does RR, I don't think he would have anything to gain from his admission, do you ? (Btw, I do agree that on occassions he is a self-serving boofhead that trolls the same cesspool as Fevola)

However, do you think it's right if LB sells her story for a large lump sum $$ by telling phurphies to W'day that she didn't know Fevola was married ?

Surely, Brereton would be inclined to speak up if he knew otherwise and hold her to account ?

I'm sure Mrs. Fevola would agree. She is still a victim out of this mess.

Karma perhaps...

I am not sure why Dermie needed to way in at all. I guess this low level schlock is what he does best. Given his personal history I dont why he should be saying anything or need to be some moral bastion. I dont care about either of them. I dont hold either in particular high stead at all. Dermie is a ditz as well... :lol:

I am not sure Mrs Fev is so much a victim out of this but a quieter participant in the same pool of life as the others. Given Fevs notoriety and past behaviour she should be hardly blushing at this episode. If she was so appalled she would have left him after the B'low.

Now back to the cricket.....Australia 2-0.

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Now back to the cricket.....Australia 2-0.

In a canter. I think the support by Clarke's teammates will be very good nevertheless.

Sheffield Shield

The Vics minus bowlers McKay, Siddle, Nannes, Harwood - should still acquit themselves well against the Queensland Bulls at the MCG with the likes of McGain, D.Wright, McDonald & Co. Cameron White will return for the final. The Vics have taken some good form into the final with an outright win over tassie last start.

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Word on the street is that Smith is in line to take North's spot for the first Test. I'm not entirely sold on this. Whilst I think North should make way, I don't think Smith's ready. Of course, the person who should be playing, White, is in the wrong country (but has an important job to do nonetheless).

As for the Shield, we just need someone in the top 6 to stand up and make a big score for us to be safe. With a top 6 of Rogers, Jewell, Finch, Hussey, White and McDonald, we should be able to make enough runs to at least hold out for a draw. Queensland's strength is undoubtedly their bowling, but away from the Gabba where the pitch does half the work we should be OK.

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Word on the street is that Smith is in line to take North's spot for the first Test. I'm not entirely sold on this. Whilst I think North should make way, I don't think Smith's ready. Of course, the person who should be playing, White, is in the wrong country (but has an important job to do nonetheless).

As for the Shield, we just need someone in the top 6 to stand up and make a big score for us to be safe. With a top 6 of Rogers, Jewell, Finch, Hussey, White and McDonald, we should be able to make enough runs to at least hold out for a draw. Queensland's strength is undoubtedly their bowling, but away from the Gabba where the pitch does half the work we should be OK.

I reckon Smith is ready notwithstanding White's claims. I cant think of a better test to debut him in.

As for the Vics I forgot how much firepower they have out. Yikes. Its gonna be closer than I thought but Vics for mine.

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As for the Shield, we just need someone in the top 6 to stand up and make a big score for us to be safe. With a top 6 of Rogers, Jewell, Finch, Hussey, White and McDonald, we should be able to make enough runs to at least hold out for a draw. Queensland's strength is undoubtedly their bowling, but away from the Gabba where the pitch does half the work we should be OK.

Finch is a gun for the vics, Rogers needs to pull his finger out, he hasn't scored many runs of late. there is also Wade who can score abit. McDonald is the X factor who the vics rely on for key wickets, mcGain needs to bowl some tidy spells. QLD will be no pushover by any stretch. should go the distance and be very close.

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Finch is a gun for the vics, Rogers needs to pull his finger out, he hasn't scored many runs of late. there is also Wade who can score abit. McDonald is the X factor who the vics rely on for key wickets, mcGain needs to bowl some tidy spells. QLD will be no pushover by any stretch. should go the distance and be very close.

Pity that finger is Broken right now...

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I cant think of a better test to debut him in.

This is true. NZ, in NZ, where the pitches are likely to be spin-friendly to accommodate Vettori and possibly Patel, make for an easy debut.

As for the Vics I forgot how much firepower they have out. Yikes. Its gonna be closer than I thought but Vics for mine.

Harwood, Siddle and Nannes are the ones out. Good bowlers, all of them, but Hastings and Wright have been exceptional. Wright especially. He missed out on being Shield player of the year by 1 vote, and he only played half a season. And with White back in the team, our batting line-up is as strong as it can be, with Hodge retiring.

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We've done well to battle back to get near 300

My man Wade again 45HG16. He's the Grimes equivalent for the Victorian team ! Well timed 96 runs. Just when the Vics needed it.

Has saved the Vics from capitulation.

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Certainly is a decent player, no Grimes though. Played a very good knock but an absolute 'mare of a shot to get out. Mustve thought it was the last over...

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I've since seen the shot, I'd have to agree. Hopefully the last wicket can last another 20 + runs. Then the Vics can make some inroads into the Bulls innings with a few decent scalps.

edit: -

Bushrangers all out for 305.

Bulls in reply 1/12. Pattison took the wicket.

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The Bulls are 2/40 after being 2/14. Wright with the other wicket.

Yeah, it was a shame abotu Wade. He'd played quite well (in the time I was there) and deserved a century. I do wonder if he thought it was the last over of the day because the ball didn't look anywhere near the type he was looking for.

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4/121 at tea. Hartley and Broad dropping the anchor. Suits us I guess. The longer it takes them to make their runs, the better our chance is of not losing.

Wade is a good cricketer. Very good, in fact. But interestingly, and showing the depth of Australian cricket, he would have to be 3rd, maybe even 4th, in the pecking order.

Haddin leads, and deservedly so. After Haddin, Tim Paine, Chris Hartley and Graham Manou are all in contention. Paine would be the choice for ODI/T20 cricket, whilst I reckon Hartley should be the next Test keeper (don't know how old he is though). Manou is better than the others with the gloves, but doesn't hold a candle to any of them with the bat. But he has credits, having filled in for Haddin in England and India.

Wade probably thus falls into line behind each of these guys. Yet maybe in any other country he'd be the deputy*.

*Except West Indies, Pakistan and Bangladesh, where he'd be in the team already.

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Watson out with a hip injury: nothing too serious I don't think. Gave Hughes another go, but he threw it away after a good start to be out for 20.

Katich and Ponting playing well. Some were getting into Katich because he wasn't batting well for NSW in the Shield. I say that's no problem if you're performing at national level, which he is.


Edit: Now 3/115, Hussey failing (again), making 4. Katich the rock at the moment on 40. Big moments now for Clarke and North.

And Queensland's all out for 257, so we take a 48 run lead into the second innings. This is epic now. One big partnership from the top 6 could be enough, but we certainly can't afford to be 6/75 again.

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