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Fitz Fitzpatrick

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Everything posted by Fitz Fitzpatrick

  1. Now that Hogan has had one good gane and one not so good game lets hope everyone gets off this 'hype' and lets the boy develop.
  2. exactly why i have suggested all gate receipts get taken by the afl and divvied up at the end of the year. problem solved
  3. I was there WYL. That was a bloody good side that 2000 bombers team. The moment i saw nicholson jog over to man up on hird i knew we were F&^%ed. Still , why ignore the achievement of getting to the granny. It was a very finals series for the Dees. Just came up against the giant of the comp that last Saturday
  4. Exactly! why do some people conveniently forget what he achieved in 98 . they are happy to accuse him of leaving the list in a state but how was the list when he took over at the end of 97. Selective memory seems to be a common syndrome on this site. I havent read once where anyone has tried to say he was an all time great, but he did bring some siccess throughout his tenure.
  5. we were very unlucky in 88 and 2000 to come up against 2 of the better sides football had witnessed. No one was going to beat the bombers in 2000.
  6. I agree stuie. I also am a bit tired of all this selective memory with history and bagging previous players/ coaches etc. its all so predictable. Im stoked Moloney is no longer in the side as i believe it was time for him to move on. He wasnt the greates player the sides had and was very disappointing at times but to say he never did anything good is just not correct. He played some good games and he played some bad games.. Im also a fan of Neelds but that doesnt mean ill refuse to accept what other coaches have done in the past.
  7. yes i know those years were no good. but to ignore the fact he took teh side to finals and a grand final is ignoring all the facts. nobody is calling him a coaching great but he is one of only two coaches to get melbourne to a prelim final or a grand final in nearly 50 years. that should not be ignored just so that posters can feel good criticisng him.
  8. Daniher got us to the Prelim in 98, one of the greatest climbs up the ladder in one season in the history of the league. Then got us to a granny in 2000, followed by finals in 02 04 and 06. Considering where the club was in 96/97, id say Daniher did a very good job. We didnt get the cup but nevertheless we did a whole lot better than couldve been imagined on that night in August 96. MFC has some weak as [censored] supporters with memories of goldfish. credit given where credit is due. Not one poster has tried to say hes an all time great coach but to try and say he was no good is just very very lame. Its all so easy to sit back on the couch and bag players/coaches / umpires.
  9. Everybody, calm down. we all know Sellar isnt a good AFL footballer. So he got a bag in a 2nds match in Renmark in early march. Lets settle down and keep some perspective.
  10. Hence what i suggested in my post earlier. It will remove the conflict of interest with the draw
  11. Theres a very simple solution to this problem. ALL gate proceeds from EVERY game in the season, apart from the finals(should go to the finals clubs), are taken by the AFL . at the end of the year the AFL divides the total gate receipts by 18 and gives each club its even share. That way the AFL can continue to base fixturing around maximising the number of "blockbuster" games without the less successful clubs missing out financially. The clubs get their cash, the AFL get a more even comp, and the TV gets their "blockbusters". There it is .
  12. i dont understand everyones rush for him to play this year. we were all happy to take him in the draft knowing he wouldnt play this year so whats the rush? all because of a good effort in one NAB cup game? seriously? let the guy develop, then we'll see what hes like next year. its only 1 year. and 1 game doesnt make someone a star. lets comment on him after 50 games. then we can start rating him. until then hes an untried 18 yr old kid.
  13. Wow! thats a kick in the guts P_man. The club really couldnt have done worse that draft. Morton and Maric - huge misses.
  14. ALL big fellas take time. Between 7 and 11yrs of age Hogan really struggled.
  15. are you serious? we got absolutely flogged in the 2nd game. no candy coating. the tigers schooled us
  16. I am quite suprised at the apparnet lack of concern on this forum for the latest developments. I think we are potentially in a world of trouble. as Sue said , the commission wont differentiate between motives but will determine whether or not actions were taken which could be perceived as tilting match day or attempting to tilt match day results. If their findings reflect this then they are free to act as they wish and will be well within their powers to remove or at the very least, suspend our gaming license. And that, my fellow Demon lovers, could set a course of events in motion that will result in the club no longer existing in its current entity. This is a VERY grave development.
  17. This is a very dark day for the Club. Perhaps the club has never been at greater risk of folding than now with the gaming commission investigation being launched. They are clearly not happy with the outcome of the AFL's investigation or they would not be bothering with this. If the club loses the gaming revenue then that will be the end of the MFC. Im a glass half full bloke but this is a very perilous turn of events.
  18. old dee, just did exactly opposite to your wise words and suffering for it now. i will print this paragraph of yours out and stick it on my wall!!
  19. The lesson to be learned is to steer clear of recruiting guys from the remote communities. They live in a world far to different from what is required. The cultural and social differences are huge and to expect them to be able to come in and adjust to life in the city, let alone life in a professional sporting club is just utopic. Sad but true im afraid
  20. I am nearly certain 2013 is the last year we will see Sylvia in a Melbourne jumper, regardless of his year. Colin is an Unrestricted free agent this year. 2 scenarios. 1, he has another up and down and uninspiring season. Neeld wont keep him. 2, He finally plays to his potential and has a blinder. MFC wont be able to match the offers from other clubs and sylvia will walk. I will be very suprised if hes around in 2014.
  21. wallis hardwick or wellman giving you a serve would make any 17 yr old soil their undies. 3 superb clubman to have around some rookies id say. nice little insight deeko
  22. exactly. dont see carlton or collingwood chasing 160 members in remote areas. good on the club for giving it a crack and lets hope we can gain some revenue from the NT government but to think this is going to be a gold mine for us is delusional. its the kids in the melbourne and victorian schools that is our gold mine. right now id say the poor kid with the demons scarf is getting bashed behind the bike sheds but lets hope some sustained success on field is around the corner. if a bit of revenue from the NT comes our way then great.
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