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Fitz Fitzpatrick

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Everything posted by Fitz Fitzpatrick

  1. Im in agreeance Wells. the players are not all Duds. some are but we have some real talent on the list. they dont just suddenly forget how to play footy. its clear as day that there is a lot of confusion out on the ground. players caught out of position look lazy, but its jsut as likely that the structure neeld is trying to implement jsut doesnt stand up to match conditions. I watched sylvias face last week during one of the breaks. he was watching neeld speak but you could see the look on his face. he just doesnt believe in what theyre trying to do. grimes is a team first guy. he'd probaly take a bullet for neeld. ohter blokes just dont believe in what neelds trying to implement - and it shows.
  2. Im calling bullsht on that rumour. Theres no way Misson and Craig are that far off the pace. Misson himself is one of the top sports fitness guys in australian sport. Shut out the noise fellas.
  3. i dont have facebook but if someone wants to use the MFC facebook site to spread ww's idea , i think that would be a great start.
  4. nice work ww. we need more supporters standing up. for too long we have been the fat kid in the school yard. well, guess what, fat kids about to go postal! lets start standing up for our club. not the old shrug of the shoulders stuff. i know we dont have much ammo at the moment but club culture is reflection of attitude on and off the ground. we can only change the off field stuff unfortunately
  5. i think the media are overhyping our discarded players in the process of making their point.
  6. I believe the reason they gave him such a contract was at the time pundits like Gerard healy were making alot of noise about the players not wanting to re sign. Neeld desperately needed a senior player signed up on a good contract to silence the crowd. i think it was more a marketing move than move based on value to the side.
  7. last weeks booing was a well timed and important display of supporters disgust. this week was just opportunism to sink the boots in. Glad you refrained Django
  8. You probaly need to change your profile name then mate.
  9. the filming of the pre game address has Schwab written all over it i reckon. another hair brained scheme
  10. we need some past players with some mongrel. Sack royal and bring in ling/ratten. get carey or dermie in although its hard to see if Brown is any good as the forwards arent getting much of a chance to show what they do. Rawlings got to go. the backline used ot be our strength. they are so confused now. royal defintiely though. hes presided over that midfield for too long. I wonder as director of coaching, how much influence Craig is offering or if he is a passive observer. His sides played attacking footy and were very accountable. Perhaps he can be convinced to step up to the plate for the remainder of the season. I do remember him saying he was done coaching though
  11. Can we organise to have all the players get a Demonland profile this week for a bit of supporter interaction adn feedback?
  12. I agree. We are entering very dangerous ground, handing our arses over to the AFL on a platter like that. Pandoras box
  13. Where is Ben Hur to tell us all " i told you so" ? his silence is Deafening
  14. another untried head coach No, the players need a proven coach now. the playing group is too fragile now for the untried coach. if sheedy or matthews walked in to the room, just the history of success those guys have would immediately instill confidence in the direction going forward. It was clear last night the players are not "buying in". A big name would also appease the wolves at the door - media , AFL and most importantly the sponsors
  15. Lets remind everyone that the Club is a seperate entity to those administrators we are wanting to lynch at the moment. The Club is a 155 year old Being. Lets not contribute to the death of that entity because of our anger and frustration at a handful of very incompetent personnel.
  16. The job has to be marketed as a chance to cover themselves in the glory of resurrecting the MFC. unless the elements of the admin that are perceived as "cancerous" are removed first, I cant see anyone decent wanting to go near the joint. Id like a leigh matthews to come in. SOme argue that he is too long out of the game but the way i see it , he wouldnt be here to win a premiership. his job would be to re create that winning attitude. re invigorate the club culture. It would be hard for a syliva or watts to sit in the rooms listening to matthews and not take what he said on board.
  17. i agree referee but do we remove him now for a caretaker or keep him while we look for a suitable replacement? The offer to the next coach will have to include the promise of a new administration. That we can be certain of. To make changes piece meal may not be the best idea. the assistants , perhaps apart from Brown, also need to go.
  18. The club is destined to fold only IF it becomes financially unviable. We are going to need a lot of time to get out of this mess. Alot of time. the only way th e club will survive is if it can maintain a positive balance sheet for long enough to survive this "rebuild". Thats where Fitzroy failed. They were financially unviable. The call for supporters to not renew memberships, boycott games etc etc etc is as far as im concerned, cutting your nose off to spite your face. Do these people really want to sit in their living room in a few years watchinng the Tassie demons play, thinking "there , i showed them! i told them i wouldnt renew if they didnt play better footy.!" thats Garbage! we have to circle the wagons here. Everyone on this forum has a love for the Club. We are the core group of supporters that the club needs now. Yes , the powers that be have F&%*ed the club up. I get it. But whats the point in punishing the "Club"? we need to remove these incompetent people but lets not make the problem worse by making rash decisions. The time to show your emotion is in the stands. Outside the ground we need to think clinically and act in teh best interests of the club. Some of us have less power and influence than others, but we all need to do our bit. Get around the boys, get to training, get to games, wear your jumper, buy a scarf, encourage the kids (show them videos of the 90s) , whatever it takes. fight hard for OUR club. If we as members dont fight hard then I think we can almost be guarenteed that the Club we love will be a footnote in history in less time than we can imagine. The world of professional sport is racing forwards and is not sticking around for passengers.
  19. I dont know how to get it done WJ but without a doubt it would be a massive statement to the media and most importantly , the players. we showed our frustration last week but now its time to get around the boys. they arent that [censored] and its not that they dont want to try. i refuse to believe it. they wouldnt have got to TAC cup if they were quitters. Its complete lack of confidence, trust in each other, trust in the "game plan" and [censored] poor morale. boycotting the club will only make things worse. In times of adversity its important to attack the situation in a way that in years to come you can look back and be proud of the way you fought through it. its going to be a hollow feeling when the Dees win a prelim and as a supporter you threw out your membership card a few years before. The club will bounce back.......providing some tough decisions are made this year by competent people...and I for one want to be able to say i stuck at it. I get the argument about "we've been patient long enough", and i am in full agreement with those that say heads must roll, but i implore everyone to stand by the club. We are the club. CEOs come and go, but us supporters ARE the MFC. Head over the footy guys. Lets turn this adversity into something ew can all look back on and be proud of the way it was confronted. Thats the message we want the players to hear and i believe every aspect of the club needs to apporach this year the same way.
  20. yeah demonstrative, that list of players you named were ordinary. what did gys ever do? moloney was useless last year. petterd, martin. rubbish picks. jurrah was great yes, but not in 2012 and i dont think his type would shine in a team so low on confidence.
  21. its too easy for the supporters to opt out of this and fall away in droves. thats what all the other clubs in the past with poor performances have done. lets make a statement. we are bigger and better than that. and although we arent going to tolerate the poor efforts from the admin, coaches, players, we as a club will not meekly fall away. the supporters are the one constant of a footy club. everyone else comes and goes but this is our club.
  22. Wizza, [censored] fantastic idea mate. lets get this done. the media will have the knives out this week. lets give them something back to show the club isnt finished. for the boys to rock up to a session at the paddock with a few thouand supporters there it would be a massive show of support. round 1 was the time to show our patience had run out. rd 3 is the time to get around the boys and do what we can to pull them through this [censored].
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